Chapter 16: Speeches & Champagne.

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AN: It is now in May xD Damn me for going so fast.

Luke and Rachel are getting married today and I have no idea why they are so rushed with the wedding.

Its really funny though because today is Michael's and mine anniversary, and Luke and Rachel's wedding. Something tells me, I'm in for an exciting evening.

"Beautiful? We really need to widen your vocabulary." Brook tells Ashton. I spin around to look at them.

"How's: absolutely pretty in everything?" He questions.

"Little more work, but thank you."

"You two make me want to start a fandom around you. Stop being so adorable." I tell them riffling my curly hair.

"Look at you, Kasey!" Ashton says, "You look amazing!"

"Thank you. I have to look at least somewhat pretty, I'm the brides maid." I giggle spinning around. "Do I really look okay?"

"You look absolutely amazing." Michael's voice fills my ears. I smile as he enters the room. Luke had asked Michael to be his Best Man. It shocked me at first, but Michael and Luke have become real close these past months. Both taking turns helping me through the nights of relapses and such.

"Well look at you." I say smiling at him, "You look hot."

"Way to be blunt, Kasey," Ashton jokes ruffling my hair. He looks at Michael and gives him a nod. I thought this was weird but I ignored it.

"I love you." I whisper gripping his arms. He moves a piece of hair out of my face.

"I love you, too. More than you know."

"Come on, love birds, show time." Brook says. We turn to her and smile.

The music starts playing, signalling it was time for Michael and I to walk down with the flower girl and ring barrier. When everyone else was in place, Rachel comes down the isle. I hadn't seen her since yesterday and if I didn't know any better I would say she was glowing with happiness. She hands me the flowers and smiles. I smile back taking it. I have never seen either one of my best friends so happy before, I'm just glad Rachel can do what I cant.


When it was time for the toasting I was getting a little nervous. I had so much I could say about them and didn't know how to put it into words.

"Okay. So, I had been over and over what I was going to say and now, damn if I could even finish the first sentence." That made everyone laugh.

"Well, Luke, I've known you for almost 11 years. Those 11 years weren't always easy and believe me, we did fight, like cats and dogs." I say looking over at Luke, " But at the end of the day we always forgave each other."

"You've given me 11 years of nothing but fun and love. I'm so happy that you have finally found that one person that makes you truly happy." I had tears running down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away.

"Rachel, I've known you for about 7 or 8 years and you never cease to amaze me. Ever. The first year we knew each other, we didn't click. That second year though, we did. We were always together. You mean more to me than anyone else. You were there when I needed help when my father left. When it felt like the whole world was against me. "

"Hell there were nights I thought I was dying. But you sat through them because you wanted to make sure I was okay. I wanna tell you both thank you and I will stop rambling now." I say laughing softly. "I love you guys and I don't know about all of you, but I will drink to the happy couple." I take a swig of my champagne as the crowd does the same. Rachel stands up as I walk by hugging me tightly.

"Thank you." she whispers. I nod.

"Thank you."


When it was time for the dancing, Michael grabs my hand.

"Can you believe prom is next week and then graduation?" he whispers. I shake my head before putting my head on his chest.

"Not really. High school is almost over." I mumble, "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"My mum loves me, but I'm going to have to move out." I tell him as he spins me around.

"Let's buy a house." he says out of the blue. I look up at him in surprise.

"Really?" I ask. He chuckles nodding.

"Yes really. Don't you see you together in twenty years?" he questions.

"Well yeah.." I trail off.

"Than lets make a family, Kasey Irwin." he says picking me up.

"Are you being serious right now?" I ask.

"I have never been so serious in my life. I want to live happily ever after with you."

"I'm not a princess."

"You're my princess."


"Kasey, go get in the group of girls." Ashton says. Rachel was about to throw the flowers, I didn't want to take part because there is no way I will be the next one to get married.

"Fine." I say standing beside Brook and Devin. I wasn't really paying attention but some how the flowers ended up in my hands.

"Kasey!" Devin exclaims. I look down in surprise. Everyone was looking at me waiting for me to say something.

"Guess I'm getting married next?" I say smiling. Everyone cheers going back to the food and dancing.

"We can arrange that." Michael whispers kissing my temple.

"I wouldn't complain."


"Hey you." i say poking Michael in the side, "You left and I didn't know where you went."

"Sorry." he says. I shake my head.

"Its fine. I was just worried about you. You didn't go to sleep at all last night."

"I was watching over you." he mumbles.

"Please don't loose sleep over me, Mikey." I whisper running my fingers along his jaw bone. "I'm fine."

"You aren't fine, Kasey." He sighs, "You cry yourself to sleep at night and wake up with panic attacks."

"How do you.."

"I hear you, Kasey. I know you don't want me to, that's why I haven't said anything."

"I'm sorry. I'm too much for you to handle." I tell him.

"Kasey, you will never be too much for me to handle. I love you because you are imperfect, but I can still see everything perfect about you," he says cupping my face.

"If I was to ask you to marry me what would your response?"

"Absolutely positively 100% yes."

"Will you marry me, Kasey Irwin?" He questions getting down on one knee.

"Absolutely positively 100% yes." I exclaim kissing him softly. He spins me around making me giggle.

"Your imperfections are perfections to me, Mrs. Clifford."

Hii guys! Double update because I woke up with a panic attack and I cant back to sleep..



-Princess Kelsey.. xx

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