Part 1

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"Mmm" Zon mumble as he stretches his body on the bed. He woke up after offing the annoying alarm in the room, he reaches to the other side of the bed and said "When did you get an alarm clock Sai?" he patted a few times not touching the person which name he said out loud. He opens his eyes which were still half-closed and blink a few times to adjust, he saw bed sheets which were his and not Sai's and the room he was in wasn't Sai's either. 'Weird, when did I get home? I was staying with Sai after we got back from the beach, wasn't I?' Zon thought to himself.

He sat up and scan his room to find his phone which was beside his bed, he took it in hand before he glanced back to a corner of his room. 'Where is my guitar?' He thought to himself again. Switching back his attention to his phone, he unlocks it to call Sai when he froze at his right hand which his phone was in. He grabbed his right hand with his left hand and rubbed it a few times. 'Where's my bracelet?' Zon frantically search for Sai's contact number to ask about it only to find no number is input as his name. Why?

In a hurry, he changed his clothes and rush to school, despite the fact that his first class starts after 2 hour which means he had time for breakfast, arguing with his sister about the novel, go to school and have a small chat with friends before going to class but still he rushed to school, he needed to see Sai and asked what is going on.

He arrived at school and bumped into Tutor. "Tor," He called out, "Do you know where Sai is?" without thinking he asked Tutor who was still on the floor after being body slammed by Zon.

"I don't think his here yet. Anyway Zon, I think we should talk for a while," Tutor said to Zon with a creased forehead. Looking at Tutor, Zon felt something was wrong so he nodded to him not being able to say a word now.

They sat at a table under the tree which Tutor always study at. "Do you realize what date it is today?" Tutor ask Zon. Zon had confusion written over his face and he slowly reach to his phone to see the date which shocked him. It was the day after he swore with Zol. "W-wh-y?" Zon said stuttering, he looked at Tutor. "T-Then, every-y t-thing..." Zon said halfway as he felt tears flowing down from his eyes.

Tutor patted Zon's back to calm him down. He was shocked too, when he woke up today. He didn't received a message from P'Fight telling him good morning and when he checked the date he was devastated. He was so happy with P'Fight but it ended being a dream, he so needed someone to pat his back at that time so seeing Zon like this he did what he could for Zon.

Tutor came to school earlier because he wanted to clear his mind but when he saw Zon and heard him asking for Saifah, he knows that Zon had it too. 'What about P'Fight and Saifah? Will they remember too?' Tutor thought.

"Zon? You ok?" Tutor asked when he no longer feel Zon shaking. Zon nodded at him a few times before he hold his head up. "Are we the only ones that remember?" Zon asked and Tutor could hear pleading in his voice, it was a question Tutor wanted to know too. "I don't know, I haven't met P'Fight or Saifah yet." Tutor pressed his lips together which formed a bitter smile holding back his tears. He didn't want to cry, if he has to cry at least let it be when it's confirm that P'Fight don't know anything.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Tutor spoke again "Zon," he called for attention which Zon hummed in responds "How much do you remember about you and Saifah?" Tutor asked with a little worried expression. "I remember everything. From how we fight to being friends because of the event and then boyfriends after the event. And the double date at the beach. Why?" Zon said with his eyes still a little red and puffy from the tears just now.

Tutor nodded to Zon before he said "My memories are a little fuzzy, I remember parts and parts of it but not the whole thing. I just wanted to know if you are the same. But it seems like you don't have a problem." Zon looked a little shocked but he nodded.

They started to idle chat to relax some tension and how nervous they were while waiting for P'Fight and Saifah to come.

"Tor," Zon interrupted Tutor when he was talking about a very hard subject that he passed in the dream and that he hopes the questions would be the same. Tutor stopped talking and look at Zon seeing him tense up he frown a little until he heard Zon said "I see P'Fight, his behind you. Walking towards us." Tutors eye widen a little and he tries to calm his beating heart to slow down before he have a heart attack.

