Chapter 1: Welcome To Your New Hell

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AN// Okeeeeyyyy, well here goes nothing! The first chapter *cue drumroll, trumpets, the works* This is going to be my, shall we say, "serious" story. "I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen'" is purely for fun :). SO please tell me how you like/hate/are befuddled by this preaaase! Feedback, feedback, feedback! It makes the world go round! 


Chapter 1

Jock: Kendra? What the fuck is a Kendra? Ooooh, you mean that creepy chick? Haha, what a freak! I heard that she cast a spell on the last school she went to and that's why it-

Jock #2: Not cool man, NOT COOL. My friend like totally went there and he's fucking dead now.

Jock #3: Jesus christ man, you too? Fuck me...

I push open the warm lavender doors that invite me in to yet, another unforgiving high school. St. James Academy. Hopefully this one won't be the same as the last one, or end as the last one did. What an uneventful thing to happen.

I look around me and survey my new hell. Of course you can already notice the hush of teenagers, typical. This is just like any other high school. Even in this over-crowded school of the masses there seems to be a large gap between the whole student population and me. I lift my head and saunter to the school's head office. Well saunter is what I would love to do but girls like me don't saunter.

Girls like me with their dark eyes, almost menacing to see. Girls like me with an awkwardly small nose slapped on to the middle of their face. Girls like me with their wide but thin lips that never smile, but always turned into a frown. Girls like me with their dark hair and messy bangs covering almost all of their eyes and shielding them from the rest of the world.

I don't even know if there are girls like me but if you can find a 5 foot 5 inch socially outcasted freak, please, let me know. 

I look around, crap I think I've gone in the wrong direction? I just shrug and keep on walking around. One of the benefits of being me is that the hallway instantly clears up when I'm around, I never have to worry about huge crowds. It's not that I'm stinky or something obscure like that, that repels others from me like similar sided magnets that repel. It's my aura.

At every school I've been to, people always say I have a really dark vibe going around me, the kind that someone in the Mafia should give off. I don't know when it developed or if I was born like this but as far as I can see, I'm stuck with it. Though, I try to embrace this curse, I feel better off alone.

"See that girl..."

"Isn't she such a fre-"

"Ohmigawd someone call the police, I..."

So the rumors gossip has started already, huh? I finally found the office and stumbled to the front desk. "Hey YOU! You there you little hoodlum!" says a tiny old lady behind the desk. "Don't you try to pull anything off! You see that katana," she pointed to a curved sword wrapped in cloth. I wonder to myself, is that even allowed? " I can easily slice your head off and, and..."  

"BETTY!" an elderly woman yells and walk over to crazy sword woman giving her a pill and a glass of water. Surprisingly, Betty doesn't argue! "So child, how can I help you?" the woman says, taking Betty's place, "Ah yes, you're the transfer."

Before I can reply she hands me a sheet of paper, "Here you are Miss. McDougal ," though she says it as Mc-DOUG-al when it's supposed to be pronounced Mc-DOU(GH)-al, putting emphasis on the "g" and the "h." I was just about ready to correct the when she says, "You may show yourself out now," rudely interrupting me. 

I scurry out anyways and took a look at my schedule.


McDougal, Kendra...Grade 11

1.........................Child Development (5162)

2.........................P.E (3104)

3.........................Drawing1 (3276)

4.........................French2 (2209)


5.........................AP Literature (2117)

6.........................Human Studies (4260)

7.........................AP Calculus (4181)


Ugh, not the schedule I would have picked, actually I had no say since I'm starting this school in November, but I will have to do. I walk over to building 5 and make my way to 5162, Child Development. 

I open the door and try to be as quiet as I can. The first bell finally rings, beckoning everyone to dash to their classrooms and start the school day. I look in and get surprised, there are actual preschoolers here!

One tyke spots me and soon the rest, widening their eyes in fear, one even starts to cry.

This is going to be a long day.


How did you like it?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!??! >.< please comment! Thanks bunches for everyone that is reading :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2011 ⏰

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