「Daybreaks date!」Jamil x Reader

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「Daybreak date!」Jamil x reader

A/N: this request is an extra orange cake sweet fluff,  ! Here! Maybe short but I tried!

A couple walked down the street, the female, (Y/N) and the male, Jamil Viper.

"Please~~! Can we play the carousel~ please~~! >^<" (Y/N) clinched to Jamil's arm tightly as she whined like a kid. "Fine.. this is a date to compensate our last date, right?" Jamil answered as he smiled softly. (Y/N) giggled as she holds Jamil's hand. About the last date, it was near the test and they have to tutor themselves to prepare for the exam and they didn't go out that weekend.

"Cotton candy! Of course, how can we come here without eating this masterpiece ~!" (Y/N) beamed, But this time, Jamil didn't sighed in annoyance, he just smiled.His girlfriend is childish and cute, how could he ever get tired of her?

Jamil watched as his girlfriend bounced to the cotton candy booth. As she (always) picked the sweetest and the cutest color, rainbow unicorn.

"Jamil~~~~~~ here!" (Y/N) handed him an enormous cotton candy, as she started nibbling on the other side of the cotton candy. Jamil smiles at the childishness of his girlfriend as he started eating the other side too.

"Hmm.. the tickets of the carousel.. the time is 20:35.... 20:35..." Jamil said as he nibbles on the last piece of the cotton candy. (Y/N), who was now on the verge of sleeping, because she bounced all around earlier... "20.35!" Jamil suddenly bursted out, yes, because the time now is 20:25 and if he didn't realize that fact, or he realized too late. The wouldn't have been along for the ride then.

Jamil suddenly pulled (Y/N) up from the bench, then dragged (Y/N) to the carousel. "We need to hurry.." he mumbled.

~~🎠 •🎠~~

The carousel glowed brightly at night. As the same couple sat on the same horse. "The night sky is beautiful, isn't it?" (Y/N) mumbled as she looked up to the sky. "Not as beautiful as you.." Jamil whispered as he blushed deeply, But (Y/N) heard it anyway, as she turned and smiled at him. Jamil felt his cheeks heated up as he changed the subject. "Look, the fireworks" he said, glad that he could changed the subject and have a small chance to look at (Y/N) amazed face. She could never get tired of these wonderful things... "(Y/N).." Jamil said. "Yes?" (Y/N) answered as Jamil tilted (Y/N)'s chin up softly then kissed her softly. They closed their eyes in the kissed as the fireworks lights up the sky around them..

A/N: The science teacher is going to walk this way—- gotta publish this quickly ~

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