Part 4 (END)

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Saifah was at the shop where he goes frequently, he needed to buy new guitar strings. Most of the time he wouldn't stay too long in the shop but for some reason, he stayed at the shop longer than he would. He stared at the guitar pick in front of him and he bought it. Why did he wanted to buy it? It's not like he needed a new one and it wasn't the kind he would use too. Saifah look at the pick between his fingers and suddenly a memory flashes by "Make it into a bracelet," He smiled at another person. The person then hands the guitar pick to him "Then you do it for me." Saifah shook his head a few times, 'what was that?' He thought, he look at the guitar pick in his hand "A bracelet huh?"

Saifah remembered that day when he bought the guitar pick and made it into a bracelet, he smiled at the bracelet for a while. He had actually thought of giving it to Zon before when he noticed that he always touches his right wrist and the hallucinating of him was similar to the person he thought of when he bought it. But then he couldn't possibly give him out of the blue without any reason right? He turned his head to see Zon still standing up "Aren't you going to sleep?" He asked nervously, he kind of understood his feelings for Zon already. Zon only nodded a few times to him before crawling into his bed and covering his face with the blanket. Which left Saifah a little confused, did he do anything?

They both slept well despite being nervous about sleeping beside each other. They woke up in each other's embrace which shocked them both. Zon ran out of Saifah's room immediately and Saifah was laughing at the reaction Zon gave him but he soon felt a little hurt also. He let out a sigh and when to take a shower. Inside the shower, he started to try remembering the dream he had like always. Normally he wouldn't remember anything aside from some feelings towards the dream but this time he remembered it all, slowly but vividly. He stood in the shower with the water running down his body as his dream places all the pieces back to his memory.


Saifah ran out of the shower and he went and grab the bracelet on the nightstand. "It wasn't just a dream," Saifah said after realizing everything. He now understood why Zon behaved like that, why he changed so much. He buried his head in his hands as he sat down on his bed 'What have I done? How could I not remember?'

"Zon, you had been ignoring me. You don't pick up my calls, you don't even read my texts and you ran away when you see me. How can you expect me to not be angry?" Tutor said with his angry tone. "Do you know how worried I was?" "Sorry, but Tor this is important," Zon said "Please? I'll hear all your scolding later without any complain ok?" Tutor gave Zon a glare before he soften it and said "Ok, but I have something important to tell you too."

"So, what is this so important thing that made you talk to me again?" Tutor said. Zon told Tutor about how he found the bracelet that Sai made for him in his dreams in Saifah's room. "So, what do you think? Do you think he is remembering something? You are always with him at school right? Did he say anything?" Zon questioned Tutor hopefully.

"This is why I wanted to talk to you, Zon." Tutor said and Zon raised an eyebrow "What do you mean?" "He said before that he had been having the same weird dream for a while now." Zon's eyes widen before he could say anything Tutor raised his hand to stop him and continued "But he never remembers what he dream about." Zon blinks his eyes a few times trying to understand what that means.

"So, he still dreams about it? But he forgets when he wakes up? What does that mean? Does that mean he might remember or does that mean no matter how many times he dream of it he won't remember?" Zon looks at Tutor hoping for an answer.

"I don't know, Zon. But I think he is starting to puzzle things up. He even made the bracelet, I think you can hope for that," Tutor said, "And he had been worried about you too." "Huh?" Zon asked confused "Worried? About me?" Tutor nodded his head. "I don't think you have to think too much, just do what you think it's right and follow your heart. Or maybe, just wait for him to remember it." Fighter placed his drink on the table "Sorry Tor, the traffic was bad."

"Are you sure? Don't you think I should tell him something?" Zon asks Tutor and Fighter. "Zon, you don't have to rush things and are you forgetting about the performance tomorrow? If you rush things it might make it worse but you would still need to spend a whole day with him for the performance." Tutor reminded him. "You are right," Zon said hanging his head down. Just thinking about making it weird for both of them and then they have to go on stage to perform together... No thanks.

"Zon, can I talk to you for a while?" Saifah said, they were at the changing room getting ready for the performance. Zon look at Saifah and slowly nod his head, he wasn't sure if Tutor and Fighter is right about Saifah or not. 'Maybe he should say something after all?' Zon was still nervous too, he didn't act like the in dream around Saifah so why would Saifah fall for him? The more he thinks the more Zon got nervous, he touched his right wrist rubbing it slightly rougher than usual. How he wish he had the bracelet but he doesn't, it's not his in this reality, it belongs to Saifah. 'Maybe he made it for his crush or something...'

Zon's head was running around trying to wreck his brain out of his head when he felt someone cupping his face with their hands. He looked up to see Saifah and their eyes met. "Are you ok?" he asked softly, Zon nodded to him. "Zon, I don't know how to tell you this but..." Saifah stopped in between as he bit his lower lip. Zon's gaze fell onto Saifah's lips which made him realized that Saifah had his hands on both of the sides of his face, he blushes immediately.

Seeing this Saifah let out a chuckle and took a deep breath "Zon, I wanted to tell you I'm sorry," hearing this Zon started to overthink again 'Why did he say sorry? Did he realize my feelings? He hates me? What should I do?' Unknowingly Zon started to hang his head down but only to be held up by Saifah to look into his eyes again. "It's not what you're thinking, don't overthink it." And to Zon's surprise Saifah placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Just listen to everything I say first ok," Saifah said, Zon nod again words not forming properly enough for him to speak. Saifah gave him a smile, "I remembered everything now," Zon widen his eyes and open his mouth but Saifah places his index finger on his mouth "I'm sorry that I forgot about what happen, I'm sorry I hurt you. I can't..." Saifah stopped and closed his eyes, after a few seconds he opened it and said "I can't believe what I did to you, I can't believe that I forgot what happen between us even if it was in a dream. I'm sorry and I know what I've done shouldn't be forgiven easily." Saifah caress Zon's cheek with his thumb and then he pulled out the bracelet out of his pocket, Zon's eyes looked away from Saifah's eyes to the bracelet in front of him. "But, if you can forgive me. Can we do it over again?" Saifah waited till Zon look at him in the eye again before he said "I love you".

The performance was a success. Every person at the show was surprised by it. Zon's friends were more shocked because Zon was smiling the whole time with Saifah on the stage. The Zon which was a zombie just a day ago was smiling brightly in front of every one while singing with his archenemy. After the last song, Saifah warp his arm around Zon's shoulder and said "Please clap loudly for my Zon," earning the cheers from the audience. Zon was looking at Saifah and when the cheers went down slightly he tiptoed and kissed Saifah on the cheeks making the audience cheering louder and his friends gaping in shock. Saifah looked into Zon's eyes and they both smiled at each other.

They intertwined their fingers as they walk to the back stage. Zon's bracelet now visible his right wrist. Knowing nobody is going to disturb them, Zon pulled Saifah into an embraced. He nuzzled his nose against Saifah's shoulder and said "I miss you Sai." Saifah kissed Zon on top of his hair and said "I'm sorry." Zon shook his head "No, I don't need you to apologize, I didn't try to make you remember too. It's just... I really missed you," Zon looked up at Saifah which was smiling at him "I love you Zon." "I love you too, Sai" Zon said.

Saifah brought his hands up to Zon's neck and caress it a bit before he leaned down to kiss Zon. It was a short one and they parted to look into each other's eyes. Zon held Saifah's face in his hands and like a sign they bring themselves closer to kiss again.


And this is the end of the story.

I hope that anyone who reads my story likes it. ^.^

For those who voted for me, thank you very much. I actually didn't think anyone would like my story.

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