[ 7 ] - Bad Guy

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Author's Note: I had several ideas for Revali (yes botw revali) and I wanted to write them but I didn't feel comfortable making another book for Revali so I'm recycling old ideas for Tom Nook-

Even the "Trying Too Hard" oneshot was an idea for Revali cuz...Revali ya know? But...I've seen a couple of yandere Tom Nooks but...is there any readers that are yandere?


     Obsessive. Possessive. No one like you. If only I didn't let your compliments, your adorable teases, and enticing comments get to me, maybe I've would've been able to see my children grow old. See the company expand and pass over to them. To see Isabelle and Blathers, my trusted friends, become bigger as time goes on but...you. You hid all the disgusting secrets from me. Keeping a close eye on the island, me, and them. You knew how to trap me into a corner. Gathering all the information you could to just have me. By your side. If only I wasn't a fool...


Huff huff huff..The once busy streets were now dark and muted. All doors were shut and all connection to the outside world was closed off. The life that was once here was now drowned in blood. The stores were wreaked and clawed at. Bags of seemly lifeless bodies were stacked at the entrance of the airport, blocking the only transportation we have here.
I couldn't find a way to escape. Even if I had to swim my way out of here, I couldn't. The infested waters were surely too dangerous. Closing my mouth from making any sort of noise, I bolted through the misty night. Hearing the echoing footsteps follow behind, I kept myself quiet for the meantime.
"Tom~! Where are you? You weren't at your room...you're here, right?" Something about their voice showed no sign of threat yet I knew full well of their motives. Shuffling through the pathway, I decided to head towards some cliffs that were left untouched by [Y/N]. Making sure the coast was clear, I ran towards the direction of the steady cliffs.
"Aww c'mon Tom! You know I would never hurt you~! I just want to hang out..like the good ol' days!" Their voice chipper with excitement. Over time as I continued to sneak my way out, their voice became distant and far. I sighed under the stressful situation.
Looking down at my broken phone, I tossed it to the side. Letting the phone drop softly to the dirt patch, I lean my head down on the cliff behind me. I had to think of something fast. Anything to get me away from them.
'Is there any way I could get out here?! I can't call for help..and..I can't find any help..' My thoughts cloud with the image of my dead friends, sprawled across the brick floor. Their bodies lined up perfectly to spell out..my name.
Smacking myself, I concentrate harder. Shifting around, I needed to find some way to...! Looking over to the small gap in the cliffs, I look down the narrow path to find a ship docked behind. The sound of engine running was loud and clear, even the smoke was puffing out on the top. Smiling gleefully, I pick myself up and scoot down the narrow gap.
'As much as I hate that idiot, I can't stay here..-! Not with them! I'll have to warn Redd of [Y/N]...' Thinking of seeing that orange hair fool was better than confronting [Y/N].
Climbing down the small cliff, I ran my dirtied sandals on the clean beach floor. Gulping down any leftover nervousness, I decided to take a huge leap and head up to the boat. Walking on the unstable wooden floorboards, I scoff at Redd's horrible patch up work. The door was a literal flap, it wasn't even clean either. The whole exterior was mucked up by seawater, grey splotches everywhere, and dry paint splattered on the "door".
Opening the olive green flap, I was welcomed with an empty boat. Even the art that were hung here for display were taken down. They were shoved into a metal locker that hid in the corner of the room, apparent to keep the paintings hidden. Feeling suspicious, I march right in to investigate the scene. The low hanging lamp was turned on so he had to be here.
     Taking a closer look at things, I notice the door that's usually closed shut is now slightly opening. My body cling to the floor. As if gravity went against, I couldn't move an inch. Fear that behind that dimly lit hallway would reveal something I wouldn't want to see.
     'Oh god please..Redd, please be here..' Cringing at my pitiful pleas, I took one step at a time. As the boat rocked back and forth, I continued my steady footing.
     Until I was in the front of the metal door, my stomach rose and fallen with each breath I took. Gulping down any last few nervousness, I reached for the doorknob. As much as I wanted to barge right in and hope for the best, I couldn't stomach the idea that...he wouldn't be here. Hate him, despise him, but to kill the man? I wouldn't dream of it. With a heavy heart, I gently opened the door.

     Phew. I was greeted by a empty bustling room of empty noodle cups, an assortment of blank canvases, a small window to show off the beautiful rocking seas, and a small hammock that attached itself to the wall. Feeling my heart ease up, I now question where the man can be. As I was about to turn around and head off to explore the rest of his boat, I blacked out. With any hope to regain consciousness, my eyes flickered ever so softly. Everything was blurry and foggy, I couldn't make out what I saw...all I knew was..this was the end for me.


     "Oh sweet Tommy! You shouldn't have went here..how sad..!" [Y/N] twirling the small pocket knife in their slimy figures before shoving it right into a fleshy corpse. Who's corpse perhaps? A tall and scrawny man, his pearly white tank top was now bleached with red, and his apron was torn to pieces.
     "Redd shouldn't have went here either..maybe he would've seen the light of day! At least he can be happy..not having to see you..ever..again~ hehe!" Their persistent stabbing caused an ocean of blood to pile onto the boat's floor. Cringing at the mess, they left their knife engraved into the man's back. Walking over Redd's limp body, they saunter over to Tom's lifeless form.
     Grazing their hands over his cheek, rubbing off a bit of Redd's blood on him. They simply smiled and giggled at the wild sensation. How peaceful Tom looked as he was knocked over cold.
     "I wouldn't have done this you know..? I just..I couldn't when you're always surrounded by others.." Their tone drifted to what seem like empathy for the lost members of the island.
     "I couldn't let Isabelle or Blathers take you away from me..it was always..upsetting to see you with anyone but me.." Emphasizing the hatred that laced in their words.
     "So yes! I did it for you!..If it does help, I did feel bad killing them...! They kept screaming so much..it was hard to not feel guilty..but-!" Standing up, they walked over to Redd's body. Looking down at him, his last remaining words flashed back in their mind.
     "I could care less if you hurt me, kill me even! As long as it stalls time for him, I'm not going down without a fight!"
     And surely, he didn't go down without a fight..it just wasn't good enough. Sighing with a satisfied smirk, [Y/N] turned their head around to still see the sleeping man on the floor.
     "I had to do what was right to me..~! Even if it made me look like a bad guy..so be it!"

Do I overuse the title dropping gimmick??? I just really like doing that...feels like a real ending to the story lmAoO

i lowkey wanted to right more but I'm already hitting the 1000 words mark sooooo- I didn't want to make it too long :,))) but thx for reading!!!

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