Chapter 1: Memories

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A character wakes up and remembers all the memories of his or her past life. You see, a typical isekai novel. That was exactly what happened to the 19-year-old Benjamin who was a physics major, who was suddenly hit by a truck while trying to cross the road and became Sol in this fantasy world.

A powerful wizard with hair as red as blood living on top of 'The mountain of no return', two birds that are star-crossed lovers trying to find each other and when they do the entire world will fall into ruin....... these were part of the setting of the novel Sol had read in his previous life.

Sol couldn't remember much of the book he read, but it was about a world where an apocalypse would dawn upon. Gods and demons would descend upon land and have a war that would lead towards doom. The main character: the genius third prince of the Calypso kingdom, hated the gods and demons for using humans for their selfish desires and ended up killing all of them.

At the beginning of these apocalypse scenarios most people who died were the poor, of course the exempt either, but they had a better chance of survival as they had better equipment and people under their command

"Sol, you punk! What the hell are you daydreaming about? Hurry up, and chop the wood, once the mist comes we're gonna have to move inside." The old man said covered in sweat.

As he started to cut down another tree in the forest, the smell of wood and sound of birds chirping lingered in the air

"Old man, you are the one who has to hurry, I have done thrice the amount of work you did," Sol said smugly as he pushed his dark hair away from his brown eyes.

"Talk more crap and you'll have to sleep hungry tonight, punk."

This grumpy old man was the one who took care of Sol when he was left alone in this village, he gave him food and shelter and in return Sol helped the man with his work. His name was Carl, commoners didn't get to have last names, its cliche, but this was a novel.

The old man lived in the shabby hut on the outskirts of the village, he supplied the entire village with firewood and things he found in the forest.

There was still three months time till the novels apocalypse scenarios started, so Sol had to travel to Sebet's capital city to make money and meet the protagonist. He could barely survive the winter, there was no way a side character like him would survive without the power of money, If not money at least he could meet the main character. The 3rd Prince often travelled to the Sebet kingdom to meet with an old friend of his.

"Brother Sol, you are here!!!"

"Where are the jungle fruits?"

"Did you see any monsters today?"

The kids bombard him with questions as he carried the firewood inside the small store.These kids were orphans just like him that Carl insisted on taking under his wing.

"Kids these days...... so annoying," Sol grunted

the old man nonchalantly replied "Well if it makes you feel any better your a kid yourself Sol,"

Sol rolled his eyes at the old man's comment as he headed inside. These peaceful days would not last long. It was only a matter of time before the meteorite shower that will wipe out more than half of humanity. The protagonist loses all the people around him as they died protecting him.

The people here have magic powers from their souls and when they use more power than they could generate they would 'burn out' or die from magic loss. He however did'nt have any sort of magic power because his soul  originally didn't belong to this world. Apparently 'Sol' meant 'Sun' but right now he felt like he was the 'Sol' who was 'So Out of Luck'.

"I have to go the city." Sol stated

"When are you gonna leave then?" asked Carl who had an unusual expression on his face

"Are you really gonna let me leave? Just like that?"

"Well, its not like I can tie you down in this tiny village your still young, work hard and you'll have a bright future," Carl said with a warm look in his eyes which was solemn seen on him.

"Your right you can't tie me down here, but your guys are the closest to be called my family. I'll return one day and when i do ill make sure to get you out of this shabby place" 

"Punk what the hell are you calling shabby!" The old man said as he got back to his usual self.

It was decided that Sol would leave for the Capital of the Sebet kingdom, which was the closest city to this remote village. It took about 3 days to get to the train station and 2 days to the Capital city by train. That was how remote this tiny village was.....

"Brother Sol, are you really going to leave us?"

"If it's for money, we promise to work extra hard from tomorrow so please don't go"

"Brother Sol..."

All the children looked at him with sad eyes even though this person was a demon to them they still couldn't part ways with their dear Brother.

Sol frowned looking at the children crying and said, "It won't be long, I promise to come back as soon as possible and when I do ill will bring many presents for all of you from the city"

The children however still didn't want to let him go, but they settled for the presents and immediately prepared a list of what they wanted , handed it to him the night before he had to start the lengthy journey.

 He could not let anybody die. They were a family that he had to protect; they were his family. The young man said his goodbyes and started his journey right before the mist cleared. It was a little foggy, but he could still see fine.

Sol walked for half an hour before stopping near the gate of the village

'this is goodbye for now I guess' he thought before he saw a flame like creature fly past the gate in front of him as the mist finally cleared.

"Is that a bird?" He thought aloud.

"Who the heck are you calling a bird? I'm the mighty Pheonix and I am more of a God," said a majestic creature in front of him.

A Pheonix? The legendary Pheonix. Sol was star struck for a moment, but he couldn't remember a Pheonix being mentioned in the novel. He didn't know at that time that the mighty being would shatter all his plans.


<This is my first novel so please excuse me for any errors as i am not very experienced, feel free to point out any errors that need to be corrected. I will try my best to upload the chapters on a regular shedule. And Thank you... for reading!>

Dedicated to V

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