Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Róisín still couldn't believe she was actually kissing Niall Horan.

She, Róisín Whelan, had never kissed a boy, had never even thought that she would be the one initiating a kiss, and she was really not expecting him to kiss back. She was so surprised she pulled away slightly.

"Um...I'm sorry?" she whispered tentatively. Niall's eyes were closed again as he breathed deeply.

"Don't be," he murmured. His breath tickled her face, his forehead pressed to hers once again.

"Then...I guess I'm not really sorry then," she whispered back.

He smiled softly and kissed her again. Róisín slowly reached her arms up and locked them around his neck while his wrapped around her waist. She was well aware that he was still shirtless but she tried her best to ignore it, though it was kind of hard to ignore when someone as good looking as Niall was kissing her and was also shirtless at the same time.

She felt herself slowly being backed up, and she didn't protest when her back hit the wall. She tentatively lifted her hands to his soft blonde hair and buried her fingers in its softness. She felt him smile against her lips.

She had no idea what she was doing, so she let Niall take the lead. One of his hands slipped from her waist to loop his fingers through her jeans beltloop, and pressed his other hand to the small of her back, under her shirt, but no further. When they finally came back for air, she rested her head in the crook of his neck. His hands gently ran through her hair.

"Is there any more food leftover from lunch?" he asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment. His fingers continued to run through her tangled and wavy reddish hued hair.

"Yes. We left some for you in the kitchen if you want it. You might need to reheat it, but it's pasta so it'll be good," she told him. He pulled away and walked to his drawers where he pulled out a white polo and threw it over his head. He grabbed a grey jumper to throw on over it. While he was doing this Róisín walked over to his bed and sat down. It was really comfy, so she lay down on her back and stared at his while ceiling.

"You have a comfy bed," she said aloud.

"Hm. Do I?" he asked, lying down on his side next to her. He pushed some of her hair out of her face.

"Thanks," she murmured.

He only smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead. "Come on, my lunch calls to me."


Róisín lay in her bed that night thinking about everything that had happened that day. She had woken up and gone to the café with Niall, then returned to their flat with him and made them lunch, almost kissed Niall, then later thrown herself at him and kissed him, then eaten more cookies than she thought was humanly possible and kept them down. Niall had walked her home (well, driven to the café as he usually did and then walking her from there, since their flats were at least twenty minutes away from each other by car). And, throughout the course of the day, she had kissed Niall multiple times.

They weren't a couple. That was certain; Niall had never mentioned it, and Róisín was content with whatever he wanted. Actually, she did want a relationship now that she thought of it, but was in no hurry. All of this was new to her and she had no idea what she was really doing so she just went along with what was happening.

Not long after, she fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, there was a bit of sun peaking through the dense clouds. Róisín sighed, snuggling into her pillows, not wanting to get up just yet. She grinned as her phone vibrated and Niall's name popped up, signaling she had a new text message from him.

the coffee shop girl // niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now