Part II

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Summertime is always a bliss in every song

But back from the concerts I was always alone

I wished today I could take all the pain away

From a lost girl pretending she knew her way.

I only knew how to run away from every place and every person

I lost all my friends from that time.

Your favorite bands never tell you in their songs

That summertime fun always ends for everyone.

You have no choice but to end up alone,

Or to continue to burn the world until you blow in smoke,

Or, like me, you can try to survive and hope you might thrive.

Summertime is not for running around, drunk on vodka and lime

The season is followed by dark skies, consequences of being wild.

The flowers in our hairs have all died out

We did not even see it coming,

We only knew we had fallen when we reached deep low

And our wild hearts could not save us the pain this time.

Summertime BlissWhere stories live. Discover now