Part 3

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Saifah woke up to his phone ringing, accepting the called only to get yelled at Day that he'll be late again if he doesn't arrive in 10minutes. Saifah ended the call and rush to the bathroom, he had been late a lot of times now because of his dreams. He feels like he is having the same dream but they were all very vague when he wakes up from them. Recently he feels a little sad and like he lost something important to him after he wakes up but he just can't remember anything.

Saifah was putting on his uniform when his phone had an incoming message from Day, he took a look and sit down on his bed. 'The teacher is absent today, so no first class', was the message. Knowing he didn't need to rush any more he let out a sigh. He reach over to his guitar and play a certain song that he couldn't get out of his mind.

It was the song Zon repeatedly played on the rooftop. After that day, was the starting of practicing for the charity project from the football club his in which collaborated with the cuteboy page. Saifah had been practicing with Zon in the acoustic club room this few days and to his surprise they did not fight at all or to be precise Zon didn't talk much at all. Zon had been like that for quite a while now and no one knows why.

Saifah was strumming the guitar to the song Zon played on the rooftop and he stopped after the third or fourth time repeating the same song. He got up and left his room for school. Reaching school, Saifah sat with his friends Tutor and Day. After a while Fighter came and sat beside Tutor and Day left with HwaHwa 'Weird, they were still fighting every day before but now P'Fighter likes to appear behind Tutor and he doesn't mind. Day has been crushing on Hwa for a long time so it wasn't a surprise when they got together. But what is the sudden change between Tutor and P'Fighter?' Saifah thought tilting his head.

"Saifah? What are you thinking about?" Tutor kicked Saifah lightly under the table, Saifah hum in respond. 'Tor, when did you and P'Fight get this close?' Saifah thought of asking but didn't because P'Fighter would probably give him a death glare so instead he switch it to something he had been wanting to ask for a while. "Tor, about Zon. Do you know anything?"

Tutor and Fighter looked at each other before he said "Why? You worried about him?"

"N-no, I'm not. If you don't know anything than its fine. I'll go to the acoustic club for a while since there is still an hour till our next class," Saifah said and walk away leaving Fighter and Tutor alone.

"Tor, have you told Zon about Saifah's dreams yet?" Fighter said and Tutor shook his head. "Zon isn't answering my calls or reading my texts. I tried to find him at school but I don't even know where he goes, his friends also says he disappear almost every break, dunno where to." Tutor shook his head again "I'm still not sure if I should go to his house or not, he might not want his parents to know." Fighter placed one of his hand on Tutor's back and said "Do you want me to try and find him for you?" Tutor shook his head, "No, I don't think he would like that. Don't worry, if I can't see him by this Sunday I'll go to his house."

Saifah was about to enter the room when he saw Zon inside, he was practicing the songs for the performance or maybe not. Saifah realize Zon was looking at his side like there was someone there but his eyes was blank and feels a little sad to Saifah. So instead of walking in suddenly and scaring Zon, he knocked a few times before he went in.

"Zon, you practicing now?" Saifah asked the boy on the sofa which turn his head to face him but averted his eyes the moment they met. Zon looked down and nod a few times to Saifah's question. Saifah place a plastic bag full of snacks on the table nearby and said "You can have some," before he settle on the floor near to Zon. He sensed Zon shifting himself a bit on the sofa but he ignored it and started practicing like always.

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