Come On Out! (Finished)

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Edit: I had this saved for Halloween but it was already finished so I guess I'll publish it now. Thank you again and see you soon

Author's Note: By the time, I upload this, it'll be Halloween's the Halloween One Shot for the boyo!!

At least he was wearing some cute devil horns for Halloween- better than nothing honestly,,


     October 31st! We made it! Through the long overworking week of setting up the decorations, fixing and reshaping the island..we made it! Through the whole month I've been working on fixing up the island. The once mundane streets were now organized and newly made to fit the islands' normal hometown theme. The beautiful trees swaying in the brisk wind, jack'o lanterns scattered throughout the island, and most importantly...the costumes!
     "Looking amazing, Zucker!" I waved at the brown haired boy as he dressed up as a cute octopus.
     "Woahhh..pretty scary there, Spike!" I nervously shout as he came out of the bushes with a pirate outfit.
     Along the path to the Resident's Service building, I waved and shrieked at my fellow friend's costumes. All creative, cute, cool, and spooky! As for I, [F/N] [L/N], was in a simple [H/C]! I had it tailored by the amazing, Mable as well as Sable. They were more than happy to make my own custom costume. Besides that, I walked straight into the hall, looking for one person alone.
     Eyeing the mentioned man, I rushed over the small gate that splits where Tom and Isabelle worked and where whoever came in, would wait at.
     "TOM- NOOK! How's it been?!" I rubbed his curly brown locks as Isabelle giggled at my childish antics.
     "G-..GET OFF!" He pleaded for my release. Smiling all the way through, I simply laugh at his words. After a few more seconds go by, I finally let of his hair.
     What I failed to notice before was a small devil horns that sit atop of the man's hair. Almost knocking it right off, he fixes it back to where they once were.
     "Oh how cute..knew you were the devil..!" I mocked humorously, pointed straight at him.
     "And you didn't bother to where a witch outfit, hm..?" He barked back. Grumbling towards each other, Isabelle sweat dropped at our sudden aggressive behavior.
     "U-Umm..well, what are you exactly doing here, [Y/N]-chan? Aren't you supposed to be trick or treating with the rest of the residents?" Isabelle butted in, hoping it would stop whatever could've happened at that moment.
     "Oh yeah, about that..I was wondering if you guys wanted to come along~!" I cheered happily as I swung side to side.
     "[Y/N], we're adults. Unlike you, barely an adult, we still have work to do.." He added harshly. He looked back at his laptop as an excuse to look away from my figure. Isabelle yelps but quietly tends back to the filling cabinet.
     "'s Halloween, guys! You guys deserve a break!" I begged, puppy dog eyes and quivering pout.
     Isabelle was the only one catching onto my pitying frown. She looked away immediately, knowing that she isn't immune to my sad sparkling eyes. Frowning even more, I look back at Tom. I could tell he was finding the attention an annoyance as his typing began to become slow and his eyes couldn't help but fixate onto me. Persisting further, I practically stuff my cheeks closer to him. Now with all the contact and personal space gone, he found it harder to concentrate on work. Before he knew it, he puffed out all the air he kept in and shouted.
     "ALRIGHT! IF WE GO WITH YOU, WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE...?!" A small tick mark was visible on his forehead but I payed no mind to his anger.
     Jumping up in joy, I brought both of their hands onto mine before leaping over the gate. Rushing out to the misty dark night, I looked back at them with the shining moon illuminating a clear white glow onto us.

     After a few hours of walking around to resident's houses, talking and chattering with those who were outside, and generally having a good time, we were completely exhausted. Walking around the island doesn't seem so tiring but once you actually commit to it, it becomes a chore.
     Though, it was pleasant to actually hang out with the two of them. You wouldn't think our little hang out would work out but..between the three of us, you could tell we had a blast! I mean..they wouldn't admit themselves but I could tell.
     Dropping off the two hard workers, I watched as they go inside the building. Yawning, I let my eyes droop down slightly until a hand clasp around my wrist. Looking back up, I caught onto Tom's blue eyes. To admit shamefully, his eyes were always something that attracted me. A forbidden feeling stirred up inside me again, almost foreign. Gulping slightly, I waited patiently for a word to slip out of his mouth.
     "I-..Sorry about before, I was just worried I wouldn't be able to turn in my work before midnight.." He apologized. Poorly but he apologized nonetheless.
     "Still thinking about work, old geezer..~!" I chuckled at the last part, knowing how annoyed he gets when I call him that.
     "Hey! I'm barely even older than you, yes! Whatever..just get back safely, okay?" Letting go of my wrist, I felt a sudden charge of energy. Something I wouldn't be able to go back on.
     Before he could let go of me completely, I grabbed onto his arm and tugged forward. Leaning towards him, I breathed slowly as I awaiting for our lips to connect and...
     "Oh, sorry..!" Catching himself, he barely just gazed my lips. Our noses were touching but we still remained parted. Our breathing became uneven and we recognized the situation immediately.
     Blushing, I realized my intentions and actions. With the spark gone from my chest, I heaved heavily as I had no clue how to continue on.
     "I-I..tripped, hm?" He gave out a breathy laugh before slowly leaning towards me. Drunk with emotion, I pressed forward, connecting with him.
We stood there in silence as we take in each other's soft lips. Not long after, we parted away from a small yet passionate kiss. I could hear his heart thumping as well as he can hear mine.
     "You know..I prefer you over the candy any day.." His eyes glimmered with sharp ocean waves.
     "You better..~!" I retorted back. He smiled helplessly as he pressed his forehead against mine.
     "Sorry for yelling at you..I guess..I just didn't want to..-"
     "Avoiding me, huh? Not very nice, you know!" I finished him off, slightly pouting at the end.
     "Heh..exactly but you know.." He removed his forehead against mine as I felt a small tinge of heat from where his head was at.
     He walked slowly forward, facing where the crescent moon stood. All the stars and waving black and blues in the sky, he was the only one to catch my attention. Without a further notice, he looked back at me with a brightening smile and eyes that could pierce a heart. He said softly with a mature and caring voice...
     "I guess I'll come on out with you more often, yes [F/N]..?"

Word Count: 1211 Words


also can he not ask me about work stuff,, could he at least say "Happy Halloween Leaf!" like bro im not here to talk business...! are we here for the trick or treating or not??!!

Anyways Happy Halloween ya'll lmAoaoo !!! ✨💗💞

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