Chapter 12- A baby

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Aphmau's Pov

"Are you sure this is the way"I say as we treck up the mountain

"Yes I'm certain"Travis says

We hear a growl

"Okay who heard that"Travis says

"Me"Laurence says

Theres another louder growl

"Are you sure this is the right way Travis"I say

"Listen this is what the map says"

"Are you sure the map is actually right"Aaron says

"It's never been wrong "Travis says

"Well then what the hell made that noise because it wasn't the wind"Katelyn says

"This is Wyvern mountain. I did mention that"Travis says

"No you didn't "Katelyn says

"Well were all screwed"Lucinda says

"Does anyone have an final words"Travis says

"Ahem"Laurence says

"Yes"Lucinda says

"Are you forgetting something"I say

"Oh yeah you can communicate with Wyverns "Lucinda syas

"That is not going to help us"Travis says

"Who's there"We hear something grunt

"It's okay we come in peace. We're not here to hurt you"Laurence says

"How do you know how to do that"They grunt

"I learnt from an old friend ,Ungrth he saved my life once "Laurence explains

"Laurence "

Laurence and I walk around the corner and into the cave

"Raven"I say

"Aphmau,Laurence "Raven says

"It's good to see you Raven"I say

"Wheres Garroth. You all disappered "

"Garroth's stuck in the Irene dimension. Were on a quest to find him. We need certain fragments to get him out and our friend says one of them is up this mountain"

"I may know where your friend means but first may I show you something"Raven says

"Of course"I say

We walk further into the cave and in the center there is a crater

We look into the little crater.

"A baby"Laurence whispers

"A mother from the neighbouring village came to visit us many months ago . It became regular and she was kind . Then one day on one of her visits she fell into labour.A baby girl. She went out one day and never returned and well we had to learn but everything Ungrth taught us about humans we used it to take care of her but this is no fit enviroment for a child. I know this is a big ask but will you both take her"

"Us"Laurence says

"This is no enviroment for a child to be raised "Raven sighs

"We'll take her "I say

"We will"Laurence sayss

"I'm never going to just abandon a child . I've seen too much of that "I say

Laurence nods

I pick her up

"She's gorgeous"I say

"She is "Laurence says

"I trust that you will both take care of her. But will you bring her to visit someday"Raven says

"Of course "

"Do you have a safe place for the baby to stay. "

"Well yes but it's all the way back down the mountain."I explain

"Leave her in the capble hands of some of your people. We promise to be as hospitible as we can"

"Thank you Raven. It's apprectiated"

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