Part 20

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Part 20

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't feel that excited anymore. It was Valentine's Day, but...what was I to be excited for, when there was nothing going to happen to me anyway? 

And so, I lazily got out of bed and slowly got ready for school. In fact, I wasn't even worried that I'd be late because the teachers were going to be lenient today. But despite my slumping movement, I was able to reach school on time. 

However, when I got to my locker, there was a pink rose sticking out of one of the vent holes. Feeling very excited in finding who it could be from, my heart was beating wildly. It was a pink rose, after all and Daniel did say he wanted to give a pink rose to the person he liked, didn't he?

Ending my suspense, I held onto the rose and checked the tag. Unfortunately, it wasn't supposed to be for me. It was for a girl, Pam, whose locker was next to mine. The guy probably misplaced the rose, thinking my locker was her's. When I learned that, I didn't know what I was to do with the rose. I couldn't just throw it away, because I was sure that the girl would get upset.

Luckily, the real owner of the rose arrived at the locker next to mine. I instantly faced her with a smile. "Hi, you're Pam, right?" I asked, trying not to seem to in awe by the fact that she was really pretty, with her long silky black hair and her big round eyes that complimented her pointed nose. She smiled back to me. "Yes, that's me. Why?" she replied in a very soft voice.

"I think this belongs to you." I answered as I handed the rose to her. "I guess the person thought my locker was yours."

"Oh, thank you." she remarked gratefully as she checked who it was from. "Wow... I thought he didn't even know my name. Thank you so much for giving this to me."

With that, she shut her locker and walked away. And I, having solved the problem with the rose, decided to head to my first class. 

Reaching it, there it was again, this time a yellow rose was on top of my desk. 

Seeing Nam was already in the classroom, I decided to ask her who was the one who placed it there.

"Did you see who put this on my table?" I asked her as I took my seat.

She shook her head, but she was smiling mischievously. "Check it for yourself."

I picked it up and checked the tag, my heart once again beating fast in anxiety. But once again, it wasn't from Daniel. It was from Nam herself. "Happy Valentine's Day!" She yelled happily and gave me a warm hug.

"Thanks." I told her, giving her a small hug in return.

"I had to be the first one to give you a rose, since I'm your best friend." She replied cheekily.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "What makes you think I'm going to get a rose soon?" I asked her, seeing how Daniel wasn't giving me one.

She shrugged with a playful smile on her face. "I don't know, but my instinct tells me that you're going to get more than that rose I just gave you."

"Yeah, total humiliation and disappointment." I mumbled as I got my notebook out, seeing the teacher enter the room.

Daniel arrived late for the class. But since it was Valentines Day, the teacher didn't scold him. In fact, she even smiled at Daniel as if she understood why he was late. And that made me feel even worse, thinking that he was late because he gave the rose to the girl he was talking about last night.

While the teacher continued discussing, the door suddenly opened and as it did, a popular senior, Sebastian, appeared with a guitar strapped around his shoulders and a bouquet of different-colored tulips and a medium-sized teddy bear on his hand.

When the teacher saw him, she tried to hide her smile as she asked him what he was doing there for formality's sake. "What can we do for you?" she spoke in a mock firm tone.

Sebastian flashed her a heart-warming smile then turned to the girl sitting in front of Daniel. If I wasn't mistaken, I believed her name was Cherilyn. "I came to give my present to the person I want to be my Valentine." He remarked, making a lot of girls in our class squeal with admiration.

Cherilyn tried to act as if she wasn't touched by Sebastian's sweetness. She simply raised her eyebrow at him as she waited for him to go on with his presentation.

Seeing that Cherilyn wasn't acting like the other girls, Sebastian finally made use of his charms with the guitar. He played the starting chords of the song "Now and Forever" as he started to approach her. Next to the introduction of the song came the first verse. He started singing to her, and that made the girls go 'oohh' and 'aahh'.

