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Crying into Hope's shoulder for the evening Bexley felt unburdened and twice as heavy. She poured her heart out to her mother, the pain she felt when she saw those she loved dead, it was something she never thought capable of seeing. Her whole life disintegrated as she saw their future, they were so young, Lily and James, how could that happen? Sirius, he would grow old and suffer how could Bexley let him suffer? What was more concerning, where was she in this? What was her future? Why wasn't she apart of their lives?

"I didn't know I could go that far with it." She sobbed as Hope cooed, waiting for Dumbledore to arrive. Hope had directed her to the headmaster's office for some guidance on how to mother her new daughter.

"Dumbledore, what does this mean?" Hope looked as the Professor watched the scene.

"It means what she saw, will happen."

"NO! Dumbledore no! They are too young! No, I...I, I can stop it." She stuttered, clinging to Dumbledore's robes.

"Bexley, if you interfere-"

"I have to! I can't let them die, Voldemort can kill me instead, I don't care, not them. Lily's baby-" All over again she saw the little green-eyed boy staring up at her with bright eyes.

"Voldemort is already searching for you Bexley, this will only aid him!" Hope frantically pulled her daughter into her arms, like this would be enough.


"No. Bexley, you will stay in this castle, do you hear me! I, I, I forbid it!" She stuttered, yet spoke firmly. Hope continued her mothering, with agreeing interjections from Dumbledore. It became clear, Bexley was to remain in the castle unless supervised, she couldn't be trusted apparently. Yet, when she made her way to her dorm, at the sight of Lily, she never wanted to step foot outside the castle if it meant leaving her. Bexley flung her arms around her confused friend, kissing every inch of her face.

"Well, hello to you too!" Lily giggled.

"Oh God, I've missed you," Bexley spoke tearily, whilst Lily looked concerned she didn't question it.

"I missed you too." She grinned. Together they spent the afternoon in bed, reading. Like the old days, Bexley grasped onto the moment, imprinting the feeling in her brain. As evening arrived, Bexley sat her friends down around the fire, after apologising to Sirius.

"I promised no more lies." Bexley choked.

"Bexley, what is going on?" James asked worriedly.

"Literally what we were just about to find out mate." Sirius slapped James's head. Bexley grinned ever so slightly.

"I've seen... the future. Our future and, and I'm going to try and stop it. I can't let it happen, I can't let our futures happen. I can't see this every time I look at you all, I can't feel this emptiness anymore."

"Bexley, where are you going with this?"

"I'm going to help Voldemort."

"NO. NO, YOU AREN'T." Remus thundered.

"I second it. Bexley, I swear to Godric-"

"You don't understand! You don't know what this pain feels like. I have to stop it!"

"And you think waltzing to the Dark Side is going to sort this!"

"He's already looking for me! He wants my help, maybe I could-"

"How fucking stupid are you? Do you think Voldemort is just going to strike you a deal? The minute he gets what he wants, your dead Bexley. You are dead!" Sirius scolded her, he leant down in front of Bexley and grasped her face tightly.

"I'd rather me than you."

"Bexley, please, we can look after ourselves okay, don't do anything stupid alright!" Lily reassured.

"I have to go." Bexley made her way to the portrait.

"Where are you going?"

"I just need to be alone." Before Sirius could shout for her, she was out the door and heading to the Slytherin common room. Knocking politely on the dungeon door, she asked a first-year to retrieve who she was looking for.

"Bexley, this is a surprise."

"Regulus, can we talk?" He looked quite anxious to see her in fact, he seemed to be sweating profusely. Yet he nodded and led them to his bedroom. The walls glowed green as the light from the black lake surrounded them. "I need to see Voldemort."

"I beg your pardon?" Regulus sat stiffly on the edge of his bed.

"I need to talk to him. I need him to save my friends, I'll do whatever he wants, I just need to stop them dying- Regulus please." Bexley didn't understand completely what she had said. Yes, she hoped for a bargain with the merciless Dark Lord, she hoped she could spare them and she hoped her faith would be enough.

"Bexley, it-it doesn't work like that."

"Why not! He is hunting me down to see his future, why can't I make a bargain! I'll save him the trouble!"

"You'd be signing your own death warrant and ours. Our task is to get close to you, do you think he'll need us after? What do you think he'll do to Narcissa, he knows you've grown close."

"Why do you care about Narcissa?" Bexley rubbed her brows as she tried to calm herself.

"I don't-" As the lie escaped his lips, Bexley clutched his hand firmly, closing her eyes she stepped backwards in shock at what she saw.

"Narcissa, you treat her like a sister. I thought you hated her." Bexley was hit with sympathy and confusion.

"She is a victim in all this! Have you seen the way that piece of shit Lucius treats her. I'm doing what I can to save her! He wanted her to kill you, you realise that! That was her task and then- then she couldn't you became her friend and I-" Regulus's eyes watered as he admitted his secrets.

"You what Regulus?" Bexley pressed.

"I TOOK HER PLACE." His head fell between his legs as he sobbed quietly. "I have to kill you." He cried. Bexley stood frozen as she watched his body convulse and shake.

"It's okay." Bexley sat next to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It would be okay, she knew it would be. Everything would happen as it was supposed to.

"I can't I can't do it."

"Think of Narcissa." Bexley reasoned

"What about Sirius?"

"I'll give them more time. We'll figure something out." She hoped she would, she prayed they would. For everyone's sake.

"You're willing to put him through that?"

"No, but I couldn't take his brother from him. He needs you, listen to me okay, we'll sort this out?"

"How? How the fuck are we going to fix this?" A teary Regulus asked.

"I'm still figuring that part out." She sighed, stroking his back.

If we were lovers|Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now