𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 10

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Today is the day.

I decided I needed to go back home. I decided I needed to find Ava.

By staying like this constantly... Being useless....

Ava might be in danger right now.

And so, I need to leave.

I don't know why, but I feel like i'm betraying Zex this way.
I did say I would stay here, didn't I...?

But I really needed to make sure that she's okay.

But... the main question on my mind is where she is.

Maybe I could meet up with those other Daemos again and help as much as I can...
They want to find her. Help her. Protect her.

Something i'm not able to do while I'm here as a stranded duck.

Zex isn't here right now, I can make my escape like last time.

I grabbed my weapon and my bag. And then, I headed out to find the daemos.

My head is instantly filled with thoughts.

Where would they be? Will I be able to find them? What happens if Zex comes back and i'm not here? Will he try and find me?

But, even with these thoughts, I focused on my main goal.

Finding Ava.

Luckily, Zex wasn't here in the old house as of this moment.
He went back to that usual castle he goes to for "special business", whatever that means.

So, while he was gone, I made my escape into the mysterious and beautiful looming forest ahead.

Let's just hope luck is on my side to find them without any troubles..!

And for what felt like hours of running, killing monsters, avoiding guards and some other stuff that is... questionable... I saw some familiar figures in the faint light of the forest. The figures of... the daemos.


I dashed towards them with the remaining speed I had left.

"H-hey..! Daemos" I huffed, running towards them

They turn around to see me, eyes slightly widening.

"Y-you're back..!" Rhys said a little surprised

"Why are you back here? Are you going to just run away like last time?" Leif asked, slightly scowling at me

"I-I'm... here to help find Ava" I say, a little out of breath

"...We can find her just fine without you" Asch stated, sounding a little more cold than last time I brought up the matter

"Prince Asch. I'll tell you this again, we need her to come along with us whether we like it or not. Ava will be furious and worried" Rhys explains to Asch, slightly glaring at him

Asch lets out a slight scoff, before taking his gaze elsewhere.
I stared at the other Daemos and began to talk to them about their search.

"So, have you searched everywhere on daemos?" I asked

"We basically have. The entirety of the forest is a definite, the neighboring kingdoms, other tribes and smaller camps.... Even a lot of the ancient ruins.... But there's no sign of Ava...." Rhys explains

"Are you sure you searched everywhere?" I asked

"Yes!-- wait. actually... The only place we didn't search is--" Leif was cut off

"Asch's castle...." Noi mutters

"Would she really be there?" Peirce asked

"There is the only likely place... Since we have looked everywhere else" Rhys says

"Okay, then! Then let's get going! What's the hold up?" I asked

Silence filled the air.
I now understand why none of them want to go there.

"In that case then.... We can still sneak around!" I mentioned

"Though... That will be quite difficult with the amount of guards that are now patrolling. We did pass the castle earlier and it was clear to see that they upped the amount of guards they usually have by at least double" Rhys mutters, slight worry was plastered onto his face

"Well, then we can just take the high ground!" I state, with a small smile

"High....ground?" Asch questions

"For example, getting on higher ground. That's usually how assassins and such other people sneak into places undetected from the people on lower levels. It's- like- one of the most common rpg killing game strategies known to all gamers" I explain

"Yeahh, I get you. I use to do that quite a lot actually" Leif agreed, giving a toothy grin

"If we all agree to that, then we'll be able to search the castle to some extent" I say "agreed?"


And so, we made off to Asch's castle.
Wherever that place is. It seems to be quite dangerous.

I really am hoping Ava is there...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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{Untamed Hearts} Zex X Reader {My Inner Demons Aphmau} {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now