「Deep blue sea」Jade&Floyd x short!reader

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「Deep blue sea」Jade&Floyd short!reader scenario

A/N: I.. think I kinda messed this up, sorry LaVione and Zenolike45 !I mix two or your requests together and it's so short >.< sorry!

|Jade 🍄


•Luckily Jade is gentleman enough not to just tease you 24/7 or pick you up then spin you around with 70% chances to fall and hurt himself and you.

•And Yes, I was talking about Floyd.

•He won't tease you a lot but he'll tease you(understand?) just a little less than Floyd.

•Gives nicknames, a very cute nickname, I mean, pet names! Yes!

•Pats your head, bends down to kiss your forehead or the crown of your head.

•Sometimes put things in a higher place to tease you about how 'small' you are.

•But He never dares to cross the border of personal space.

•If you need his help to get objects, oh, call him and he'll come rush to you!

•Always pick you up, but not spin you around like a carousel. And yes, I mean Floyd.

|Floyd 🐬

•Will tease you like I mentioned in Jade's headcanons.

•And that tease mean, teasing relentlessly, 24/7.

"Fugu*-Chan ~~"

"No Floyd, let me work peacefully, once."

•Loves the way you pout when he tease you, and would tease you 'till he gets to see that face again.

•Will stop and apologize if he crossed the border, yup, you gets to see him apologize a few times per day.

•Like I mentioned before, the picking you up and spinning around like a freshly married couple.

"Fugu-Chan~~~~" Floyd ran at you in full speed while stretching his arms forward. "No, not again!" (Y/N) said as she was being picked up by Floyd then he skinned her around while laughing.

•Yup, once he fell and lose a grip on you. Then when you opened your eyes, you saw him laughing while you are sitting on

His torso.

A/N: Okay! Explaining time! Fugu (フグ)- puffer fish! This name was given by him because puffer fish reminded him of you when you puff your cheek out while he tease you. Have a nice day, guys!

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