Open arms.

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Their walk up the hill was quite a trek in the September sun, which seemed to be getting hotter with every passing minute. Despite Bexley's initial reluctancy to wear Lily's summer dress, she was grateful for the gentle breeze which caressed her legs. Finally, Sirius had stopped walking and set down the basket under a large oak tree, he retrieved a picnic blanket from the basket and smoothed this over the green grass, helping Bexley sit with a polite smile. Bexley had a sense that Sirius was on his best behaviour, and she didn't mind, not one bit. Retrieving items of food and drink from the basket, Bexley's eyes widened at the vast variety of snacks that Sirius had packed, she looked at him with a sincere smile.

"I wasn't sure what you liked. Well, apart from pumpkin juice, you have 2 glasses of it every morning!" Sirius admitted, his cheeks flushed slightly at his oversharing of information, Bexley bit her lip in an attempt to suppress her growing grin. "Well dig in then Morgan!" he settled against the tree and watched Bexley with baited breathe. She grinned and poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice and opened a packet of chocolate frogs. With the tension easing in his chest, Sirius felt a sense of pride soar through him.

"This is beautiful Sirius." Bexley sipped her juice and looked out at the view, the rolling hills with Hogwarts settled in the distance. Sunlight rippling over the small village, she never realised how admirable it was. 

"If we were lovers we could do this all the time" Sirius whispered almost pleadingly, his eyes focused on Bexley. She turned to him as she brushed her hair from her face blushing furiously, he cursed himself for not realising just how damn beautiful she was sooner.

"So, where did you all sneak off to on Monday?" Bexley laid on her side, propping her head up with her arm as she popped grapes into her mouth.

"What?" Sirius shook his head, breaking the trance.

"Monday, after you so kindly dropped me to the floor, you all disappeared."

"We told you, we were in the Forest." Bexley's head tilted to the side as she looked at him, her eyes narrowing in as if trying to read his thoughts.

"Come on Sirius, you expect me to believe that." Sirius clutched his chest in mock offence. "It's just strange. Because I was too and I didn't see any of you there." Bexley spoke innocently, but Sirius's face was contorted with panic, what had she seen? He quickly recovered and hastily jammed a pumpkin pasty in his mouth, giving himself time to regroup his thoughts.

"Well, we were quite far into the Forest. And anyway, what's a girl like you doing in the Forbidden Forest!"

"A girl like me?"

"Yes, well you know all-" Sirius gestured Bexley's body with his hand as if that was a sufficient answer.

"All-" Bexley mirrored his action.

"Yes," Sirius answered simply, Bexley stared at him for a moment before she threw her head back in laughter. It wasn't a quiet laugh either, Sirius was sure it could be heard all the way down in Hogsmeade, it rippled through him and filled him with warmth, she reminded him of honey, golden, smooth, sweet and pure. "Now that is a proper cackle." He joined in with her as she clenched her stomach in fits of laughter, tears oozing from her eyes.

"Sirius Black you are something else!" She spoke through giggles, eventually calming down she laid back completely and looked at the clouds above.


"Sirius." She turned her heads towards him, he was rested against the tree trunk, his arms behind his head, his muscles tense. His shirt hanging low revealing his collar bone, the sunlight broke through the branches and shards of light landed on him. Unconsciously, Bexley's tongue darted out and wetted her lips.

If we were lovers|Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now