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Standing in front of the familiar house, your mind ran a trail of thoughts. 

Your love nest.

You yelped at being scooped up suddenly from behind.

"Gosh, you scared me.", you hit his chest before looping your hands around his neck.

Taehyung smiled stealing a quick peck from you and said,"Hun, let's go in our house, yeah?"

You nodded as he carried you inside.He gently laid you on the couch and ran towards to kitchen.

Seeing him taking much time, you decided to step in kitchen. The sight made you snicker. Taehyung shuffled through the cabinets, shelves and fridge with a big pout adorning his face.

"What happened?", you could roughly guess exactly what was happening.

"There's nothing. I barely ate when I stayed here alone.", he rambled as he kept on searching. You pursed your lips before walking to him and turning him to face you.

You cupped his face and tiptoeing placed a firm kiss on his lips. He froze for a moment before reciprocating. He smiled in the kiss and wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling you closer to him.

Pulling away he spoke, "I can't believe that we are together again. Those days without you were hell Hun.", he sighed deeply.

"I know.. Let's start again?", you leaned on his chest.

You looked up poking his chest and said, "We need to get married again."

Getting no response from him, you stepped back and found him smiling wide.

"Let me show you something.",he said and dragged you upstairs.

You felt overwhelmed, it was your shared bedroom.

Taehyung took your hand and pointed at the table, "This must have been the craziest thing I've done. Might be the blatant lie I've ever said to you."

 You gasped, a similar brown envelop laid on the table but the ring.. it was nowhere in sight.

You marched towards the table and grabbed the  envelop,covered ik flecks of dust.You took out the papers and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes before returning your gaze back to the papers.

The divorce papers, seemed like they were left untouched. It really was, because you could only see the parts filled your signatures, the other half was completely blank.

"I never signed those paper. I never divorced you Hun.", Taehyung spoke fiddling his fingers nervously.


"You really think getting divorced is that easy? You never got call, not even for a single hearing or settlements, because the paper were set right there untouched.", Taeyung explained, making a brief second of eye contact.

"But Joon.. He told me..."

"He knew about this. I had told him to feed you with some lies.", Taehyung caressed your arms,"I just wanted a second chance, a convincing. If it didn't work, I would have signed these papers. Today in the morning when I said that I'd be leaving you for good, I had made up my mind to sign the papers and set you free from Us."

You gaped at him in disbelief.

"And a bunny once said that Joon couldn't keep things to himself.", you huffed and stomped your foot.

"If you want, we can get married again..", he leaned in and whispered, "And I promise our honeymoon would be exciting than the previous one.", pulling away he winked at you.

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