Part 12

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Part 12

The only reason why I was battling with a hot guy had disappeared...

There were still a lot of things I wanted to ask from Nam, like how was she able to pull it off, what did she want to get for doing what she did, and most importantly, why did she do it at all? 

I really wanted to know her answer for those questions. 

But seeing how she wouldn't even admit her fault, there was no way she was going to answer any of those. 

And so, having no other option, I decided to end the conversation.

"I... still have homework to finish so I better go." I remarked seriously, feeling awkward since I always said those words cheerfully before.

After we hung up, that was when realization hit me. I was the biggest fool in the world. Daniel was right when he said I shouldn't involve myself in Nam's battle. But I just had to believe in Nam when she said she'd always be by my side. And you couldn't blame me for that either, since our friendship went way back to when we were still in 6th grade, and not once did she ever abandon me. There was even a time when almost everyone hated me, yet she still continued to hang out with me, not even worried about what people would think of her. Luckily, things got cleared up in the end.

Maybe Nam wasn't really the problem in this situation. There must be something that made her turn her back on me. I mean, of course I couldn't deny the fact that it was Nam who actually betrayed me, but there must be a reason for that. And when I thought about it, my efforts were not completely wasted because even though I wasn't sure why Nam suddenly changed towards me, but i was sure that it involved Kongpob Suthiluck.

As a matter of fact, I was able to formulate a feasible theory. I figured that the reason why Nam was betraying me was because she loved Kongpob too much and she didn't like the idea of me hurting him. But then, how could she actually choose Kongpob over me? Were our long years of friendship suddenly not worth more than her first love?

All of a sudden, I found an answer to my problem. if Nam wanted to change sides, then so be it. But that didn't mean I was going to back down just because I lost a friend. Besides, I could do it on my own. She was never on my side anyway. She was only there to listen to my every plan and try to ruin it behind my back.

Having settled my problem, I finally went to bed. And believe it or not, I slept very well that I took it as a good sign for my decision last night. But when I slept in the next morning and woke up fifteen minutes later than usual, I started to rethink it. Well, not really, since I was in such a hurry to avoid being late for school. But somehow, I had a feeling today was not going to be the best day of my life.

I didn't know what got into me because after keeping my cell phone inside my drawer for days, I found myself taking it out in the middle of rushing out of my room. And once I reached the school in the very last minute, I turned it on.

After deleting all the messages without bothering to read any of them, I was really glad to see no more new messages incoming. In fact, I was so happy that I almost forgot about what happened yesterday so I started writing a message to Nam. But then I remembered our fight last night. Okay, so we didn't really fight, but we both knew that we shouldn't be talking to each other right now so I sent the message to May instead, telling her how happy I was to be able to use my cell phone again.

May replied quickly, saying "That's great! Hey, want to eat lunch together later? I want to talk to you."

Having thought about what was going on between me and Nam, I did worry a little about who I was going to eat lunch with today. It was a good thing that May offered to eat together, so I instantly accepted her invite, compromising on the place and time that we were supposed to meet.

When I entered my first class, Nam was already seated on her usual seat. I was going to sit in my place when Jessica suddenly arrived at the door. Nam then called for Jessica. "Jessica! Come sit here." She invited, pointing to my seat just as I was about to place my books on the table.

Jessica smirked in reply and started walking towards the seat. Once she reached me, she pushed me aside without even an excuse me and sat down, facing Nam. "Thanks for saving me a seat." She remarked in a very mocking tone that really disgusted me.

I wanted to attack her, or at least get even. But I knew that if I did, I would be sinking down to her level, which I never wanted to happen. And so, I just looked at Nam and shook my head in disappointment.

I found myself another seat near the back afterwards. And guess what? No one even bothered to sit beside me. It was like I had a plague so no one would dare come near me. I tried not to think about it as I took out my notebook and started reading it. 

