Chapter Four- Vailey And The Yandere Wannabe

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(I normally have a 1000 word minimum but I just couldn't reach that with this chapter, sorry)

I've started to live off of energy drinks, for starters. That thing...that demon has stuck in my mind since I saw it so my sleep had been messed up. I've begun forgetting things too, but eh nothings too bad.

I leant against the back of the school wall again, watching the rebellious teens smoking around the back, I hated the idea of smoking it isn't even a 'cool' thing it's just another way to slowly die quicker.

"Hey Lily, d'you hear about the new girl?" I asked turning my attention to the smaller female who fitted into a soft style, she never really liked the trendy styles found them uncomfortable.

"Yeah apparently she's supposed to of moved because of how pretty she was something like that."

I chuckled, head rolling back against the wall, "Pfft, yeah, yeah being good looking doesn't end you up here in this hell hole."

Danny piped in, "Remember that teacher who made fun of my leg? Head did nothin' about it."

Oh, did I mention Danny had congenital amputation, meaning he was born with only one leg. Used to get bullied for it until I stepped in for him.

Jack decided to appear in arm on Lily's shoulder, "Luckily we only have a few month left here before we go to college or somethin' "

I nodded to myself, I actually had a year left but Randy didn't...I knew he wouldn't go to university or anything I couldn't imagine where he'd end up.

Suddenly, I spotted who I deduced to be the new girl she had long raven hair tied into a ponytail (very strict hair policies) and a light purple sweater with a white skirt. Definitely new, she looked to well presented to of been here for a while.

"Well, you're going to show her not to mess with us, right?" Sasha asked entering the conversation.

I don't want to. She looks too innocent, angelic almost. What am I saying? Fucking weirdo.

"! Sure." I stuttered probably raising suspicions of everyone else.

Jack grinned at me raising an eyebrow, "Ooh~ someone's got a crush!"

I rolled my eyes feeling myself go red, "No I don't! I a daydream."

Then out of nowhere Randy peeped behind me, "Then go and give her a tip not to think she's all high and mighty."

God damn you brother, you can be such a pain.

Sighing I approached the new girl, "Hi?"

She jumped and turned around to face me, clearly already uncomfortable, "Hello? Well, I'm Valley..."

Regaining some sort of confidence I spoke back, "Oh, I'm Sully. I'm supposed to be warning you about my friends. But hey, I'll let you off the hook, love."

Vailey shrunk back, "Thank you...but please don't call me love."

I nodded apologetically before she hovered about a bit before heading to her class.

Such an idiot, well might as well get over to class before the warning bells.

I checked my planner; room 203. Great across the road.

Soon enough class ended, I was doing English something to do with poetry, since we'd completed all our end of year tests we just made weird copy cats of famous poems.

Yawning, I clicked open an energy drink going to take a sip before I was yanked backwards by my collar making the drink spill over the floor, "Get off me you prick!"

They let go of my collar and grabbed the back of my neck instead, being a pressure point it hurt like living hell especially since I was being dragged around by my own skin!

I managed to keep up with him and make it look like I wanted to be there, so it didn't hurt as much.

Once they'd let me down and stopped practically forcing me around the school, I automatically realised who it was.

David. Well known to be an aggressive little brat when it comes to love, he's definitely caused a few girls to switch schools. Groaning to myself I cracked my knuckles as I always tend to do when I'm annoyed.

"David, I'm not taking one of your fucking crushes now: let me grab something to drink."

"Not so fast, you were talking to Vailey earlier, why?"

Vailey? Who's- ah...that's Vailey.

I raised my hands proclaiming my innocence, "I was not trying hit on her."

David was having none of that, such a persistent twit. I think he's definitely one of the weirdest people in this school, well that's not including Liu or that other yandere wannabe what's the name...Nina?

"Really? Because you were flirting with her, were you not?"

Dude...what the hell is wrong with him? I thought could be pushy.

"No. I wasn't! Do you want to go, mate?"

David didn't understand what I was implying. 'Go' meant fight where I was anyways. But he got the memo.

"Fine with me." David snapped.

I drunk the rest of the can before crushing it with my right hand and throwing it onto the floor, yes get mad at me for littering.

Then I raised my fists and punched him clean around the face making him stumble backwards.

Why am I fighting? I just don't like people confronting me.

David bounced himself back up ready to swing a hit at me before Randy somehow found us and twisted Davids arm behind his back.

The yandere wannabe attempted to kick my brother off but failed, it was comical to me.

"Sul' what're you doing with this freak." He asked quickly disarming the situation and letting the weirdo leave.

"Pulled me up about the new girl, another one of his crushes."

"Oh...that's fine then, come on I'll get us an early leave."

With that we departed to the office to make some pathetic excuse to go home before the end of lunch.

I was planning to talk about our future this afternoon anyways, I wanted to know what Randy was planning to do once he left school. For both our sakes I didn't want him stuck in a gang.

The Picture On The Mantelpiece - Sully's Backstory - My Version  (Homicidal Liu)Where stories live. Discover now