Chapter 19

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Alexandra's POV

"Hey." I said entering Brandon's room.

"Alexa we're leaving."

"What? But you ca-"

"I said we're leaving back. The doctor said I could."

"My baby." Lea entered the room. Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Mom we're leaving now." She looked at uncle Ace and he nodded.

"Okay then. Alex honey how are you today."

"I'm fine Lea." I said with a tired smile.

"Good. Your friend Johnny asked about you today." How is he able to go where I go? 2 days ago he was in Graceland. At the mention of Johnny Brandon's body tensed.

"Oh..uhm... okay then I'll leave now with Conor."

"Very eager to see him?" Brandon glared at me.

"Well he's my friend I won't let him wait any longer." I said not looking at him. He huffed and looked at the window.

"Okay dear go we'll help Brandon until he gets changed and Lucas will come back with the carriage." Oh yeah I forgot that I sent Conor to rest. I'm used to his presence by now.

I left the hospital room to see Lucas outside talking with the guards. I'm not eager to see Johnny but I want to know what was he talking with grandpa when we were at Graceland. Johnny along with my family knew about the secret I'm trying so much to keep it hidden. It has been 2 years and still no one knew. And I hope it stays this way.

"Lucas take me to the castle. Then you'll come to take the king and queen and Brandon." He nodded and followed me to the carriage.

When we left the hospital doors I didn't see the crowd that was present 1 hour ago. Thank god. I'm afraid I would tell them it was all my fault. I'm afraid they will hate me.

"Let's go Lucas."

"Yes ma'am."


"Johnny hey."

Johnny was waiting for me in the castle's gardens. He turned around and smiled that smile that used to make my heart beat fast. Maybe coming to Emerland was good for me. Or maybe a certain person was changing the effect Johnny had on me. It was Anna. Yeah definitely Anna.

"Hey Alex." He kissed my hand like usual.

"So when did you come back here?"

"2 hours ago I arrived here to see you."

"Good. And what fid you want?"

"Listen Alex. Your grandpa and I were talking about what happened 2 years ag-"

"Stop. Johnny if you came here to talk about it just stop. Please." He sighed.

"Alex the attack on the carriage was because of what happened."

"I know Johnny." I snapped at him.

"What are you going to do then Alex. You can't put Brandon's life in danger again." His gaze hardened.

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Leave Brandon and marry me Alex." What?!


"He did what?" My brother was furious after I told him what happened between me and Johnny.

"Harry calm down. After all he's right."

"So what will you leave Brandon?"

"I... I don't know. Maybe it's for the best. I heard that uncle Ace will retire early and name Brandon as the King of Emerland soon. When it will happen I will leave him and marry Johnny. It's for the best."

"But Alex sweetheart-"

"No dad. I made my mind."

"I knew you didn't love Brandon but I thought you will work things out both of you."

"I know mom. That's what I wanted but you know I cannot escape what I did." I sat down defeated.

"Is everything alright? I can feel the tension in the room." Lea said entering the living room. Mom cleared her throat and mumbled a yeah.

"Harry take Alex to the horses she hasn't gone horse riding in a while." Dad said.

I followed Harry silently. I knew he loathed Johnny but I am thinking about everyone's safety. Including Brandon's safety. Emerland doesn't need any commotion right now. I've grown a liking in this kingdom and I can't put anyone in any situation that may lead to blood being shed. We stopped in front of a white horse. Thankfully I was wearing something that suites horse riding.

"I'll take care of it Harry." He nodded and went to a brown horse.

"Her name is Angel." I was startled by a new voice. "I'm sorry ma'am if I scared you. I take care of the horses here."

"Oh hi." I replied.

It's amazing what a horse can do to your soul. The wind blew on my face. My hair was in a ponytail and I felt like I was flying. Every time I found myself drowning in my problems, I would go horse riding. My dad knew me very well. Harry and I raced each other laughing happily.

"I won." I had a smug smile on my face.

"Shut up." Harry rolled his eyes and I laughed more. "Alex."


"Promise me you will find your happy ending." That was a hard promise.



After about 3 hours we went back to the castle after wandering in the woods. I talked and laughed with Harry and we bonded. I'm so grateful to have a brother like him. We put the horses back and we headed to the entrance of the castle, to see a stressed Brandon. What's going on ?

"Where the fuck were you?" He roared. He was standing with the help of 2 sticks holding his tummy. Yet he was able to scream at me.

"I went horse riding with Harry."

"In the forest Alex? Are you insane?"

"Harry is with me." I argued.

"You are both alone! What if they came back huh? What would you both have done. And you're both unarmed dammit!!" What is his problem!!

"I'm not in the mood to argue Brandon." I sighed. He glared at me.

"Don't be so careless next time!" He turned around and went back limping to his room.

"He's right you know."

"Harry." I sighed and tolled my eyes.

"No Alex we could've been attacked again."

"And we aren't. I'm going back to my room. I'll be down for lunch."

In the second chapter there will be some exciting incidents. 😁

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