"Tor," Fighter's voice was soft unlike the times that they fight whenever they meet and Tutor took it as a good sign but he doesn't want to put his hopes up. He slowly turns around to face Fighter to see that Fighter was wearing a frown and maybe feeling nervous as he keeps on shifting his legs.

"Krub, P'Fight?" Tor tried his best to calm himself down and talk normally, staring at Fighter's eyes not wanting to look away. They both gaze into each other's eyes until Zon couldn't stand it and blurted out "DO YOU REMEMBE...." Before shutting his mouth remembering that Tutor should be asking P'Fight about it himself and he isn't in a position to say anything.

Thankfully to Zon's outburst though Fighter and Tutor broke of the eye contact and looked at Zon, Fighter's facial expression which turned between reliefs and shocked has already told Tutor that he remembers. Tutor smiled brightly and Fighter and whispered into Fighter's ears "P'Fight," in a sweet voice which he does when they're on the bed which makes Fighter tensed up when he heard that. They both stare at each other again which made Zon rolled his eyes, thankfully unnoticed by both of them but Zon was actually happy. Now that P'Fight remembers meaning Tutor doesn't have to worry anymore and the possibility that Sai also remembers is higher.

Now with Fighter joining the table, they wait for Saifah with Zon so he doesn't get too nervous. "Since P'Fight remembers, I'm sure Saifah remembers too. Don't worry too much Zon," Tutor patted Zon's hands. Zon could only nod at that. "What about you guys? What are you going to do now?" Zon said trying to change the conversation.

"What about us?" Fighter asked Zon and Tutor stared at him. Looking at their confusion he sighed and said "I mean P'Fighter is still with HwaHwa at this time, right? Aren't you guys thinking how to tell her and what to do before you guys start to officially date? Unless you want to do secretly," Zon shrugs at the last sentence.

Fighter and Tutor look at each other and realize that they both didn't think about it. They started to discuss how to break the news to HwaHwa or how to make HwaHwa date Day first and so on while waiting for Saifah.

Tutor got a text from Saifah saying his near the classroom already and they all when together. Zon needed to meet Saifah, Tutor wanted to be by Zon's side and Fighter just wanted to stay with Tutor a little longer.

Knowing which classroom Saifah was at Zon rushed over with Tutor and Fighter running behind him. He just wanted to see him, he misses him already and needed to be in his arms the ones that makes with feel safe. He bumped into a guy whom steadies him before looking up, he was looking at a chest which makes him want to wrap his hands on the guy's waist but before he could do it the guy said "What are doing here?" With a voice hinted with harshness.

Zon looked up to Saifah when Tutor and Fighter arrived, Saifah was looking at him with one eyebrow up before he turn his gaze to Tutor "Tor," eyes back to Zon now "tell your friend here to not run in public if he isn't going to see where his going."

Zon just stares at Saifah which made Saifah uncomfortable, "What's with you today? Aren't you going to say anything back?" He tilted his head slightly looking at Zon. After a while, still no response from Zon. "Zon? Zon?" Tutor shook Zon with his hand on Zon's shoulder, he was very worried about him now. 'Why don't Saifah remembers?' Tutor pushed his thoughts away and focus on calling Zon's name again.

Saifah looked back at Tutor and he said "Ai'Tor, your friend is being weird today. I'll be going to the restroom. Oh and the teacher is absent so we have this period off," and he leaves after one last glance at Zon.

When Saifah is no longer in sight, Zon's tears fall down staring at the direction Saifah walked. 'Is this my punishment for swearing to God?' He thought.


Just in case of confusions the dialog with "" is said aloud while the '' are thoughts.

I only had the idea for Saifah and Zon, so Tutor and Fighter doesn't have much scenes. Sorry if you're here for them.

Anyway, can someone tell me when am I suppose to post the next chapter? A chapter a week seems the norms but I noticed some post after 3-4 days or post straight away when they finish a chapter. Soooo when is the right timing to post the next chapter?

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