After a minute of doing just that, a shadow suddenly covered the light from above me. I looked up to find a cute small cake in front of me. And it was being held by none other than Daniel, who was, for the first time since we met (I think), smiling at me widely.

"What's that?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow at him. I didn't know how he did it, but somehow, he managed to keep people from turning to us when he stood there.

He grinned. "A peace offering." He said, placing the cake on the table. "Forgive me?"

Seriously speaking, I never really expected him to be that type of person who knew how to fool around like this. I guessed I just got used to him being so serious and angry (since that was how he always was towards me). "I don't know. Don't you think it's a little small for all those times you doubted me?" I remarked, playing along with him.

"I did plan on buying a bigger one," he responded as he took a seat beside me. "But if I did, then I figured you might turn into a big fatty, considering you're not that thin."

"Ha-ha! Heeey!" I mocked him with fake laughter, pretending to be hurt. "For your information, I don't want to be too skinny. I'm happy with how I am now."

He then smiled even wider. "Then this cake is just right for you. If you eat more than that, you'd definitely get fatter." He said, winking at me. "So do you forgive me?"

I couldn't help but smile back at him. "Well, I don't think that I should. After all, I forgave you once but you still made the same mistake."

And there it was, his serious expression. "I know it was the wrong thing to do when I doubted you twice, but no one's perfect. Can you give me one last chance?" he spoke pleadingly, looking somewhat pathetic. I must say, he was quite cute.

I decided that I really couldn't blame him for what he did to me, since if I were in his shoes, I would have probably done the same thing. "Fine, I'm going to give you one last chance." I finally told him, smiling at him widely just in case he wouldn't believe me.

After that, the teacher arrived and started lecturing about heat of fusion and heat of vaporization so we stopped talking to each other and listened intently to the discussion. From time to time though, Daniel would draw some characters and show it to me. I had to admit, he drew pretty well. And somehow, I found sitting with him more entertaining than when Nam sat beside me.

Eventually, lunch bell rang. As I stood up from my seat, Daniel turned and spoke to me. "I'll see you later?" he asked hopefully.

I nodded in reply. "Sure."  

I carried the cake (now in a box) he gave me earlier in my right hand and my red shoulder bag on my left shoulder. "This cake better taste as good as it looks or else you won't be seeing me sitting beside you next time."

"Of course it does. I didn't bake it so it has to." Daniel remarked in the same teasing manner as I did. "Goodbye then."

As soon as our conversation ended, I headed to where May and I had agreed to meet for lunch. And boy was she too excited. She was already standing there, checking her watch every five seconds as I neared her. And upon seeing me, her face instantly lit up. "What took you so long?" she remarked impatiently.

I checked my own watch, and as expected, I was just two minutes late. "Stop exaggerating, I'm just two minutes late." I responded as she suddenly linked arms with me. "So, what's up?"

"Well, for starters, why did you leave me all alone yesterday?" she asked, looking at me accusingly.

"Why? What's wrong? I just wanted you to get to know Michael more." I replied innocently. "Don't you like him?"

May shifted uncomfortably. "Well, it's not that... it's just, don't you think he's a bit girly? I mean, he wears a pink sweater, uses a cell phone with pink casing, and his notebook is also pink!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. She did have a good point, but I didn't think it to be true since he was the captain of the basketball team. I guess he really had a unique fashion sense. "Don't you know that pink is a man's color as well?" I defended him with an assuring smile.

She smiled at that. "Fine. But I already like someone else." She continued quietly.

Before we could say anything more, Jessica and Nam, together with three other girls suddenly appeared in front of us. They were sneering at me. That was, except for Nam. She, on the other hand, was nervously facing the floor.

"It's time, Nam. Prove that you're really on our side. Pour this over Arthit." Jessica spoke with a smirk, giving the bottle of water she was holding to Nam, who seemed reluctant to get it.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at me with odd determination in her eyes.

Could Nam really do it to me? 


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