It was evident that Cherilyn was trying very hard to hide her delight. She was just smiling as Sebastian approached her, but it was written in her eyes that she was deeply impressed. And when Sebastian was finally standing in front of her, she looked very nervous, like her heart was beating so fast. It was kinda cute to witness.

Once Sebastian finished singing, he knelt down in front of Cherilyn and stretched his left hand, giving the flowers and the bear. "Happy Valentines Day." He said in a soft voice, perfect ending to his heartthrob act.

Soon after Cherilyn received her gifts, Sebastian asked permission to take her out of the room for a few minutes. And as soon as they were gone, the teacher instantly went back to discussing. But almost half of the class was still having a hang over from Sebastian's courting act so a lot of the girls were still murmuring about it.

When lunch time came, May rushed to our table with a smile on her face. "How's your Valentine's day been?" she asked, addressing the two of us as she took a seat across me. "Did Kongpob give something for you yet?"

Nam and I looked at each other at the mention of Kongpob's name. After all, we agreed not to talk about him anymore, but May didn't know that so I let it go and answered her. "No, he didn't. and I'm, not expecting him to. Trust me, he won't."

Nam took the chance to change topics. "What about you, May? Did Michael give you anything yet?" she asked her.

May shook her head. "Nothing." She remarked. "I think he already accepts the idea that I like his best friend more than him."

"You mean, you like Daniel?!" Nam exclaimed in surprise. "But, I thought Daniel likes Arthit?"

Oh, shit!

"No, he doesn't!" I exclaimed quickly, slapping her arm lightly. I didn't want May to get hurt when it wasn't really true. "Daniel said he likes someone else. In fact, he said that he was going to give her a rose today."

May suddenly moved closer to me with obvious interest. "Who is it? Did he tell you?"

I shook my head. "He didn't tell me, but I'm sure it's not me." I replied, taking a sip from my iced tea. "Anyway, we'll find out soon because we'll see him giving the rose."

Nam, who was focused on the cafeteria door as we were talking, suddenly spoke. "Looks like we're going to find out sooner than you think." She said, moving her head towards the direction of the door. 

There, Daniel stood, holding not only one rose, but a whole bouquet of pink roses in his right hand, and he seemed like he was looking around for someone.

May suddenly became very excited. "Oh my gosh, that meant that the person is right in this room!" she exclaimed in an excited whisper, not taking her eyes off Daniel.

"I think he's looking for Arthit." Nam suddenly remarked, also following Daniel with her gaze. "Stand up, so he can see you!"

I looked at her with a raised brow. "Are you being serious?" I asked sarcastically. "I'm not that pathetic. Besides, it's not me who's going to receive the rose anyway."

"If you're not going to stand, then I will." Nam responded threateningly.

May's forehead furrowed. "But if you stand up, then Daniel wouldn't be seeing Arthit still. And Arthit's right, how can you be sure if he is really looking for him?" she asked before I could do it myself.

Nam grinned mischievously. "Don't you see it? If I stand up, Daniel would know where Arthit is because I'm sure that from all the times he and Arthit spent together, Arthit must've mentioned about eating lunch with me every time. There's no harm in checking, right? If he sees me and still doesn't approach us, it means he's looking for someone else." She explained.

"But it'll look all awkward if you just stand up without any reason." I pointed out, hoping she would just forget it.

"That's simple. I'll just throw this empty coke can." Nam answered, taking the empty tin can and starting to stand up. And sure enough, when she walked over to the trash bin, Daniel caught sight of her immediately and started to walk over to where she was heading back, which was of course, our table.

As Daniel approached us, my heart was beating fast and I was suddenly a bit nervous. I was pretty sure that it was me whom he was going to give those roses to. Who else would he give it to?

He didn't seem like he fancied May yesterday. And he said Nam was a bad friend just a few days ago.

How should I act if he gives me the roses? I don't know what to do...or if I even want him to give them to me?

Do I...?

I...don't think so.

But as he neared me, he suddenly turned towards May and gave her the roses.

"Happy Valentine's Day."


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