Hallow 1/7/2019

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I feel hallow inside
Like it just a shell on the outside
No soul or spark of life on the inside
This hallow tomb
A grave not dug
A silent plea
Unheard from

I feel a cascade of tears
The outside remains dry
No soul
No faith
No feelings left inside
Sorrowfully sad
No smile on my face

I feel numb
No emotion left
Just left tears and anguish
Swollen eyes just in my mind
My screams for help silenced
My grief piling like a mountain
A relationship I want to make better

I feel hopeful but yet the hopeless
Drowns it out
Can't feel the pain
Yet pain a constant
Bad memories
Good ones hovering at the abyss

I feel like I have no more faith
No options left
Just feeling done
Want no more pain of the heart
Want no more pain of the mind
Only a few places left
Left un destroyed in my mind

I feel that I must go on
My purpose to lift others from pain
While I fall and fall drowning in pain
I'll make others smile, makes me smile
While I try so hard to stay afloat
Because even on my hardest days
I must grasp and grab ahold of what little hope and faith and love is left

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