𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9

639 24 2

(Your P.O.V)

This castle is soooo sketchy, you have to admit. It's like something you'd see in one of those over-budget fantasy movies.
Dark, mysterious, yet so mesmerizing and beautiful. That's what draws you in more and more to it.

Me and Zex were just walking in silence. Nothing being said between the two of us. Mainly because we were basically sneaking around the palace.

I'm guessing we're-- I mean. I'm not welcomed here. That's why we have to sneak around.

But even then, it still kinda makes me realize.... Eh, nevermind.

Even though we didn't exchange a word to one another, the silence was good. It was comforting. Without words, only our movements and actions could fill this uncomfortable silence.

Sounds weird describing it like that, huh?

Well, I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking it's weird, it's even weird for me saying this.

Whisking and weaving through hallways and corridors, we finally made our way to a... certain room.

Upon getting there, Zex pauses for a few moments before he went to open the door of the room to reveal an empty bedroom.

"hmmm? Oh Zex, what are you trying to suggest?" I say jokingly

He rolls his eyes at me, knowing my intentions and he closed the door to the empty room again, walking away.

"Hey, what was that for? What are we even here for?" I asked, catching up to him

"...It's really none of your business" He replied

More silence fills the air, and I couldn't help but feel bored.
Is it a bad thing that I'd rather be back at the abandoned shack house again?

At any chance I'd get I would try to strike up a conversation with Zex, but he'd just straight out ignore me or just reply with 'hums' or even just one liners.
Like, come on bruv.

Why won't you just talk to me..?

(Zex's P.O.V)

She's been trying to talk with me a lot recently. Why is she being so needy?

I don't even think that's the worst part about it...
She's up to something. Just her voice and presence alone is making me feel... strange.

I don't like it. Not one bit.


I should stop thinking about this. I've been having these thoughts too much lately.

All I need to do is just to focus on my mission I was given by Lady Bish.
And while doing so, I need to complete my goal.

(TIME SKIP! And also, your P.O.V)

To sum up everything that went down, we walked around that damn palace for what felt like years and we came straight back to the shack.

Seriously, is that what he does on a daily basis? It's sooooooooo boring!!!

Though, I was glad he allowed me to go with him, but for someone of his status... I'd think he would be more important to such a story. I mean- Asch and the others did tell me about him and how he's dangerous.... But to me. He's not at all.

He seems really kind and caring in his own way. It's just hard for him to show it at times...

The countless times he showed his kindness through his words and actions....

Why wouldn't I think good of him after all he's done for me?

After all... I'd be dead if it wasn't because of him...

And I'm thinking about this. All while staring up at the broken down and slowly decaying ceiling of this old wooden shack. As well as with Zex laying down next to me.

He seems to be tired. He is sleeping beside me on the ground after all.

This is actually.... one of the first times I've seen him sleep so peacefully...

I wonder....

I managed to sit up and slide myself closer to Zex's sleeping form.
As I began leaning in, I stared at him more and more. Gazing at every inch and speck of his face.

He's really hot.

And he'd probably make fun of me for saying something like that, or maybe even not take me serious at all. Wait- do people on Daemos even know the meaning of "hot" other than the heat and light source?

Who knows, earth slang would be totally other worldly to these demons...

As I grew closer to Zex, his eyes snap open immediately.... and so did mine upon seeing him awake.

"What? Are you finally trying to kill me?" He asked bluntly, voice monotoned

I distanced myself from him and averted my eyes from him.

"I could, but I decided against it" I huffed out

Yeah, like I'd actually tell you the real reason I was so close to you.
Joking about killing you seems like a better option, to be honest.

"Dagger is over there, make it quick. See if you have the instincts of a killer after all that mushy talk you threw earlier" Zex said, turning over and closing his eyes again

"...What?" I asked him, staring at his turned over form

"If you can kill anyone and anything. You can kill me and escape. That's what you've wanted for the longest time, right?" Zex chuckled

"...You're joking, right?" I asked

"Grab the dagger and see if I'm joking" He says, motioning to the dagger on the table in the corner of the room


I decided to stand up and walk over to the table.

'He's actually going to let me..? Will he actually...?'

I grabbed his dagger, getting my hand comfortable with gripping such a weapon.

'It's been a while since I've held one of these...'
'Am I actually going to be able to kill someone like Zex..?'

'Am I actually able to kill someone who's shown me nothing but kindness and care ever since he took me in..?'

I walked back over to where he was lying and I sat down behind him like before, dagger in hand.
Turning over to him, I raised the dagger up.

'Am I actually...?'

I tried to move my hands down to get the blade to pierce into him, but all I did was drop the dagger onto his body. Only the handle really knocked into him.

"...That was a really pathetic attempt" Zex chuckles, still not turning over

"Sh-shut up!" I barked

Seriously. What is wrong with me...?!

I was angry at him. And now... UGH! I'm confused.

"It's useless. You lost all that killing instinct in you. Unless your life is in danger, you don't kill anyone like you use to" Zex muttered

"...Seriously. What the hell are you talking about" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone

"I've just observed you long enough to know these things. You're pretty easy to read" He says

"H-hey! I am NOT!" I said

And after that, he didn't reply.

"God, I'm actually starting to hate you..." I hissed

But I knew that was a complete lie. Because as I stared at him more and more...
My heart continued to flutter ever so high.

{Untamed Hearts} Zex X Reader {My Inner Demons Aphmau} {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now