Part 43

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Part 43

Annoyed that Kongpob was still siding with Jessica, I stood up from my seat. "If you think she's so great, then why don't you just go and ask her to be your girlfriend and just leave me alone?"

I started to walk away before I could burst out crying in front of him, but as I passed Kongpob, he suddenly grabbed my hand and spoke with stronger confidence than before. "Because you don't like a person just because they are great. You like them, because they are different from others. And that is why you can't break up with me."


Did I just hear Kongpob admit that he really liked me in his very weird evasive way, or was I wrong? I mean, what else could he mean by that? 

But why was my heart beating wildly at the thought of that? 

I actually felt...excited...

...and happy?

Could it be I liked him too? 

Pffft...of course not! Don't let him sway you so easily, Arthit! He is an arrogant playboy, remember that!

I pulled my hand from his warm grip (yes, his hand was always warm for some reason) and walked away from him, shaking my head like a fool and ordering myself to come back to my senses.

There's no way Kongpob would like me.

He was messing with me again.

And there's no way I would like Kongpob.

 Anyone would feel excited when someone said those words to them, right?


But then again, I didn't feel that way when Daniel said he liked me, did I?

Maybe it was just in a delayed reaction I was having after the scary locked-room experience.

Yes, that's it. I was just so shaken by what happened that my heart was swayed as well. Just a temporarily mistake, nothing more.

Satisfied by my reasoning, I continued walking towards my class. But even as I did so, I still couldn't shake off Kongpob's unexpected statement from my mind. 

How could he be so selfish not to break up with me just because he lied about liking me? To mess with me again? 

Well, it wasn't as if I couldn't just stay away from him. Even if we hadn't broken up, I will just stop seeing him. Let's just see if he still wouldn't break up with me. 

Upon entering the classroom, Nam gestured to me excitedly to take a seat beside her. And once I did, she turned to me like a happy child who had just seen an adult carrying a bag of candies. "Soooo? How did it go?" she asked with bright twinkles in her eyes.

Letting out a sigh before speaking, I tried to think of the best way to tell her the truth. "Nam, there's something you need to know." I started in a serious tone, causing her to frown. Somehow, it seemed like she already sensed something was wrong. "I broke up with Kongpob."

Nam let out a gasp. "What???!" she exclaimed loudly, making most of our classmates turn to her with curiosity. "Why did you do that?"

Luckily, before I could answer her, the bell rang and was followed by the entrance of our teacher into the classroom. Having no other choice, Nam turned to the teacher and kept silent as the teacher started with the lesson. But even though I was trying to focus on what the teacher was saying, I just couldn't. Instead, I kept worrying about what Nam was going to say upon hearing my reason for breaking up with Kongpob. And as I did, I wondered how much more time I had until that dreadful moment.

Checking my pocket for my cell phone for the time, I remembered that I didn't have my cell phone with me and neither did I have Kongpob's. My cell phone was still with Kongpob, and I left his cell phone on the table just before I walked out of the cafeteria. I was sure Kongpob had found it by now. How could I retrieve my cell phone from Kongpob without meeting him?

Upon realizing this problem, I found myself changing my previous decision once again. I could never really avoid Kongpob if he wouldn't agree to breaking up with me, could I? I mean, he had his annoying ways. He'd definitely catch up with me even if I tried to run away from him. And besides, it wasn't really him who was at fault. He was just the cause of it. 

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