Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

The first time Róisín ever met Eleanor Calder and Perrie Edwards, she was in one of Niall's jumpers and a pair of leggings with tomato sauce and long sticky strands of spaghetti still in her hair.

Needless to say, Louis had found that absolutely hilarious and would never let either one of them ever forget it, even though the only reason she was wearing Niall's jumper in the first place was because Louis himself had dropped his heaping plate of spaghetti down the front of her jumper not even five minutes before Eleanor and Perrie had walked in the door.

Everyone had been laughing and Róisín and Niall had both redder than Perrie's lipstick after that little comment, courtesy of Harry Styles.

Luckily, Perrie had dived in and saved the day by lending Róisín a spare black studded tunic shirt she had been carrying around, and then dragged her and a still-laughing Eleanor out to the shopping centre a few kilometers away from the flat.

It had taken a little while for Eleanor to stop laughing and be able to look Róisín in the eye without cracking a dirty joke about what she had dubbed "The Great Jumper Incident." Róisín still didn't understand why anyone thought it funny; in truth if she had been an observer she would not have found humour in it.

By this time, Róisín wasn't wholly convinced that Eleanor Jane Calder was entirely sane, either.

They stopped first at a cute little coffee shop, not the same one as Róisín always went to but she wasn't one to turn down coffee when it was practically handed to her.

"So, Róisín," Perrie began as they walked around the shopping centre, "how long have you been here in London?" She and Eleanor had no doubt picked up on her slight but still present Irish brogue.

Róisín took a sip of her coffee-not a latte this time, just completely plain coffee with crème and a bit of sugar-and said, "I've been here since I was about ten." She looked up and they were both looking at her expectantly so she continued, "I'll be twenty in December so it'll be ten years in February. My dad's job relocated him here right after I turned ten, so that's why we moved."

Eleanor turned to Perrie. "Didn't Niall just turn twenty this past September?"

Perrie smiled broadly. "Why, yes, so he did!"

Róisín rolled her eyes. They managed to bring Niall into every conversation they had had all afternoon.

"He also hasn't had a girlfriend in quite a long time...since before The X Factor," Perrie continued.

Róisín felt herself begin to go pink. Thank God on high that Eleanor and Perrie hadn't found out about the previous week's...kiss.

"That's an awfully long time, don't you think, Ro?" Eleanor said, turning to her. She had shortened her name to Róisín like mostly everyone else Róisín knew, because, if she did say so herself, it was a hassle to say her entire name.

"Well, I wouldn't know, I've never really had a proper boyfriend so how should I know how long they last or how long to go without?" she answered, immediately regretting it seeing the glint in Eleanor and Perrie's makeup rimmed eyes. They exchanged a gleeful glance.

"This. Is. Perfect," Eleanor said, grinning widely at Perrie. Róisín chose to ignore this and sipped at her coffee again, determined to not make eye contact with either of them.

She was, however, completely caught unawares by Eleanor when she grabbed her by the collar and sat her down at the nearest bench, sitting next to her and Perrie following.

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