Chapter 5: The Protagonist

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There was destruction everywhere, fire was spreading throughout the village and smoke covered the sky. Sol ran to find Carl and the kids. His knees were getting weak, but he ran hastily towards the forest and found the house they lived in. He stumbled as he braced himself and kicked the door open.

Inside were the dead bodies of his family, of Carl and the children, whom he loved so much covered in blood. It was a horrible sight. Sol felt his heart sink. He couldn't take a step forward. He was so destroyed by the sight that even tears weren't coming out of his eyes; he choked.

Sol squinted his eyes from the bright light coming out of the window and he took deep breaths to calm himself. A layer of sweat covered him.

thank goodness it was a dream, but it felt a little way too real to be just a dream

Looking around the room he realised that he was in a hospital, the guy from last night probably brought him here.

He took a shower and headed outside to take a breather. It was bustling outside, the smell of fresh buns with curry and the breeze of sea lingered in the air. Tall towers decorated with glistening gold were everywhere, and merchants outside were selling everything from fish to slaves. This was the capital city of Sebet.

He bought a tent and set up a small shop to sell things he had gathered in the mist village and the forest of darkness. The shop was an instant hit because there were rarely any merchants from that area. Before he knew it was time to close the shop.

As Sol head towards his inn, a popular and slightly pricer inn the previous experience was still traumatizing to him, he saw a blond-haired man with red eyes; it was obvious who he was.

"The inn is pretty good, isn't it?" Sol asked the man, hoping to make some kind of small talk.

The man observed Sol for a moment and sighed, "Get to the point"

"Can we go somewhere a bit more private"

At that, the man looked at Sol as if he was calculating the odds and nodded. He probably decided that because Sol was too weak to do any damage to him, anyway.

They held the meeting in the blonde man's room. The room was enormous and grand. You could say it was fit for a prince.

"What do you have to say?"

"I need your help with a future Apocalypse"

The prince was very cautious and practical, so if Sol said he read a book and dreamt it all up, there was no way the prince was going to belive it.

"What Apocalypse?" the puzzled price asked

"I can see the future, well sort of" It was true

The prince sighed. This was stupid but he needed the Prince's help if he wanted to survive

"I know you are Arthur Flynn Calypso, the 3rd prince of the Calypso kingdom," Sol said confidently

"If you know then stop lying and I will spare your life." The prince said emotionlessly.

"I am not lying, I can prove it"

"All right, I will give you one chance and if you waste my time, I will give you a punishment worse than death." The prince said smirking

"The city will be submerged in the sea, in a few days"

"That sounds ridiculous, considering what all the stats show that there won't be a rise in the sea level. I don't even know why I am listening anymore"

"It won't be the sea rising this time,"

The entire capital got submerged underwater due to an unknown portal opening in the capital city. It wasn't clear why the author even wrote about the portal. But it happened in the novel, so it will probably happen in this reality too.

"I will see you again" he paused and continued "If you do know the future, you might know if I will kill you or not, won't you?" 

Suddenly Sol was outside the room, and he felt like he had to puke. That bastard used teleportation magic. This bastard could use teleportation magic before the scenarios? The Novel didn't really explain what happened before the apocalypse, so there was no way that Sol would know about this. 


The next day Sol ordered room service and was ready to have his meal when suddenly a man popped into his room. It was the prince bastard.

"So?" Sol said, pretending that he wasn't shocked in the first place.

"You were right about the land sinking"

Sol nodded

"I had the barrier up last night as a security measure because of what you said and thus the city is saved, thanks to you"

"What do you want to say?" Sol said smugly

"I will listen to what you have to say"

Sol took the chance explained to the prince about how gods and demons might descend in the future.

By the end, the price had slightly raised his eyebrow, and his hand was covering his mouth.

Sol continued, "I want us to be partners when that happens"

"Partners?" The prince calculated the gain and the loss and reluctantly nodded.

"When the scenarios begin I want us to help each other out, you know"

"Why should I take you as my partner?"

"Because I know the scenarios already, I can help you save the world with very little people dying" Sol said smirking he knew, he won the aurgument already.To a prince the people's lives matter the most and that applied more to prince Arthur than anyone else.

The Prince crossed his arms as he calculated his gains and loses, he sighed "Fine, if you hold me back I won't think twice about leaving you behind"

the prince then contiued to mumble about sending Sol to 'the Silver-rose Knight Order' for training because of how crappy his fighting style was. 

 "You can't order me around my prince, we are partners after all"

"But you will have to do it after your pathetic excuse of a fight with the mimics "

"Fine, I will do it. Thanks for saving me by the way" Sol said defeated. Was it really that bad, though?

"call me Flynn when we are out, I tend to go with my middle name as my guise"

"You can call me Sol," He said smiling as the sky became the sea.


<Thank you, everyone for sticking with me for five chapters and a special thanks for those who voted and commented thank you very, very much>

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