Part 15

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Part 15

"The reason why Jessica's trying to ruin you is because she's extremely jealous of you, Arthit."

I scoffed at that. "Why would she—"

"Because...Kongpob likes you."



"...W-what are you talking about?" The words came out of my lips filled in complete disbelief. 

From the sincerity of her tone, I was thinking she would be saying something true for once since our conversation started. But I guess she was lying again. This was ridiculous. Her words didn't make any sense.

Kongpob would never like someone like me.

What the hell—we...we hated each other.


Didn't we...?

"You're the reason why we broke up, Arthit. Kongpob didn't just break up with me, because he was tired of playing with my feelings. It was because he didn't want to lead me on any longer, when in reality, he liked someone else. He likes you." Nam remarked slowly, not noticing that I had become angry at her lying again. "I swear I'm telling you the truth, Arthit. Kongpob really likes you. In fact, he's not the one who countered your attacks on him."

Gosh, she has really gone too far with her lying right now. "I get it. You're just trying to convince me that Kongpob likes me so that I would stop battling him, aren't you?" I huffed angrily, my suspicion growing by every word she spoke. "If you think I'll stop upon finding out the truth behind all of this, you're wrong. So why don't you just stop with these lies?"

She let out a sigh. "What's wrong with you? I though you trust me as your best friend, so why won't you believe me? Please, Arthit. Believe me this once. Do you think this is easy for me to say? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me when I found out it was you, my best friend, who was the reason for my heartbreak? And what's worse, I couldn't even tell anyone about it, cause Kongpob didn't let me."

"Then why are you telling me about it now?" I shot back at her.

"Because I'm tired of hiding it from you." she answered with an aggravated sigh. "I'm tired of seeing you get hurt when trying to protect me. Do you want to know the truth? For a moment, I was enjoying the way Jessica was countering your every move. But can you really blame me for that? I mean, think about it, Arthit. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Wouldn't you do the same thing?"

What would I do if the guy I liked was in love with my best friend? Maybe I would feel betrayed if that happened to me, but I didn't believe I could choose my boyfriend over my friend. But then again, I wasn't sure either, so maybe she had a point there. But still, I didn't believe her about Kongpob though. There was no way my enemy would like me. And so, I thought of a way to compromise. 

"Fine, so you want me to believe you, right?" I asked her and she nodded at me quickly. "Then prove to me that it's true. Let's talk to Kongpob tomorrow and he can tell me the truth himself."

Nam didn't agree to that though. In fact, she instantly rejected it. "No, we can't do that. Kongpob doesn't want me to say anything to you. If we ask him about it, he'll definitely lie about it."

Hmm...even more suspicious.

"Then I'm sorry, Nam. I can't believe you." I told her, starting to walk away from her.

"Wait!" Nam suddenly called out to me, grabbing my arm to stop me. "I-I'll prove it to you. Just give me time. I'll show you that he really does have feelings for you, even if he doesn't admit it."

I raised my brow at her as I turned back to face her. "How do you plan to do that?"

"Just follow what I ask you to do tomorrow." She answered, smiling for the first time. "And I promise you, I'm not going to make a fool out of you. If I do...then, then you can throw away our friendship."

I knew that I would be stupid if I still accepted Nam's offer after it was already proven that she had betrayed me. But somehow, I couldn't refuse her. After all, we were best friends for life and I knew I would forgive her sooner or later. "Okay then. I'll give you a chance to prove that what you're saying is true. But if you don't succeed, then I won't even think twice about treating you as a traitor."

After that conversation, Nam and I went home in separate ways. And as soon as I entered my room, the phone rang with May on the other line.

"So what do you think about what happened earlier at lunch? You don't hate Kongpob now?" May asked me right away.

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