16~ "she's not keeping it."

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•Nalia's P.O.V•

Somebody smack me.


After spending the rest of the week with Kylin, I kind of... may have... caught feelings?

I'm sorry! He's a funny guy and this past month he's been nothing but genuine.

Of course I liked him, everyone did but he knew that, my feelings were oblivious to him and I plan to keep it that way. I don't want it to become weird or awkward. We were planning our trip a day ahead outside at lunch, it was much warmer so eating outside didn't sound much of a problem.

"My parents are going away anyways," Asher shrugs as he takes a sip from his juice box.

From what I witnessed, he's a pretty amazing guy especially for Diamond.

I didn't have a calendar to check, my mother said it was alright to go as long as Diamond was going because she's the only friend she trusts.

Such a women.

"My dad would be too busy to even notice I'm gone," Diamond adds.

We all look at Kylin who was typing away on his phone, his fingers dancing rapidly across the screen as if he's aruging with someone through text. I nudged him and his head snapped up.

"What?" He must've notice the look we gave him because he continued to do what he was doing. "This was my idea, my plans are cleared either way."

My eyes roll. "Don't have to be so rude about it," I mumbled. I liked him but he can be such an ass most times.

"What was that?" He asked now looking at me. His gaze was so intense it made me squirm, the things this boy could do to me without even touching is remarkable.

"Nothing important," I waved him off trying to act as cool as possible.

I knew that as soon as I go home I would have a pack, I've never been away from home for spring break yet alone out of town. The lake house was six hours away, six hours that I'll have to be stuck in a car with Kylin, not that I minded. I was glad he chose to take his car instead of his motorcycle, that ride would have been really uncomfortable.

The bell rings and I stand to my feet instantly. I left my book in moms car luckily she let me drive it to school, well more like Kylin, it scares the shit out of him when I drive.

"I have to go get my book from the car," I tell him as we leave through the lunch doors.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked as he dodged a couple of people in the hallway.

I wanted to say yes so badly but my mind was screaming at me. "No I'm fine."

We part ways after he gave me a kiss on the cheek because people were looking. I quickly run out the school building and towards my mom's car, pulling out her keys and unlocking the front door.

"Figured your boyfriend would be with you," a voice startled me that I smacked my head on the top of the car.

"Ouch," I mumbled to myself grabbing my Spanish book and closing the door only to gasp when Dean was standing in front of me. He had a smirk on his face as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it on the ground.

"You pulled a dangerous move Nalia," his voice was low and he refers to that day he came over and basically attacked my mom.

"You think I was going to let you hurt my mother?" I ask with disbelief in my voice. "She's carrying your baby for God's sake!"

His eyes darkened as his hands clenched. "She's not keeping it."

"You don't know that," my mother isn't the type to give up her baby, I know that for a fact. He wants to believe it himself but he knows she's not getting rid of that baby.

I start to walk away, only to hear him chuckle behind me.

"You know, that boyfriend of yours isn't who he say he is."

He's just nagging now.

It was evident that him and Kylin had history but he's just saying things, for what exactly?

"You don't know anything," I turn towards him, attempting to defend Kylin but he smiles again, this one more creepy and perverted like.

"I know more than you do. I'm warning you sweetheart, he isn't the good guy."

I watched as his tall figure retreated across the parking lot and down the sidewalk leaving me alone. I was now beyond confused as to what he meant by that, Kylin wouldn't be too thrilled that I ran into Dean again but this time I wasn't determined to keep this one away from him.


I revised chapter 13 I believe.

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