Chapter 0

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Life.. Cannot be explained how but is fun to live with. Then what about death?


The man heavily breathes while covering his chest with a hole in it. His body is covered in blood as he walked away from a floating Imperial Castle.

The stars shone all over the place. Countless worlds colliding and exploding. Universes at the brink of it's death caused by countless wars.

Then there is this man walking in the star forest.

"Ga--!" the man spat blood and because of too much blood loss he is unable to move anymore. He knew his time was coming to an end and had to do redo everything and forget everything in the past. 

"This time.. Promise me you wont fail.. AA--!" As the man kept bleeding from his wounds all over the body, he entered his own universe inside his soul. After he went inside the universe, tears started to flow out from his eyes and started to say "I promised you.. I promised.. AAAH!" He yelled with a deep manly voice that lies despair in it. The yell was so loud yet no one can hear him because he is alone. All the adversity and despair in his life, no one knew it and he couldn't do so because everything will perished before him if he told anyone about it.

Everyone knows that time is gold, yet to him. Time is his everything.

Despite what he was feeling, a man must take care of his responsibilities. He knows the do's and dont's at a situation like this.. 

If you promised someone.. Will you really take account of it? Will it be a liability? Will you cherish it? 

The man remembered those words.. he couldn't control his emotions more so he yelled a loud cry..


A large magic circle containing more than a million magic circles inside arise. Any being that possibly can see that the magic circle the man created is a piece that no one could ever create within just a few seconds in all the universes.

After  properly positioning the circles, It let out a loud sound of vibration that cracked the universe where the man is inside and leaked the noise outside.

The vibration reached the floating Imperial Castle and the higher being that was almost killed  sitting in his throne, with the a few breaths left, in less than a millisecond he warped towards the star forest.

"Ah.. Ahaha, what a life.." the man said to himself while grinning with tears flowing out.
He looked up to the endless sky and said "Such power I hold yet chaos is all it brings.."

The man walked like a dead without any life towards the circle he created. His blood was also dripping on the floor of his universe.

After he reached the middle of the circle. He Inhale deeply and his face began to become very serious and he forced his body to straighten. The cosmic dust of the universe, then started to gather into one point and that is his Magic Circle. 

Finally after a few seconds the circle is ready to be activated. So the man clenched
his fist tightly and with his determined will enraged the Heavens and the Natural Order of the universe outside.

"WHEEL OF DESTINY! ACTIVATE!" shouted by the Man.

The Magic Circle turned into a Magic Array now containing infinite essence that could suspend time and space of the Great Hundreds of Universe Realm for a moment.

"I suggest you stop your grudge against us, human." an alien like spoke with a voice that could be heard throughout the GHUR. 

The young man took a little glance towards the  higher being and said..
"All of you.. took everything that means to me. Now everything does not anymore makes sense." the man said.

The man wiped his tears, then yelled.
"Now ! It's my turn to take everything away from you!" 

 The Magic Array transformed into a wheel releasing rainbow like particles and spun so fast.

The man laughed so hard that he cough blood but that did not stop him from laughing.
Before him, the higher being that told him to stop his grudge.. Let out a tremendous force of mysterious power that enveloped the universe of the young man.

"Higher being my ass.. You couldn't even stopped my time reversal."

Despite of its power, the higher being was provoked that it couldn't hold on to his emotions anymore so he let out a force surpassing any other beings that can do. He yelled and yelled and the universe the young man has is starting to be crack open and so is the endless sky too outside the universe.

The Wheel of Destiny also started to crack because of this force.
The Universe became so quiet because of the overwhelming force being released from the Star Forest.

"YOU! - YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING MORE?!" yelled by the young man.

The Higher Being grinned like a maniac and said

The young man was shocked and suddenly he wanted to punch the face of this creature but he must not falter because of selfish wish so instead he fully activated the array.

A flash of light appeared in front of him and before he could open his eyes..
Even before he knew it.. He already lost his consciousness and died...

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