Dad (H/C)

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(A/N)Am I projecting onto Jason? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you're done with my emotional bullshit. xoxo, Gossip Girl.


"Hey, Peter, umm...I wanted to ask you about something."

Peter looked up from his bed where he was doing homework over to where his roommate, Jason, was sitting and reading a book.

The hairs on his arm raised, along with his heart rate. Anxieties flew through him at lightning speeds; he pulled on his hard hat to prepare for the bomb he knew was about to drop. He had been expecting it ever since that moment a few weeks ago when Jason had pulled him into the kiss with his dreamy arms.

Peter took a deep breath and nodded, anticipating the worst,

"Yeah. You can talk to me about whatever."

Jason drew back slightly and Peter instantly knew that was probably the wrong thing to say. Jason looked away and wrapped his arms around himself,

"Are you sure?"

Peter tilted his head and offered a small tentative smile,

"Of course I am."

Jason drew a deep breath in and spat out the poison that had been simmering in his stomach for the past few weeks,


Peter blinked hard a few times, taking a moment to process what Jason had just said...


"...why do you ask?"

Jason attempted a nonchalant shrug--that was the least convincing thing ever--and brushed it off,

"No reason."

Peter slowly closed the textbook that was sitting impatiently in his lap and set it aside. His homework could wait.


What was he supposed to say? It's not like he knew what was normal concerning fathers; this wasn't exactly his area of expertise. But cussing a child out...that couldn't be normal, could it? And even if it was, it wasn't okay...right?

"You know my dad. You know he just...ignores me. So..."

"Y-you're right. I don't know why I'm stressing about this it's not even that bad. Just, forget I said anything-"

"What? No no, no no,"

Peter got up and walked over to where Jason was across the room, taking note of the small flinch when he reached out to place a comforting hand on Jason's bicep,

"I wasn't saying that your's isn't bad. In fact, if your dad does cuss you out, that's probably a problem. I was just saying...I'm not sure. I'm just not exactly a good judge of what is and isn't normal when it comes to dads..."

Jason took a deep breath and blinked as if he was trying to clear his vision,

"But like...before he got all...weird...did he ever cuss you out? Whenever he got angry?"

It didn't take Peter any deep digging to know what the answer was: no. No, his father would never cuss him out. That's ridiculous.

"No, never. I was just a little kid. And don't think he would've cussed me out if I was older. Dads aren't supposed to do that."

Once again, Peter realized a bit too late that what he said probably wasn't the best option, watching Jason's arms wrap tighter around himself and his face scrunch up in an effort not to cry. Peter's eyes widened and he took a step towards Jason with half-hearted outstretched arms, not anticipating to feel his boyfriend's full weight crash onto him like beach waves on the sand. 

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