𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 8

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{Your P.O.V still}

I asked them many questions.

We exchanged names and I figured out who each of them where. Asch, the hot topic tsundere. Rhys, the reliable and intelligent bookworm. Leif, the kill happy assassin. Noi, the innocent cinnamon roll. And Pierce, the quiet and strong gentle giant.

Those prosonas, I've seen in so many shows, whither it's anime or normal tv drama's, these personalities I have liked and disliked through the history of my time. I love them, but usually only depending on how much I like the characters.

Anyways, my questions have been answered.

Like, how they met Ava and how they were connected to her. Apparently they were with here for a month before the whole thing with Zex happened....

To be honest, I felt bad.

They really do seem to care about her... And right after they told me some basic information about Zex.... And the fact Rhys turned her into a Daemos, like-- what the hell!?.... They are now explaining their plan. To find Ava and save her. To take her away from his place and get me and her back home.

"I.... I.... I want to help find her as well" I said

"Huh? You do?" Leif asked

"Of course! She's my cousin and I want to find her!... I...I need to make sure she's safe" I said

That and because I want her to be okay.... I want her to live-- no... I need her to live.

"What's a mere human gonna do to help? If you try you're going to get yourself hurt or killed" Asch said

I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You've seen and fought many battles and I've seen and fought mine. I assure you, I am 100% capable"

I... I'm able to keep myself alive so far. So, I think i'm more than capable...

"It's better for her to come along with us" Rhys says

"Wh-wha--! Rhys!" Asch barked

"Prince Asch, our initial plan was to get Princess Ava and Y/N back to Earth where they belong, keeping Y/N with us would be the better option in my opinion" Rhys explains, adjusting his glasses

Asch let's out an annoyed groan at his words.

"As well as the fact that if we do let her roam free, Princess Ava would want us to find her regardless" Rhys mentions

"H-have any of you been able to find Ava yet?" I asked

I guess it's a no.

"Wh-what if someone else already found her? What if she's already..." Leif asked the others

"D-don't say that! She's fine! Sh-she'll be fine!" Noi raised his voice, clearly upset by Leif's words

"I agree with Noi" Pierce says, slightly glaring at Leif

"We... We shouldn't have that negativity going through our minds Leif" Rhys says

"Y-yeah! I-I know Ava! She won't be gone that easily! She's strong!" I stated

The thing is, I know she's going to be fine. If she could deal with 5 males with magical powers for about a month and not get caught by government officials, then she can deal with anything.

That's what I believe anyways...

"Fine... You're sticking with us until we can find Princess Ava..." Asch muttered

I smiled.
"Great. So, how about we keep looking then?" 

"B-but we've look everywhere and we couldn't find her anywhere..." Noi said in a sad tone

{Untamed Hearts} Zex X Reader {My Inner Demons Aphmau} {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now