Love's Underlined Reality 10/23/2019

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The laughter pouring forth
Her eyes lighting up
The smile that's forming on her face
Holding her hand in his
Her eyes that shine bright
The butterflies that come and go

She holds his heart in her hands
He holds her heart in his hands
Hand in hand they walk the path
Laughter ensuing, tears of joy, of laughter
Never ending smiles
Bliss and love, everything in this moment, perfect

She knows there is a chance
A chance this could all end
That flames can burn out
That the love could fade
A first love, maybe not meant to last
But she could not think about that now

Despite all that, she keeps her hope and dreams
Living each moment by each moment
Laughing, crying, and loving every moment
Every minute, every hour and every day
Life was not meant to be easy
She earned everything, she worked for it

His jokes made her laugh
They made her forget her problems
The troubles, the fights, the anger at home
They brought smiles to her face
The worries left, leaving for hours
The happy times better than the bad
The way he held her hand
The way he kissed her cheek
The way he made her blush
The way she hoped he loved her, the same way she loved him
They way he laughed

Deep inside, in her heart, he was the one
The one she would spend the rest of her days with
The one to raise children with, a dream
He was her souldmate, this she felt deeply
He was hers, and hers alone

And no matter how life unfolded
And no matter their fates
She would always love him
A hope that he loved her the same
With hope and more laughter
They kept on going

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