𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

690 27 16

{No one's P.O.V}

Upon Y/N  finally opening her eyes to the world of Daemos once again, she realized she was cuddling with something...

Her eyes widen at the sight of a cat with blackish grey fur... 

'W-when did this get here..? A-and where is Zex..?' She instantly thought

She then slowly removed myself from the cat and shuffled back a few inches, feeling pain in her ankle still, but she didn't care in the slightest. From a slight distance, Y/N stared at the small creature.

The dark fured creature laid there with closed eyes. A scar over it's left eye--- This cat kinda reminds her of Zex....

'Wait... What is a cat doing here out of all places? How did it get here..?' She asked to herself mentally

"Did... I dream..?" She trailed off

Y/N then began looking around the room she was in, catching her sights on a familiar Saber....
The saber from that palace guard she killed.

'Nope! Deferentially not a dream!' She reassured herself

But even knowing it wasn't a dream. She started to wonder another thing... Where was Zex? And why was there a cat instead of him?

She decided to let her curiosity get the best of her and picked up the furry creature, holding it in both of her arms as it laid still, soundly sleeping.
She began to hear slight purr's erupt from the cat, it then snuggled into her arm. She couldn't help but let a smile creep onto her lips.

'Such a cute cat... I wonder if I'm allowed to keep it...' She thought to herself

She then decides to place the cat onto her lap and gathered the crafted horns as well as the protective coating.
Using a dry brush from her bag, she coat the horns with it. Making the horns have a shiny texture to it. 
While doing this, Y/N was making sure she was careful when doing this. Not only because she didn't want to accidentally waste her only supply on hand, but as well as the fact she didn't want any of the coating to get on the sleeping feline.

Once she finished, she places the horns beside her to dry, but by doing that, she ends up waking up the cat. Also known as Zex.

"Meow...." The cat let out in a deep tone

'HOLY--- Okay, what is with all of the the incredibly deep voices I've been hearing for the past..uhm... days...!?' She exclaimed in her mind

"Uhh, sorry about that little fella, I didn't mean to wake you" she said in a soft tone, petting the cat who now rolled onto it's back

"Meow..!" The cat was now staring daggers at Y/N

"Oh... Come on, every cat likes getting affection... How about here..?" she questioned, moving her hand behind the cats ear and began scratching behind it slightly

"MEOW..!!" The cat was more angered now

"Ugh... fine, how about....here?" she then began scratching under it's chin

This time, the cat didn't give an annoyed response. Instead, the feline started to purr again, though it looked still irritated... 

'Maybe because I woke it up from it's nap...' Y/N thought

But little did she know, it's because the feline... also known as Zex. Didn't like the fact she was touching him so carelessly.

"I know this is odd to say cat... But you remind me of this guy I recently met..." Y/N mentioned, continuing to show affection to Zex's cat spirit form

{Untamed Hearts} Zex X Reader {My Inner Demons Aphmau} {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now