Quarantine Blues

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Here we go. Something else I forgot to post from Tumblr.

Quarantine sucks. You can't open your restaurants, you can see anyone, and worst of all everything is being either cancelled, rescheduled, or going on hiatus. It's all terrible.

A few things were okay though. You had games that you played with your friends, your dearest pet was there for the lonely nights of binging romantic comedy's, and there was also....

"-And they had to audacity to kick me out, Don't they know who I am?!"Crieghton continued to rant on a topic that you were no longer paying attention to.

Your rival didn't want Quarantine to stop your banter. So, he made sure you guys regularly FaceTimed to continue it. You let out a sigh and smiled softly.

" Creighton, it's Quarantine. No one is opened right now, remember?" He pouted and looked away from the camera.

"They could have at least given me a croissant for my troubles." He mumbled, causing you to giggle.

"Alright Grumpy Pants. I'm going to get off, I promised Vivian she could visit my Island on Animal Crossing." You say, preparing to get off of the call with him.

He looked slightly offended."Wow, you're leaving me. I'm hurt. You're blogger friend can wait, I should be the most important person in your life! Just look at me!" He rambled, gesturing to himself.

"Look, I'm not saying your not important to me or anything like that. Right now the most important person to me is my Grandfather, and maybe later on, my husband. But just be-"

"Oh! Is that all it takes? Then I'll be your husband!" He said it with such confidence. You couldn't help but choke on your words.

"Creighton... you know what your saying, right?"

"Of course I do. I need to be the most important person in your life. If that means marrying you, then I'll happily take that opportunity."Your face became redder by the second as he began to plan this out.

" I honestly see nothing wrong with this plan."

"Um... Creighton-"

"We'll be the cutest couple, don't you think!"


"And a power couple at that! No restaurant in the world can compete with-"

"CREIGHTON!" The yelling made him freeze and he looked over to you.

"Y-yes?" "We aren't even a couple and you're already talking about marriage! Aren't you taking this a bit too fast?" He was quiet, and you instantly felt bad. He looked like a kicked puppy.

"We... weren't dating?" Your heart skipped a beat, and guilt had taken over.

You looked away from your skin and thought everything over.

The game nights.

Staying up late.


All in all, being together even though you were apart.

Creighton noticing how quiet you are began getting nervous.

"Um... let's just forget I said anything! I'm gonna go-"

"No wait! " you stopped before he could end the call.

"Creighton... I'm so sorry! I had no idea you were courting me." He blushed even more as you continue.

"When I thought of you asking me out I thought it would be this big show, probably even prodcast it on T.V."He got his mojo back when he heard you say that.

" Well, of course I would. However that's not possible right now, if you couldn't tel- Wait a minute." He gave you his usual cocky smirk.

"When you thought of me asking you out? You've thought about it?" You were blushing like crazy.

"Oh! Well would you look at the time! Muffin needs to be fed! See y-"

"Now hold on there dearest." He smirked and chuckled.

" Give me me thirty minutes. You get dressed. I'm getting dinner for us, okay? It's time you have a proper date." Before you could say anything he ends the call leaving you stunned.

Did that just happened?!

You smile and then start getting ready, happy to finally be with him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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