{:} Chapter 14 {:} His Blood {:}

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After Y/N was more comforted, the group started to talk about strategies. Caesar, thought that we should rush now because the sun is out, and Wammu and Kars are inside. Joseph, didn't agree with that and said that they should wait; and so, a fight erupted.

(I'm too lazy to get the actual lines, but I'll use my memory to make something similar)

"Think about it Joseph! We can avenge our grandfathers who died!" Yelled Caesar, clearly angry and desperate to rush, "Why should we care about them?! We never knew them anyway!" Clearly, Caesar was provoked, he went up to him and punched him in the face, Joseph punched back, and a fight boiled. Y/N rushed over and grabbed Caesar and Messina grabbed Joseph and Lisa Lisa stayed between them to defuse the situation. Y/N was trying hard to hold him back, he was much stronger and bigger. "Caesar...stop...You too Joseph!" Both of the boys stopped moving and eventually Caesar said, "Whatever, you guys can stay here, but I'm going" After that, he left for the mansion. "Messina, go with him" The tall man looked at Lisa Lisa and nodded. 

Y/N looked at Caesar as he went further away, she knew why he was so provoked, so did Lisa Lisa, and she explained his past to Joseph, which made him realize his mistake. "Are they going to be okay...?" asked Y/N, she was worried, her hands grabbed the railing of the balcony. Lisa Lisa and Joseph stepped forward, "We can't know for sure," Joseph looked at Lisa Lisa, "Then should we go after them?" Lisa Lisa took off her glasses and sighed, "Yes...we should..." The three started to walk towards the scene. They could see a hole in one of the walls. They also couldn't see Caesar or Wammu. "They must be inside" said Joseph, Y/N nodded as she clenched her hand, she wanted to run, but her body didn't allow her to.


A large explosion suddenly happened, "W-What happened?!" Another hole was made in another wall and suddenly a large burst of golden lights started to shine, followed by Caesar's voice saying "Take it all!" and another large noise.  Y/N's breathing started to become faster, her body was paralyzed in fear of whatever she'd see when she'd go inside. Joseph and Lisa Lisa were also a bit shocked. All of them started to run towards the hole and saw...a mess. Debris everywhere, rocks and dust, blood...but...no Caesar. Joseph rushed inside, "This place is a wreck, a divine sandstorm did all this, and Caesar was caught right inside the heart of it..." The three looked to their right and saw the stairs having a trail of blood, and a bubble..."A bubble! C-Could it be...? I-Inside is Caesar's bandana, and a ring...! Wammu's lip ring!" said Joseph, he held the bubble inside his hands and a lot of Hamon started to flow out, "T-This Hamon energy feels really strange!"

 After he took all the energy, and the bandana and ring fell into his hands, he fell on his knees, "You know, I couldn't bring myself to call out Caesar's name since we made our way into this place...Because I'm be afraid there'll be no answer, if I came in here and cried out his name, there might not be any response in return, there might be nothing but a lifeless silence. That is what scares me. I couldn't accept it, so I didn't call his name...But now, I know he's gone...The Hamon contained in that bubble told me everything I needed to know. Right here...just a few moments ago...Caesar died," Joseph's eyes started to brew with tears, and Y/N was already crying, "Caesar you bastard! You had to be a damn show off until the very end! And then you leave a precious gift like this for me...Caesar! Where are you?! Where the hell are you sleeping?! I'll find you Caesar, I'll dig you up! Caesar!-" Lisa Lisa interrupted, "JoJo! This isn't the time to search or grieve, we have work to do, there are two of them and two of us, the numbers are balanced, they're even. That trail of blood leading up the stairs tells me Caesar significantly wounded Wammu, we're in the middle of enemy territory, lets go finish this fight. JoJo, come on, take the antidote, then we'll go hunt those bastards down," Lisa Lisa turned after making that statement. 

Joseph rose up his fist, he was angry to see that she didn't even shed a tear for Caesar, and then he sighed, knowing that she was their coach, and had to keep her cool. "Coach Lisa Lisa, your cigarette, it's backwards..." Lisa Lisa looked down and muffled a small cry as she shook, she toko out her cigarette and crushed it in her hands. Y/N looked through the rocks, everywhere, "Caesar! Where are you?! C-Caesar..." her hands ran down the rocks as tears poured through her eyes, she turned to look at the trail of blood as she gasped, fighting more cries that she wanted to let out. Her knees felt weak, she wanted to cry and weep, she wanted to find Caesar and help him, but...she just couldn't find him. "Caesar! Tell me that you're hiding somewhere, that you're alive! P-Please..." She walked to Joseph and Lisa Lisa, until she finally lost all strength to walk and fell to her knees. Memories of them having sweet times flooded through her head.

 "I swear! I will fight them like a devil until there's nothing left of them, I'll avenge you Caesar, your spirit is with me!" Joseph clutched Caesar's bandana, and suddenly a plank of wood fell off one of the boarded windows and shined light on...a rock...shaped like a cross...and...from under the rock...came his blood. Caesar's blood. "Blood...his blood...This is...where he fell...Caesar..." Lisa Lisa stared at the blood on horror, as her voice caught in her throat, and tears spilled out of her eyes. She fell on her knees, "Caesar..." Joseph looked at the rock and shouted his name loudly, "CAEEEESSSAAAARRR!" Y/N crawled to the rock with sobs, "Caesar! Caesar....You..." She couldn't even speak, she stood up, eagerly trying to get the rock off of the ground, "Caesar! Caesar! Amore...I'll help you! P-Please...let me...help...you..." she tried to somehow get the rock off, her tears fell on it as her hands gripped the rock tightly, trying to get it off of him. "Y-You guys...g-go...I'll...I'll stay here...I'll help him, I don't care how! I'll help him and Messina...I'll...Just go without me..." Y/N managed to cry out, as she fell on her knees beside the stone, her head resting in her arms as she cried and thought of a way to get the rock off, any way she could...Lisa Lisa nodded, the three grieved and eventually, Lisa Lisa and Joseph started to leave. 

Y/N quickly shot up, "Wait! J-Joseph..." JoJo turned around, and looked at Y/N with a questioning gaze, Y/N held back more tears as she ran up to him and hugged him, "Please don't die...Please! I won't be able to live like that, without you...S-So...please..." her tears soaked through his shirt, Joseph looked down and hugged her, "I promise...I wont die..." Y/N nodded and went to Lisa Lisa, she hugged her too, "You too, Coach Lisa Lisa, please don't die...I wish you both the best..."The two nodded and left.

Y/N turned around, and wiped her tears, she quickly ran over to Messina and healed him, which took around 10 minutes. She stood up and looked at the rock, the very sight of it made her weak, but she knew she had to over come it. She went to the rock and put her hand on top of it. She bit her lip and clenched her hands, and then relaxed.

"I'll fix you, Caesar. Don't worry, amore..."

(Thats it for now, I was looking at the actual scene while writing this and I often felt an urge to cry. I've watched that scene so many times, yet it still makes me cry, if not, almost cry. I hope you guys liked the chapter!)

c a e s a r i n o , s i g n i n g o u t 

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