Chapter 8: The 1st Scenario (2)

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*cough* *cough*

The smoke filled the air and all the houses were ablaze and a few people started attacking each other.

"This is boring, I know what to do. How about a time limit?" said the merciless stag.

Another screen appeared in front of them


<A time limit has been set >

Remaining time: 59:00:00>


One hour? It baffled Sol how little value life was in this novel. The entire village was full of screams and despair as people killed one another.

A group of people approached Sol as he hugged the children

"We are so sorry, but please die," said the leader of the group pleaded Sol

the situation was seriously messed up.

"Everyone clam down, and please stop fighting with each other, this will not solve anything" Sol begged the villagers

The villagers still attacked him, Sol only defended himself and not once attacking anyone. Someone struck an axe into his legs as he screamed in pain. Everyone was separated and Carl was desperately trying to protect the children.

"Please don't harm them, they are just children. You can kill me if you want," Carl begged on his knees.

"Alright old man, I will kill you in one clean strike," said the man about to kill Carl

The children's faces were soaked in tears as the man lifted his sword, but the sword never struck Carl and instead the man fell down bleeding to death as an unknown sword pierced through him.

"Don't you dare touch my family" said Sol, completely soaked in blood.

Carl and the children were petrified by the sight, and Cynthia pushed back anyone who got close to the family.

Sol could not do anything, there was no way Carl or the kids would kill anyone even if it was to save their own lives.

It all happened as if it was in slow motion the dialog box appeared


<Remaining time: 00:00:00>


"That is it, now the souls of all the people who did not kill will go to the Sun," The stag said as he was about to snap his fingers. 

In the novel all the people who died would ultimately end up in the sun, as sun was considered the source of life itself

"Wait" someone shouted as three beautiful angles descended upon the earth

No one understood what was happening apart from Cynthia, who had a knowing look in her eyes. She knew that it was her friend Uriel who was helping her.

"We are the angles of Eden and we wish to be the guardians of these children" the angle in the middle said pointing at the three children.

Nothing was mentioned about angels choosing to someone's guardian in the novel. Either way, Sol was overjoyed that there was a way to save the kids.

The quiet one among the children stepped forward

"Little boy, you willing to take me as your guardian?" The angel asked

the little boy nodded his head, keeping his eyes stuck to the ground

The archangel smiled, "I Barachiel, archangel of Eden shall be this child's guardian and bless this child. This child shall now be known as Aaron."

The other two angles Jeanne and Eleanor blessed the other two children and named them Nero and Everret.

The stag's smile died down, "You children got lucky this time"

In this world, the Stags did not have the authority to kill a child of god of their own will. The three children were saved 

But luck wasn't on Carl's side, his soul was barely hanging on to his body. Sol and the children gathered around Carl, their eyes filled with tears.

"Sol, please protect the kids," He said breathing heavily

"yes" Sol couldn't say anything more, he could not believe that this was it.

"Grandpa Carl, please just stay with us," the children cried.

The only people who were alive from the village were Sol, Cynthia, Aaron, Nero and Everret.

"Now, we shall proceed with the tutorial" said the stag without an inch of remorse, he explained,

"When you say status a dialog box will appear, in it will be your stats of physic, speed, magic and the skills and abilities given by your guardian. The abilities or skills given by a guardian are a blessing, meaning they will not cost you any magic of your own. But they will have consequences and rules. Now try opening your status"

"status!" everyone said simultaneously

A dialog box appeared in front of everyone



Phy: 10     Speed: 7     Magic: 0


you do not have a guardian yet


Sol's hair fluttered from the slight wind as looked towards the tiny little village from the tip of the mountain. The Pheonix silently sat next to him.

"Why am I so pathetic, I... I tried to save them and instead ended up killing more people," Sol said as his vision blurred with tears

"With all your big talk before I forgot that you were just a kid, everyone makes mistakes, even me, but what matters is not to dwell in the past and look towards the bright future ahead," The Pheonix said

None of them spoke as they watched the sun rise.


<Thanks a lot guys our story finally reached 100 votes, I am ever so grateful to you. If you like the story make sure to vote and comment below. Thank you>

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