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Dracos POV
" The sheep? That one from Hufflepuff who's friends with peppa? Why would she steal Apple?"
"I don't know but that's what Neville told me and it seemed like he was telling the truth"
"Well If he was telling the truth than that stupid sheep will be sorry"
"How do we find her though? We can't get into Hufflepuff dormitory"
"I'll ask peppa, she's probably still mad at me but maybe she can help."
     We find peppa pretty easily, she's sitting in the common room with Danny dog and snorting obnoxiously loud. "Oh Danny you're so silly and you have great hair too!" I thought I had the best hair!  Wait I shouldn't care, I'm in a relationship and I'm over peppa. But seriously though, his hair isn't even that good.
"Ahem um peppa can I talk to you privately"
She looked over at me and smirked, and then said "sure just let me finish my conversation with my boyfriend first"
      Her boyfriend? Wow she moved on fast. But then again so did I. What did she even see in this guy anyway? He didn't have good hair! No stop it Draco you have a girlfriend you aren't allowed to be jealous. I mean it's not even jealous you're just surprised right?
We waited in the corner for about a half hour while peppa laughed and flirted. Eventually she came over to us and she said "what?"
"I need to ask a favor" I said
"Whatever. You broke up with me I don't owe you anything"
"It's stealing something from Suzy sheep. I thought you'd help because your still mad at her from the sleepover thing or whatever." She paused and met my eyes.
"You remembered" her voice softened
"Of course" I said, we were dating at that point after all. What if I was still in love with peppa?No that couldn't be I love Apple too much. But then again I can actually talk to peppa, with Apple I never even know what's going on with her. It isn't a difficult choice though, Peppa has never made me feel the way I felt around Apple.
And then there was... Harry. I normally don't talk about this but I have a bit of a crush on Harry too. You probably couldn't tell since I hide it so well but it's true. That isn't an option though since he's a gryffindor and friends with mudbloods, father would not like that. Then
again, would he approve more of me dating an Apple or a pig? Probably not.
"Okay I'll do it"
"You don't even know what I was going to ask"
"I said I'll do it, if it's against Suzy I'll do it"
So I guess it was easy enough to convince her.
Crabbe and I explained to her how Apple was stolen and we need her to steal her back.
"Are you serious"
"You want to help get back the girlfriend that you left me for"
"Uhm... yes?"
"Okay fine"
      So then she went on about how she knows how to be incognito and stay hidden when sneaking in. I wondered how she knew so much about sneaking into other peoples dormitories, but I decided just to drop it.
"I can do it tonight if you want, my date with Danny isn't until tomorrow"
      I don't know why it bothered me that she was with Danny, but it kind of did. She didn't have to hide Danny in her pocket or track him down whenever someone stole him. No, you have Apple now don't worry about peppa I told myself. Pull it together draco.
"Can you bring her to the common room tomorrow? Also please take really good care of her"
"Yeah yeah whatever" I let out a sigh and thanked her.
      I couldn't wait to see Apple again, I missed her so much since I lost her yesterday. I kept thinking about how I said I couldn't understand everything Apple was thinking, and that doesn't seem fair since the relationship would be too one sided. I'd have to work out a way to communicate better, maybe I could force a Ravenclaw to get me a potion or something . I also kind of found it strange how peppa was so quick to agree to help me. I mean if I were in that situation I don't know if I'd help my ex find their new girlfriend. I shouldn't question it though I'll just be grateful that she agreed to help. I also couldn't help but notice peppa seemed more mature now, she agreed to help me and she was very adult like and polite. She didn't even snort once in the whole conversation. Another thing was that she wasn't wearing her normal sexy red dress, she was dressed in a noodle necklace, purple dress, and a sun hat. Now that was pretty hot. I couldn't still have feelings for peppa though, I'd moved on and so did she. It isn't fair to cheat on my girlfriend and especially not when she's missing. I just wondered when Peppa grew up so much, you know? Last time I'd talked to her she'd been a shallow little piggy and now she was, well, a woman. Just stop Draco I thought to myself you're probably just in shock from Apple going missing. Now is not a time to think about Peppa.

Hi so I haven't posted in 17 days, sorry bout that hehe

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