5 Galleons.

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"It's alright for you! You're with Remus! At least he's civilised!" Lily protested as she took her new seat towards the front of the class whilst Bexley sat a few rows behind her. The rest of the class found their seats and the noise died down as Professor McGonagall went through her usual welcoming the class back.

"I hope you have all had a restful, yet studious summer break. This term we will be-" She was cut off, however, as the Marauders came rumbling into the classroom. "Black, why am I not surprised to see you heading this group?"

"Hi Professor, sorry we're late, Peter here forgot his quill and we had to go back for it."

"And it takes four people to retrieve a quill?"

"We-" Sirius started but was cut off by Professor.

"It was rhetorical! Sit in your new seats now, quietly." James looked at the board and a huge grin spread across his face, Remus seemed to smile too as he headed towards Bexley, she smiled at him as he sat down.

"Just like first-year hey?" Remus spoke quietly as Professor McGonagall resumed.

"Yes, apart from the fact that this year we'll turn our cups into birds, and not each other's quills." Bexley joked with Remus quietly as Professor McGonagall told them of the spells they will be expected to succeed in this year.

"We will start with a simple Vanishing spell today, please all come to the front to collect an animal and then I will perform an example." The class moved to the front and so did Bexley and Remus. Lily hurried over to Bexley with a mortified look upon her face.

"Five minutes into the lesson and he's already found three different ways to ask me out! I don't think I'll make the full two lessons, say goodbye to my mother for me will you Bex?" Lily moaned as she picked up a mouse gently.

"Come on, you'll be okay. Here." Bexley slipped her a square piece of parchment.

"I have enough parchment." Lily looked at her with confusion.

"Trust me, you'll want this piece." Bexley urged. For what Lily did not know is that Bexley had enchanted this piece of parchment the night before and created a twin. When Lily wrote upon it, the note would appear on Bexley's piece of matching parchment, a way for them to communicate in case either of them was in need, or Lily was being harassed by James. Lily took the parchment and scurried off back to her desk, James waiting for her with a cheesy smile. Professor McGonagall showed them the spell and the wrist action and after saying this together as a class a couple of times, they were left to their own devices.

The room was filled with the incantation and furious voices when their mouse remained on their desk. As Remus began attempting the spell, Bexley retrieved her Transfiguration book from her bag and caught his attention.

"What are you looking for?" Remus peered over at her book.

"This was my dad's copy, I'm seeing if he has any advice." Bexley continued to scour the tattered book for the correct page.

"Isn't that cheating? With your dad being an Auror and all."

"I like to think of it as a gentle nudge in the right direction." Bexley had found the page and read her dad's scribbles and discovered some useful advice. Remus watched Bexley carefully as she placed her wand lengthways on the desk and positioned the mouse a wand length away from her, 10 inches to be specific.

"Evanesco" and with a flick of her wrist, her mouse disappeared. She turned to Remus and grinned happily. Remus copied her earlier actions and spoke the incantation too. The mouse, however, did not vanish.

"Here, flick with your wrist, not your fingers." Bexley held Remus's hand as she moved his hand as she had moved hers. "Try now." Remus did as he was told and sure enough, the mouse disappeared. They smiled at each other and stood to look in the box here the mice had been to see if they had been completely successful and sure enough there they were, two white mice trying to climb up the edge. They picked up their mice and returned to the desk to continue practising when Bexley felt a buzz in her pocket. She dug her hands in her robes and retrieved the piece of parchment which now had writing scribbled on it.

If we were lovers|Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now