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Bexley's eyelids felt heavy and dry as she scrunched them open and closed. Becoming accustomed to the darkness shrouding her, it appeared she was in a basement of some kind.

"Morning deary!" Bellatrix's voice pierced her, grabbing Bexley's arm, she yanked her up viciously and Bexley's surroundings became clear. They were in the basement of HoneyDukes, she had ventured down here once with Sirius, the smell of the luxurious sweets made the memory all the more taunting.

"How did we get here?" Bexley mumbled, rubbing the back of her head.

"Peter let us in on your secret map, possibly the only good thing my cousin came up with," Bellatrix muttered, turning to look at her watch.

"Jesus christ your so bitter," Bexley whispered, but not quiet enough. Bellatrix's nails sank into her, piercing her scarred skin Bexley yelped in pain.

"I really don't think getting snarky with me is clever right now. Oh, how is my masterpiece looking!" Her lips curled into a snarl.

"Bellatrix! It's time." Lucius rushed down from the basement stairs. "The shop is empty." Bellatrix let go of Bexley, pulling up her own sleeve, Bexley watched as the snake branding moved under her skin, her body froze over as she watched, shivering at the sight. At its movement, the familiar sound of apparating arrived behind Bexley, she turned slowly and came face to face with the notorious Fenrir Greyback. Bexley backed herself into a corner, huddling her knees to her chest, her vulnerability seemed to amuse him. Stretching out a long poisonous finger, he swept over her cheek. The thudding of her heart seemed to ripple through Bexley's body and as Fenrir's nails nipped her cheek, he was sent flying back. Bellatrix and Lucius looked speechless as Fenrir laid crumpled in a corner, they eyed Bexley as they realised the possibility of her wandless magic.

"The Dark Lord warned us this might happen." Bexley studied Lucius as he paced, he seemed almost scared of Bexley, despite him being the role of the captor.

"Let me leave, or the same will happen to you." Bexley banned any fear from her voice and spoke with conviction, unfolding herself she stood face to face with Bellatrix.

"Is that so?"

"You're just sad and pathetic. Mummy didn't love you enough, did it send you over the edge? Poor Bellatrix, never enough-" Bexley's cheek stung as Bellatrix's hand made sharp contact with it, the cool cut of her rings made a small incision on her cheek.

"The Lord wants her in one piece Bellatrix!" Lucius pulled the deranged girl back. "Wake him up, I'll hold her." Bellatrix obeyed and tended to Fenrir as Lucius dug his wand into Bexley's throat.

"You're not cut out for this Malfoy."  Bexley spat as he applied further pressure to her neck.

"Where's Sirius to save you now? Or that deformed brother of yours."

"Don't you dare speak about either of them!"  Her legs thrashed as Lucius pushed himself against her.

"I don't think your in any position to be giving out these orders." Lucius's mouth grazed over her ear, Bexley recoiled from his touch, her chest began to heave, the way it did when Vincent was looming over her.

"Get a grip, Lucius." Bellatrix sighed as Fenrir stood from his corner, darting his malice eyes through Bexley. "Come here." She snapped, they all stood on either side of Fenrir, Bexley struggling with Lucius's vice-like grip.

"I'd stop that unless you want to get splinched of course." Bellatrix grinned. Ceasing her protests, Bexley felt unnerved by the familiar backwards pull. Like a string attached to her belly button, she was thrown backwards, her surroundings becoming nothing but a blur of colours until shapes slowly became clear. The wind sent her hair whipping at her face, its cold saltiness biting at her cheeks Bexley widened her eyes at the isolation which surrounded them. Grey ominous cliff faces were their backdrop to the deathly grey sea which came crashing violently, hungrily at their feet.

"Where are we?"

"I wouldn't with the questions if I were you." The familiarity of the voice stung Bexley, Regulus came into view, his thick hair falling over his face, for a moment he could be Sirius. Bexley fought back to urge to run into his arms as Lucius pushed her towards him. Yet her eyes couldn't help but plead with him, his eyes spoke all the things he could not, how sorry he was, how desperate he was to see things rights. How much it pained him to be apart of a war he wished never existed. As they came closer, he slowed his pace and walked slightly in front of her, yet his warm fingertips still grazed her purposefully, telling her he was there for her and it was the most monumental act of affection.

They walked quietly along the cliff face, edging closer to a mass of black, their features as people becoming clearer the closer they got. Death eaters. Bexley's footsteps faltered only to be started again by a vicious shove from Fenrir. The haunting faces became violent as they spotted Bexley and her protests became a spectacle. Halting in her spot, Fenrir and Lucius wrapped their hands around her upper arms, dragging her along the stones as her body thrashed against them, pulling away as much as she could.

The more she focused on a spell, the more her mind became muddled with horror as they jeered at her feeble protests, but that subsided into anger, pure boiling anger. When she looked at the worry on Regulus's face, it tipped her over the edge, she wasn't going without a fight and as magic flooded her senses, her captor's hands were wrenched from her and they were held frozen in the air, Bellatrix tried to retrieve her wand, yet was stunned by Bexley, falling limp on the floor the Death Eaters humour dissipated. However, there was one penetrating laughter which rang through them and through Bexley, and once again, fear crept in, like an ice cube down her back, goosebumps rose to the surface as his grey face turned to hers.

"What a show." Voldemort clapped, his teeth bared as he grinned. "And what a delight you'll be among my Death Eaters."

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