Part 2 Seeing Avery Again

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When I got to the train station, there was a man there, shaking slightly.
"You ok?" I asked.
"Mewww?" Lulu leapt out her pokeball and sat on my shoulder.
"I-I'm meant to join the Master Dojo, b-but I'm too-"
I heard footsteps and the man ran away to the corner of the station, as if he was just another person. Then Avery walked in! I was so excited to see him again, because I really liked him. Not a crush, but a friend.
"Welcome to the Isle Of— Hm?" He leant in closer to me and studied my face for a second. "You look... familiar... Have we met before?" He asked after a few seconds.
"Yeah! We met at the trai—"
"Maybe it's just my imagination." He shrugged. I frowned slightly.
"Y-you didn't let me—"
"Now, what was I saying before...? Oh yes! Welcome to the Isle Of Armor."
"Uh... Thank you?"
"You're the new student aren't you?" Avery smiled.
"New student? No, no I'm not— I just came here because I had an Armor Pass. Just to explore."
Avery laughed. "Really? Then how come you were waiting here?"
"I wasn't! I was talking to—" I looked where the new student —the real one— was, but he wasn't there anymore. "To..."
"Well, you must be the new student!"
"No, I'm not! I swear!"
Avery chuckled and patted my head. "Now now, enough telling fibs. Come now, who else could it be?"
"Yeah..." I sighed. I had given up. I wasn't going to debate it with him. Whereas it wasn't true, I might as well accept it. It didn't seem like he was going to stand down at all...
"Ssssslllooooowwwww?" The Slowpoke wiggled its head out of my bag, and I took it out and held it in my arms.
"Ooh! A Slowpoke! How elegant!" Avery smiled.
"Yeah... Found her at the train station."
'Where I met you before!!' I thought. 'Actually... I released that one... But still!'
"On the topic of Pokemon," Avery started. "We need to make sure you're ready for the Isle Of Armor."
I looked up. "And how will we do that?"
"A battle, of course! Join me outside when your ready!" Avery walked outside. Geez those long legs give him a proper pace... When he said a battle, I just froze. Lulu was level 2, and the Slowpoke wasn't even mine! I noticed a shop, and quickly bought a pokeball and caught Slowpoke with it, calling her Korma, due to the curry-like pattern on her head.
Slllooowwwww!!" She grinned at me, as I picked her up again. She was level 18. Oh boy...
"Mewwww!" Lulu leapt our her pokeball and used Throat Chop in the air. A Dark-type move!
"Aww! Thanks girl! I'm counting one you!" I smiled.
"Sloowww!" Korma used a Psychic on Lulu, who skilfully dodged it. Know that I knew we had at least 2 decently powerful moves, I joined Avery outside. He smiled.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Born ready." I grinned. Avery adjusted his glove, placed his hand on his hip, and shifted his glasses.
"Go! Abra!" He said, proudly.
"Get 'em, Lulu!"
"Meeewwww!" Lulu eagerly jumped out her pokeball.
"Use Throat Chop!"
"Mewww!" Lulu did, and due to the critical hit, she one hit K.O'd the Abra, despite it being level 12.
"Wh-when did I get beat down to my last Pokemon?! Did you use Hypnosis on me?" He said, sending out his Slowpoke. So I sent out mine.
"C'mon Korma!"
"Slooowwwwww!" Thankfully, she was level 18, so we had no struggle taking down his Slowpoke.
"Such strength! I'm in Pyshock!" He said, as the pokeballs around his hat fell down to the ground.
"Sllooowww!" Korma nuzzled my foot, and I crouched down to pet her head.
"Ah, um. Could... could you give me a moment?" Avery turned around, thinking I couldn't hear him. "Improbable... Impossible... What kind of Trick did this kid use? If a trainer of this strength joins the Dojo, people may suffer Amnesia about my very existence! If only I could get rid of her... But I've been tasked with escorting her to the Dojo..." He turned back around. "Ahem! Well, you certainly are a good trainer! Why, you made me use a whole three percent of my power! Still... How should I put this... Well, the Master Dojo is a respective place, where even the great Champion Leon trained. What I'm trying to say is I don't think you're quite up to snuff... Therefore, I suggest you ignore the Dojo standing over there, and head home as soon as you're done seeing the sights! And take this too, as a parting gift." Avery handed me a Style Card and I gazed at it curiously. "It's a Style Card. Show it to the ladies at the Hair Salon to get a more elegant garb, such as mine. I doubt I'll see you again! Avery, Teleport!" He said, running away.
"Avery... Teleport? Is he pretending to use that move? Oh my god that's adorable!" I laughed. "But the Master Dojo, huh... Seems cool, wouldn't you guys say?"
"Meewwww!" Lulu nodded.
"Slooooo..." Korma grinned as I picked her up.
"Ruff ruff!"
"Hm?" I looked down to see a Rockruff. "Oh my god! A Rockruff!"
"Ru raff?" It sniffed me curiously, before gazing at Lulu.
"Mewww?" She returned the confusion, but quickly turned into a Rockruff too. It seemed to make the real Rockruff very happy.
"Ruff ruff! Ruff!" I looked in my bag and thanked myself for buying some more Great balls.
"Hey lil' fella!" I crouched down to the Pokemon's small height.
"How'd ya like to join my team? I've always wanted a Rockruff!"
"Ruff..." It looked around a bit, before running to me and grinned. "Ruff, ruff!"
"Woah, really?" I asked.
"Ok then!" I stood up and threw a Great ball at it. And just like Lulu and Korma, it was an easy catch. "Yes!" I released him, and thought aloud again. "Hmm... What should I call you? Um... Kai?"
"Ruff ruff!!" He nodded, rubbing his rock planted neck against my leg. It was too cute for me to care about the pain. Yes, Avery had told me to keep away from the Master Dojo, but... I was just too curious. I really couldn't help myself. So, venturing on with a team of three, I went against Avery's wishes and headed towards the Master Dojo.

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