Part 1 Finding A Pokemon

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(This '$' means Pokedollars by the way.)
After my mum gave me an Armor Pass, I took our Muchlax and was about to go on to Route 1 to catch my first Pokemon, when I heard the crash of a gate.
"Behhhh!" I ran over to the gate to the Slumbering Wield, and noticed Wooloo tracks. One must have ran in. I wasn't suited for battle, but I needed to save that Wooloo. I'd never forgive myself if I left it there. The poor thing was probably terrified. Thankfully, I could just give it to Milo for him to take care of. I don't think he'd mind an extra Wooloo.
"C'mon, Munchy!" I pressed the Pokemon's poke ball to its forehead and recoiled it inside. I took a deep breath before walking through the gate. 'No turning back now...' I thought.

"Mehhh!" The Wooloo cried out as it cowered away form the edge. I saw it, and shouted, "Jump! I'll catch you! I promise!"
"Baaa!" It shivered before leaping off right into my arms. I hugged it, and placed it down before turning to Muchlax.
"Hey, show this Wooloo the way home please." "Mmuunnnccchhhh!" Muchlax nodded at the Wooloo, and it followed him. I grinned as I watch them leave. I was so happy to have saved that Wooloo. "At least it's gonna be-" "Mewwww...!!" I heard a Pokemon cry out in pain, and ran towards it. It was a pink hairless cat like creature, and its long tail was stuck under a fallen branch. The poor thing... I pushed the log away enough for it to get out, before letting said wood fall to the ground with a clunk. I looked at the Pokemon and crouching down to its level. It gazed up at me curiously.
"Mewww?" It tilted its head.
"H-hey... It's ok..." I cooed, reaching my hand towards it slowly. The Pokemon sniffed it, before grinning and pressing it head into my palm.
"Meww! Mewww!"
"What Pokemon are you?" I asked. It looked around, before grabbing a small twig and dragging it across the ground.
"M... E... W...?" I thought for a moment, before gasping, my eyes leaping out their sockets. "A Mew?!"
"Mewwww!" It nodded its head before sniffing my bag.
"Wanna come back with me? I can getcha a pokeball."
"Meww!" It nodded again before curling up in my arms and sleeping. I tried not to die of cuteness.

"Excuse me? What poke balls so you have for offer?" I asked the man behind the counter.
"We have Poke balls, Great balls and Ultra balls."
"Could I please have a Great ball?"
"Of course! $400 please."
I fished about in my bag and pulled out the needed amount, and we exchanged items.
"Thank you! Bye!" I waved, and the man smiled. "Ok Mew..." I opened my bag and said Pokemon leapt out joyfully.
"I'm gonna need you to stay still for a sec, k? I'm gonna catch you and add you to my party as my first real Pokemon!"
"Mewww!" It flew down slightly, and I took a deep breath before throwing the Great ball at it. One shake... Two shakes... Three shakes... Caught!
"Yes!" I quickly released Mew.
"Mewwww!!" It flew around in circles cheerfully.
"Now, what nickname shall I give you?" I thought aloud. "Hm... How about... Lulu?"
"Meeewwwww!!" She grinned and flew in circles again.
"That's a yes!" I laughed. "Level 2? Yep, we're gonna need some training, Lulu."
"Mewwwwww!!" She already loved her new nickname.
"Hey, but before that! Let's go introduce you to my mum. I'm sure she'd just love to meet you, Lulu!"
"Mewww!" Lulu hovered next to me before perching on my shoulder.

"Hey mum!"
"Hm? Oh, hello A-" She looked directly at Lulu before her eyes widened. "I-is that...?"
"A Mew? Yep, it is."
"B-but sweetie, where did you find her?"
"The Slumbering Wield. I went in after a Wooloo, and saw that Lulu's tail was trapped under a log. So I saved her, and we became friends."
My mum crouched down in front of Lulu.
"You called her Lulu? How adorable!" She petted the Pokemon's head softly.
"Mewwww!!" Lulu seemed to like it.
"Anyways, it's time to go and conquer the Isle Of Armor! Let's go, Lulu!" I released Muchlax and have him a kiss on the head. "I'll miss you."
"Meeeewwwww!" She nuzzled my neck before flying out, me being close behind.
"See ya later, mum!" I completely forgot about Mew's level and went right to the train station.
"The train to the Isle Of Armor is here. Those with an Armor Pass, please step aboard." The station master said.
"Oh, Me! Me! I have one!" I grinned.
"Please allow me to check your pass."
"Hm?" I saw a Galarian Slowpoke come off the train.
"Oh no, not another one..." The train master sighed. I shoved my hand into my bag, and grew sad at the realisation that I didn't have any poke balls. So I thought, and came up with a lie.
"I'm so sorry, Sir! She tends to walk around a bit. She must've gotten out of her poke ball somehow!"
"Oh. Well, please try to keep an eye on her, Ma'am."
"Yes, I know. I'm really sorry..." I walked over to the Slowpoke and picked it up, cradling her in my arms.
"Sloowwww?" She tilted her head. I cleared my throat.
"Excuse me, Ma'am."
"Hm? Oh yes, my pass! Sorry, I'm a bit forgetful sometimes. Thank you very much!" I took it and went aboard the train. When I was seated, I placed the Slowpoke on the table.
"Listen." I whispered to it.
"I don't have any poke balls right now, so I can't catch you. Please be good."
"Slooowwww!" It nodded, and I smiled.
'Isle Of Armor, here I come!' I thought.

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