Chapter Thirteen Epilogue

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(Hah, I'm posting this because I've had it sat in my notes for a week now :)

(Totally not obsessed with these two though-

A few years later a young teen strode through the alarmingly, nerve-wracking, intimating streets, heart in his hand as the unnerving eerie trees began to outstretch over the ginger male; he glanced to the left and to the right as he crossed the road gulping down his nerves. He felt downright sick to his stomach around here.

He'd felt paranoid lately, as if someone was watching him, now as Keith (his boyfriend) had reassured him: this comes with grieving your brother, the leather jacket wearing kid wasn't too sure.

He's fully aware of the the types of dangerous people who roam the streets, after all he has been one of the  most respected and feared people around here since he was just a tot, and he knew the streets enough to know that's there's some real sketchy creeps around here, that's for sure.

Suddenly he felt a cold edge, a breeze almost, it nipped and bit at his skin, he could almost feel his skin freeze, like frost bite. He began to shiver quickly searching for the source of the draft as it was one of the hottest nights in a while before that happened.

It's just an animal, it's not danger, it's nothing to worry's not;

He turned around hearing a chuckle.


You may be wondering who he knew this 'person' Well it's a complicated story. It's his younger brother, but he'd became some sort of spirt, the news only told so much and that was just a conspiracy.

But he'd lost himself that much that anything would be believeable to him.

Randy, the ginger who was being attacked by the cold, even went to the extreme of digging up his brothers grave desperate to prove to himself that he's not insane and he was out there.

Of course, the pale rotting corpse laid there all bruised and bloody, Randy could still sense the betrayal that his sibling must of felt. But Keith had helped him improve so much, grief didn't seem close to his mind anymore.

But of course, that's always ruined. One way or another.

"Found you..." the voice groaned croaky and glitched out as if it was burnt down with an iron almost, it didn't sound pleasant. It was horror movie material.

"Sully?.." The ginger stuttered staring in shock searching for his pistol inside his black jacket.

The male who was clearly in some sort of spirt form by the the monochrome appearance and the transparency, had began to flicker.

It took Randy a while to realise but Sully was a copy of Liu, a kid he'd bullied when he was younger, it was almost a sibling rivalry literally.

The Harrisons hated the Woods kids, that was the one clear thing.

But then again, Randy wasn't too sure anymore, why did Sully decide to do this to himself? He must have some motive.

And surely is wasn't just to get rid of Randy, right?

The figure flickered again in a illuminated way before...disappearing?

There was a moment of tense silence before Randy'd felt someone tap his shoulder, a raspy chuckle echoing in the air.

"If it isn't the reject" Sully grinned still flickering ever so slightly, arms crossed and a sparkle in his eye.

"I'm hallucinating. You're dead."



More silence.

Then Sully spoke, with a more aggressive tone; "I'm only dead because you're school reputation meant more than family to you, the one thing we hated the Woods family for!"

Randy paused, eyes widening in a sudden realisation before looking down in his own disappointment, "I didn't mean to make this happen, y'know that."


The black jacket wearing ginger was hit around the face, a red mark had began to throb where the hand made contact, only making things more confusing as he swore Sully wouldn't of been able to touch anyone.

Anything is possible, it's the twenty first century. He laughed to himself, his sanity had fell asleep leaving him shaking.

"What happened to you?" Randy questioned glancing around nervously as he began patting his pockets searching for his gun, he didn't want to shoot him but he'd do anything to survive, he had Keith to go home to.

"I died. Obviously, became a spirit and posse-" his voice glitched again before he continued, "possessed Liu got stuck because he was developing D.I.D and all spiritual crap. So, yeah, you fucked my life up, again."

The older sibling let out a shaky sigh looking at the flickering figure, "I'm losing it..."

With that the ginger spun around and began trailing away, he'd began to realise how much he'd messed up, his mom was hidden by the police for starters, plenty of people are dead, he caused all these murderers in the first place and he's lost his brother for the second time.

All because of...he couldn't even think of an excuse, he couldn't just crawl out of this and laugh about it at school the next day, because it's just all gone...

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" The monochrome persona screamed fury smothering his voice like a thick blanket.

"Look, Sully, I haven't got time to have you telling me you hate me, you've repeated that plenty of times in my nightmares. Stop pushing me away and pulling me back. If you hate me just let me walk away."

There was a pause, the air became tense and thicker than before, the cold energy faded and the heat was reformed in the area, Sully'd stopped flickering and stood in the black and white form of the oldest Woods kid, Liu, just like he'd explained.

Then he swung a pistol out of his jacket; "Unlike you, I have a responsibility to get back at a certain time, so I'll have to get this over with."

"Get what over with?"

There was a brief pause before the voice vocalised again, "I'm still figuring out whether to shoot or spare you."

Randy shook his head taking his own gun out of his pocket, "Look, I love you bro' and I've missed you more than I can explain, but I'm not letting you kill me like that."

Then out of the corner another figure appeared, it was Keith with his jet black hair over his left faded blue tired eyes, black skull shirt with the striped long sleeves, and chained black jeans. Pretty much a classic goth.

Though, unlike the stereotype, he wasn't 'numb' he looked concerned.

"Randy, you said you'd be- who's that?"

The ginger sighed, "That. That is Sully, apparently he'd possessed Liu or something stupid."

The figure growled, "If you're going to think like that, I'll be on my way now."

And with that Sully evaporated into the air leaving Randy guiltily mumbling to himself.

That wasn't as planned.

The Picture On The Mantelpiece - Sully's Backstory - My Version  (Homicidal Liu)Where stories live. Discover now