{:} Chapter 15 {:} Where would we be without you? {:}

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Y/N ran to Messina and healed him, this took about 10 minutes. 

She now had 2 hours and 50 minutes left to save Caesar.

Reviving those who died using Vurni takes time, get their systems started, any major injuries healed, all organs working, the body being rebuilt, this complicated task takes around 2 hours. 

But, there was a problem, the rock, it needs to be lifted off. 

Y/N ran to the cross-shaped rock, she could try to lift it up (impossible) or she could try to break it, these were the only options for now. Y/N put her fingers on the rock and tried to use Hamon.

"This could do a good bit of damage..." Y/N started to breathe in the hamon way, and slammed the rock, the hamon coursed through the small cracks and tried to break off what it could. About a third of the rock broke off.  More blood was now exposed to Y/N, and...a body part, it wasn't broke off. It was his arm, it was injured pretty bad, she could see that there were broken bones, as well as cuts and bleeding.

She gasped at the sight as tears formed at her eyes, Y/N wiped them and continued to break off the rock, piece by piece, all to reveal his broken and bloody body. 

Time passed: 20 minutes

Y/N wiped the sweat off her forehead, she was down to the last piece of rock, which she decided to just push off.

There he was.




But, not dead for long. When Vurni revives someone, the person is fully alive, not like a zombie; they're back to being alive, as if they never died. 

Y/N sat on her knees and reached her hand out to touch his face, the sight was horrifying. Blood was everywhere, it touched her knees, her hands, everything except of her upper body.

She touched his face and started to use her Vurni, blue and gold shot out of her hands and seeped deep inside Caesar's body, giving him a faint blue-gold glow. Y/N was using a ton of energy just to do this, fixing him would be exhausting, but worth it. 

Her eyes were outlined with a blue and gold and her arms were circled with these lines. She sat as she saw his body slowly repair. 

First: Repair the body. (Skeleton, nerves & arteries, skin, etc)

Y/N began, she started with his structure, the body slowly rose and fell into place,  his skin repaired and skeleton repaired. 

All of this happened slowly, each task taking around 10 minutes. 

The body is complex and it takes time to get things back into their previous state.

Y/N's breathing started to get heavy, she was starting to get exhausted, her body wanted to fall asleep, lay down and close her eyes, but she knew what she wanted. The opposite. She wanted to help Caesar, to not fall asleep, to not lay down and close her eyes.

[~] Tesoro Mio [~] Caesar Zeppeli x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now