{:} Chapter 6 {:} Hell Climb Pillar {:}

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(I've decided your theme, for example, Joseph's theme is Overdrive, Caesar's theme is Small Soldier. Yours is "I'm in Control", but an instrumental one, the one above, when you get your moment, for example winning or outsmarting, or y'know, starting to defeat, it's at 1:07, please check it out! Cause the story in future chapters will feel way more epic if you put this on- on with the story!)  

"W-What?!" said Caesar, Joseph replied with,"Hey whats going on?" 

"M-Master, are we really starting with the Hell Climb Pillar? I've never attempted it before" Caesar asked. "Hell Climb Pillar has claimed the lives of countless trainees." said Y/N. "If you cannot overcome this test, you have no right to be here." Lisa Lisa told the three.

"Hey, don't leave me in the dark here! What the hell is this Hell thing anyway?" 

"Step through these doors and you'll see" said Lisa Lisa.

"Master, you cant!" said Caesar, as Lisa Lisa pushed the trio down.

Y/N's P.O.V:

We landed in a pit of..liquid. "Th-This is...oil!" Joesph said. "Its flowing down the pillar!" 

"Its a twenty-four meter climb to the top. You may only use your hands to climb, there is no other exit." Lisa Lisa continued, "If you can't climb, you'll die down there" 

Here we are...finally...I dreaded this day. 

"No time should be wasted, I'm starting..." I said, I focused my hamon on my finger tips and started to begin, Caesar followed, we were neck and neck while doing the pillar, in some parts he would prevail, and in some I would. 

3rd POV:

25 hours have passed...

Joseph has only now learned how to stick to the pillar, if Y/N and Caesar tried to talk and help him before they'd lose their concentration and fall. Having no more energy, they'd die. 

Caesar is at 15 meters.

Y/N is halfway through my 14th meter. 

Joseph...I know you can do it, you strong handsome man, were the thoughts of Y/N as she glanced down to see him progressing. 

49 hours have passed

Caesar is stuck at 18 Meters

 JoJo is on 16. Due to the amount of concentration needed for the test, Joseph is neither hungry nor sleepy. 

Y/N is on her 18th meter, she can see Caesar struggling but she knows that he has tons of strength, He'll prevail, I'm sure he will...   were the thoughts of Y/N

52 hours have passed

Caesar is at 19 meters and so is Y/N

JoJo is at 18 meters and discovers the first trap, oil blasting at high pressure.

"Oh god, what will we do..." said Y/N. "I can do something...I'm not sure about you and Joseph" Caesar said. He used repelling ripple to dive through the blast. Y/N looked at him, she knew how to do it, but hadn't worked on it as much. What to do...what to do...I know!

This was the time for Y/N to use her own move, concentrated-repelling hamon, the amount of hamon that she can concentrate depends on her own strength. She still had some strength left, but didn't want to use a lot of it here. 

The oil was blasting at an immense speed, she held onto the wall with one hand, she breathed out some hot air (like the air you blow at a car window to make it foggy) into a certain distance, and activated her hamon there, holding the concentration with just one finger tip, the moisture could conduct hamon for about 20 seconds. 

She started the concentration, this time she made a very specific attractor, it was almost flat, with slight curves this was so that it could only repel the oil from the blasters. She let the repeller explode(1:07 moment) gold Hamon was everywhere and the oil had suddenly disappeared, but she knew it would come back on in less than 20 seconds. The oil was hit with such a shock that it was repelled back where it came from, but not for long, the trap was still activated and it was fluid. Fluid can't just die. 

She quickly climbed above the blasters, they almost hit her.  Huff, huff, huff,  she quickly started her Hamon breathing. "Y/N...you could do that?" Caesar said, astonished. "That was so- JUST WOW!" Joseph yelled, amazed. The Hamon was still in the air, surrounding them. It started to fade off. 

Next...was Joseph.

Y/N couldn't focus on him, but she glanced every so often.

60 hours later...

Caesar is near finishing this, Y/N is just a bit behind Caesar, Joseph is stuck at the trap.

61 hours have passed

 Caesar has reached the top, "Caesar! Good jo-" Y/N tried to finish her sentence but she almost fell down. "Argh.." She regained her composure, "Y/N! Please dont fall!" Joseph yelled from under, "JoJo, please get to the top!" Y/N yelled, "I promise I wont fall!" Caesar looked down at her, "Amore...please dont fall. Focus, and you'll be up here, just focus" Caesar told Y/N as he looked at her, slightly worried. "I- I wont fall.." Y/N held herself up, but it was clear that she was slightly exhausted. 


I could hear Caesar pleading to Lisa Lisa, asking her to turn off the oil for JoJo, I agree with him...But I know Joseph, he will get through it, he's smart, he's strong, he'll get through it.

3rd POV

Y/N was 50 centimetres away from reaching the top.

5 minutes have passed since Caesar had reached the top

"Almost...HERE I AM!" Y/N yelled in satisfaction. Caesar helped her up, "Great job!" The two hugged as Y/N melted into his arms, she was quite tired. 

I'd kiss you right now...but...I'm not sure if you'd want me to, thought Caesar.  "JoJo! You can do it!" Y/N yelled, 4 minutes later, Joseph used the High-Pressure Oil stream as a slide and launched himself toward the outer wall, "Woah..." Y/N mumbled, Caesar ran over to him and helped him get out. Caesar congratulated him, the two talked and caught up.

The trio headed out and relaxed, they all took a shower and ate until they were full. Their needs were begging to be filled and replenished. Y/N was sleepy, as they finished their food she dozed, the girl literally fell into Caesar's lap and went into a deep sleep. 

JoJo's POV

"Y/N-" I looked up to see Y/N, on Caesar's lap, sleeping. His face was flustered, he was blushing, it was obvious he liked her, so, what do YOU think I did in a situation like this?

Tease. Caesar.

"Oh? Caesar, the confident womanizer is here, blushing  at the fact that my best friend, Y/N, fell into your lap? Caes-"

"I'm not blushing, its just really hot here JoJo!  Maybe you're jealous that she fell on me instead of you, aren't you, Joseph Joestar?" Caesar replied. 

We quietly argued until Suzi hushed us, and then returned to her meal. 

I could see Caesar glancing at Y/N every so often and would gently smile. YOU'RE BEING OBVIOUS ZEPPELI!  I made up my mind, I'd get them together. I did like Y/N back when we were younger, I'm pretty sure she liked me too, but I'm sure...I'm sure that Y/N likes him back. 


(HELL, 1201 words, thanks for reading, ly people! <3)

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