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"Look what he did," Nate said and we stared at the ground.

"Oh, my God. Who did that?" Patty asked.

"Tayler. He just threw all my clothes in here."

"No!" Tayler walked in.

"No, no. Don't try to justify it."

"You should have seen what he did to my room," Tayler said. "Swear to god, I had, like, 25 hoodies in my hands. He trips me as I'm walking in and I drop all of em."

"Listen, a couple hoodie-"

"And then- And then... So I throw a little bit in here, right?" Tayler pointed to the floor where there was clothes at my feet.

"A little?" I asked.

"A little bit?" Nate asked. "That's an understatement."

"Hold on. I'm getting there you fuck!" Tayler told him. "I threw a little bit in here, like, fuck you. Boom. Okay? He goes in there after I fold everything and fucking throws them on the floor. So I go, 'Alright, bet.' So I start throwing all of his shit in here. That's why it's all in here now. So it's kinda a fair game."

"How does your room look?" Calvin asked.

"It looks nothing like this," Nate said. "Go see it."

"Let's go see it." We all walked into Tayler's new room and things were thrown too. Calvin took hoodies on hangers and started throwing them on the floor.

"Calvin!" Tayler yelled.

"My dog!" I said as the clothes landed on Mercedes who ran out.

"That's mine," Tayler said. "That's mine." Patty put his arm around my shoulders as we watched them.

"I didn't do that," Calvin said and Tayler and Nate pushed past us.

"Calvin's room is actually this way," Tayler said and we all ran to the room. Tayler pointed to the right side of the closet and Patty freaked.

"No! No! That's mine. The left is Calvin's," he said.

"I mean, yeah, sure. You can take those ones out," Calvin shrugged and the clothes were thrown onto the floor.

"Why are your clothes here?" Tayler and and Patty and I both stared at him. "Oh! Oh, my God! Okay..."

"All of them?" Calvin asked as his clothes kept getting thrown down. Calvin ran out onto the balcony to go to Tayler's room and Tayler chased him.

"Tayler! No. No!" I ordered and sighed as Nate followed. I put all of Calvin's stuff back up and Tayler ran back in, throwing Patrick's clothes down too and it nearly hit me. "Tay! What the fuck?" I yelled.

"Are you on Calvin's side?" Tayler asked.

"At the moment, yes!"

"Okay. Alright." Tayler grabbed a skateboard and walked out.

"No! Tayler! If you fucking touch my car..." We all ran out and followed Tayler down as Nate filmed Tayler, telling him to stop. Tayler went to Calvin's car and smashed the back window then walked to mine and did the same.

"Tayler!" Everyone yelled and he squatted on Calvin's car. Calvin came out with a skateboard and I took Tayler's as we both walked to Tayler's car.

"No!" Tayler yelled. "Not my Tesla!" Calvin and I got on the front and back of the car and smashed the windows. I walked past Tayler, shoving the skateboard into his hands. He stood, shocked and then dropped the board shoving me. "That's how you wanna play?" He laughed.

"It's already been played," I smiled. "Fix my window, Tayler."

"Fine. Jeez." He called some people who said they'd fix it immediately on the spot. He paid to replace mine which costed $4,540 and his was $1,170 so Calvin and I both paid $585 each. I helped fold Patty's clothes again and we all hung out in Tayler's room as he started putting stuff in the closet.

"The worst part is that the maids don't even help us because of Tayler. He destroyed our rooms last time and they said they were done with helping us," Nate sighed.

"Can you please help?" Tayler begged me and I started folding hoodies. I finished for both of them and was exhausted by the end of the day. I went to Patty's room and lid down on the bed waiting to be able to sleep.

"Hey," Patty sat next to me and bent his legs. I rested my head on his hip and he ate his 3 slices of pizza. "You hungry?" He asked and rubbed my head.

"I don't know," I whispered and he held a slice of pizza, that was already half eaten, by my face. I took a few bites and was done. "Can I sleep?"

"Yeah. Of course, Cord." I tried but couldn't. I was exhausted and tired, but my body wouldn't let me sleep. "Can I get up?" Patty pet my side and I moved my head. He left the room an Calvin and Paper came in.

"Yo," Paper waved.

"Hi, guys," I said.

"Are you trying to sleep?" Calvin asked.


"I'd cuddle with you, but Patrick would kill me." He sat by me and leaned onto my legs. I closed my eyes and ended up sleeping.

In the morning, Patty had his arm around me tightly and I couldn't move.

"Patty," I cooed.

"Hm?" He slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up..."

"No. I wanna hold you all day." I got out of his arms and he didn't even bother to stop me as he went back to sleep. I drove myself home and got ready for the day. As 11:00 came, I got a call from Calvin.

"Patrick's getting his wisdom teeth out. Can you meet us at the dentists place?" Calvin asked.

"Yeah. Sure," I said and got there just as Patrick was put on the gas. We all waited and people were videoing it. He finished and woke up so the doctors gave him water.

"I don't need fucking water. I need a-a vagina in my mouth," Patty said and everyone laughed.

"I'd keep him away from chicks for a few days..." The dentist said and Patty looked at me and gasped.

"Baby," he slurred and stumbled over to me. He leaned in for a kiss and I move away a little. He pouted and I smiled. "Baby..." He said and I quickly pecked him on the lips.

"Probably don't have sex with him for a few days because someone might regret that in 9 months." We laughed and Patty leaned onto me. He hugged me tightly and stayed still.

"Patty, we have to get you home. Your friends are gonna take care of you," I said.

"Yeah. Come on, Patrick," Thomas said and we got to the parking lot.

"No. Why... Why can my girlfriend take care of me. Take care of me, Cord!" Patty ran to my car. "I want you! Let me in!" He started knocking on the window and I sighed.

"Patty, go with them," I said.


"Patrick, you can sleep when you get home. It's nice there," Alex said and tried to take Patty away.

Wait, I'm Sorry: Patrick HustonWhere stories live. Discover now