Chapter One- 9 years old

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You see, for the first few  years of my life I was a lot more harsh than I am now, shocker huh? No not in aggressive ways more I didn't stray from the truth I wouldn't hide my questions I said then in brutal ways that were so straightforward that I'd always get into trouble for it.

Sad as it is, I can't remember much now with Liu's memories invading my own but here I go:

I was sat at the dining table doing some drawing with Randy, not going to lie: I hated Randy's drawings they used to creep the hell out of me. I mean I used to draw skulls and crossbones a lot I had an obsession with Peter Pan as a kid while my brother enjoyed gore like Saw and The Exorcist.

Mum however, wasn't too bothered what we were drawing she wanted us to be happy and worked her hardest no matter what challenged her, we moved miles away from our family and now it's was me my bro' and my mother.

"What are you two drawing today then?" Mum asked sweetly leaning over the table.

"Mum! You're elbows on my drawing." I complained whinging like the child I was.

"Oh, Sorry, Sully. Ah, are you drawing pirates again?"

I nodded lifting up my rather messy drawing of a ship in a bottle floating on a blue thing which was supposed to be the ocean, I was never a good artist.

"Wow! That's really good, what have you drawn Randy?" Mum smiled at me patting my head before turning her attention to my brother who sat there with no expression on his face whatsoever.

"Nothing much..." he mumbled grabbing a red marker out of the colouring in pot and scribbling onto the paper.

"I'm sure it's amazing big brother!" I reassured him patting his back so I can try and see what he was doing, I thought he was a god as a kid always looking up to him.

Randy sunk back into his chair so we could see the doodle, which honestly still scares me to this day, he'd drawn all of us in a forest with some weird figure tall and dark there was blood everywhere and there were a few dead animals too.

"O-oh t-thats nice, dear. Shall we try to draw something more upbeat, love?" Mum ushered a bit taken aback herself.

"Mum! Just tell him that it's not nice! You can't hurt animals!" I whined disturbed and grossed out.

"Sully, you're not being nice either, are you?" Mum sighed not sure who was in the wrong.

"I think it's a good picture, so I'm keeping it." Randy spoke bluntly.

"No, Randy! You don't hurt animals remember what mum said "dad wants us to be considerate to everyone and thing."

"Dad. Is. Dead." Randy spat crossing his arms.

"That's why we should do it! To make him proud of us!" I argued getting bored of this conversation.

"How about I get you two boys some ice cream and you can talk it out?" Mum suggested smile dripping away, she looked distracted.

We both nodded after all it was extremely rare for us to argue or even disagree at all so mum didn't want that for us two.

Mum soon picked up the drawings and swiftly went to the kitchen.

"Sorry Randy." I apologised looking at him sympathetically.

"No problem, I shouldn't mention dad anyways. Plus you're really funny when you're mad your face goes redder than your hair."

I put on a 'I'm-so-offended' face obviously overdoing it and defended myself, "No! I have ginger hair not apple hair!"

Randy chuckled, "You know I'm joking, little guy."

Okay now he's just TRYING to annoy me.

"Your only a god damn year older than me!"

"Mum! Sully swore!"

"God damn isn't a swear word!" I yelled out annoyed.

Luckily mum knew we were winding eachother up and just chuckled giving us both the bowls of ice cream, "I've got a few phone calls, I'll be in my office if you need me, okay?"

We nodded and started to eat the ice cream, "Okay mum!"

Often Randy would go on about how him and his messed up friends would pull a prank on someone and their reaction or he'd just ask about my friends which he did this time.

"Sul' have you heard anything from Sasha lately?"

"No, but Taylor and Danny went rollerskating with me the other day, remember?"

Randy broke into laughter, "You fell flat on your face!"

Whinging like a baby I whacked the back of his head, "I have no balance remember?"

Which, sadly, was true I've never quite been able to balance properly mum said I had an imbalance in my ear, apparently it was a sign of vertigo but I didn't have that luckily.

"Yeah, but it was still funny as hell!"

"Says you; you the amount of times I have caught you singing into your hair brush I swear!"

Randy went red with embarrassment and playfully whacked the back of my head, "Shush!"

Giggling I grabbed his now empty bowl as well as mine and proceeded to put them into the sink not really knowing how to wash up I just left them there.

"Hey Sul' do you want to go outside for a bit?"

"Nope. Miss Coe has given us some work to do and I've not done it yet."

"Dude! It's a piece of paper, come on!"

Sighing, I followed my brother out the front door making sure mother wouldn't hear us and panic, per usual.

Not to my surprise, Danny, Keith and Lily were all sat on the bench outside the Danny's house across the road all of them on some sort of mobile device.

"Aye, you two! Didn't expect ya' out today." Keith yelled not even looking up at us, which was a pet hate of mine, but I ignored it and followed my brother over to them.

"Sully trying to make me do homework held us up." Randy spoke rather too harshly for my liking.

"Whatever you say carrot-top." I rolled my eyes again pulling myself onto the brick wall and leaning against a lamp-post from behind me one leg swinging off the side of the bricks.

Lily looked over to me and smiled, "How have you been?"

I thought about that for a moment, but when I was younger boys weren't socially expected to open up so I simply didn't mention how much Randy's drawing creeped me out,

"Could be better but eh I'm good, you?"

"I'm fine."

Still, at nine years of age I knew that something wasn't right about my brother, but I never, never wanted to make my mother overthink things

The Picture On The Mantelpiece - Sully's Backstory - My Version  (Homicidal Liu)Where stories live. Discover now