Chapter Seven

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"Mother, why are the leaves falling?" 7-year-old Althea asked her mother, as they sat in the midst of Autumn leaves.

The sound of rustles echoed through the forest as they soaked in the light that danced across their skin. Her mother stopped humming along with the birds and looked down at her. She smiled.

"Winter is coming, dear Thea." She replied, patting her hair with soft strokes.

A leaf dropped on to Althea's lap. She picked it up and observed it. The once vibrant color of green had faded into dull brown. Her forehead wrinkled in a frown.

"What's wrong dear?" Her mother asked, concerned. "Why are you frowning?"

Althea pouted. Her heart ached for the leaves. "It's not fair." She said. "Why do these leaves have to be separated from their tree? They won't survive." A tear streamed down her face.

Her mother took her face in her palms and cleaned her tears; placing a kiss on her forehead. "Althea," she raised her chin. "These leaves had to sacrifice themselves for the tree to survive the winter and bear new leaves when it's over. They are being separated because they have served their purpose."

"Just like Father did?" Althea said as she looked down, playing with her fingers. She peered up at her mother and saw her mouth was opened in shock. She looked away.

"Thea..." Her mother started. Thea shook her head.

"I know Father was an important person to the King. He's just like these leaves." She mumbled the last part. Thea bit her lips. She didn't want to cry.

Althea was suddenly pulled into an embrace. She broke into silent sobs, holding her mother tight.

"Don't cry, my little one." Her mother cooed, whispering into her ear. "You have to be strong for both your father and me."

Her mother wiped her tears. "Your father did it for a reason." She said, "To protect you." She stroked her cheek.

Althea closed her eyes as her mother's caress calmed her down. Mother was right. She had to be strong for both of them. She couldn't let her Father's sacrifice go in vain. There was silence for a while.

"I'm sorry, Thea" Her mother whispered, then the feeling of her hands were gone.

Althea scrunched her face in confusion, then opened her eyes. Her mother was not there.

"Mother?" She called out, her eyes searching around the forest. Where did she go off to? "Mother?!" Still no response.

Panicking, Althea scurried to her feet. The atmosphere changed. Her world swirled around her. It was like the trees were multiplying themselves.

Althea bent to her knees, clutching her head. "Mother, I'm scared." She whispered, hoping her mother would hear her and come for her.

Suddenly, Althea felt pressure against her back. She gasped as tingles went up her spine. She gripped the earth as the pressure became too much. Everything started to fade.

Rose jolted up, breathing in short gasps. She clutched her chest, feeling the erratic beating of her heart. What was that dream? It felt too real. Her hand rested on a soft surface.

It was then she took in her surrounding. She was not in the cell anymore. She was lying on a bed in an unknown room. She looked down at her clothes. Her ripped shirt and jeans were replaced with a cotton white dress. She stared in confusion. How long had she been out?

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