Surprise Visit

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It was lonely in my bed on the bus. I could hear the crew all in the seating area having fun. I just couldn't bring myself to go out to them. I wasn't in an entertaining mood. I missed Celeste. It had been 3 weeks since she left me alone in her house. I was a mess. I didn't want to tell her how hard I had took it. I knew she would be upset and I didn't want to make it worse. I needed her. We called each other every day but it wasn't enough. Looking at her face on that small screen was killing me. I was miserable. I just kept laying in my bed thinking. That was my worst enemy. My mind. I was playing over scenarios in my head. Scenarios of what she was doing without me. Was she out partying? Was she in a similar position to me, thinking about me the same way? Did she miss me as much as I did her? Was she meeting someone new? It wasn't that I didn't trust her, I don't trust other people. I was a jealous person, I fully admit it. I needed to shake these thoughts from my head. I was literally going to drive myself insane.

'knock knock' Adam appeared at the door

"Hey man, want a drink? some company?"

I shuffle up the bed so i'm leaning on the headboard. I pull the cigarette from behind my ear and light it, taking a long drag and blowing the grey smoke towards the open window. "No thanks man i'm set" I hold up my beer "I'm just going to watch some reruns of 'the office' then i'm going to get some sleep. Your welcome to join me but it sounds like your all having fun out there, don't feel like you have to babysit me"

"I think it's me who needs babysitting. Im drunk off my ass. I'm just going to sit here and sober up abit" He slumps down on the bed with a thud. "You seem pensive Posty what's going on in that head of yours"

"I miss her man" I sigh

"Well this may help" he holds out a bottle of jack to me. I reluctantly take it and take a large swig.

"I've got to perform in a few hours" I take another swig before I hand back the bottle.

"Posty can still perform drunk" he hands the bottle back to me laughing.

"You are correct. I need to see her soon man i'm going insane" I take a large swig. He pats me on the back and presses play on the remote. We sit drinking in a comfortable silence.

By the time I was dressed to go on stage I was hammered. I had a double shot of espresso and a I chugged a bottle of water before I walked on stage, to sober me up slightly. The performance was fine, as Adam said Posty can perform drunk. Austin however was not fine. I stumbled of stage and into my dressing room, Pat had to lower me to the couch I was that wasted. I could hear the party going on around me but I was out. I wasn't functional. I thought it best to stay where I was and let the crew get in with their night. My eyes went heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

I felt a heaviness on my body and an uneasy feeling like I was on a boat, feeling of rocking. I tried to bring my hand up to my face to rub it but it wouldn't move. My eyelids felt so heavy, too heavy to lift. I sat in inner turmoil trying to talk my body into doing what I needed it to. It eventually started to respond to my silent begging. I cracked one eye and saw a blurry smudge of what looked like brown hair. My head lolled back as I struggled to open the other eye looking up at a familiar face.

Celestes POV

I was a complete bitch the whole time I was on tour. I just missed him. Austin always said I calm him. But I think it was the other way round. I was finding fault in everything, I was starting arguments because I was in a bad mood. It was like I was turning on the performer persona just before I got on stage and off as soon as the high of performing faded. I needed to see him. I had a couple of days coming up that where free. I did have some interviews set up but luckily they double booked. I had organised my travel and it gave me something to look forward to. I wasn't as bad on the days leading up to it. I thought I'd surprise him so I had to tone down the facetimes so he didn't guess that I had something planned. I would only be able to stay for 2 nights and I had an early flight in the morning. But I would be able to be in his arms, smell his comforting scent, kiss those perfect lips and fuck his brains out. I was so sexually frustrated, there was only so much my wand could do.

I flew into Chicago and headed straight for the venue. None of them knew I was coming, I didn't want to spoil the surprise and none of them can hold their water. I had changed on the plane knowing that they would be having a party backstage. I had a little black dress and heels on pulling my case through the corridors of the venue, my heels clicking on the concrete. Adam sees me from the end of the corridor. His eyes go wide and his smile spreads across his face. 

"CELESTE!!!!!!!" he runs towards me, picking me up and spinning me round knocking over my case. "What are you doing here, does Post know?" 

I shake my head "No is he in there?" I motion to the greenroom 

"No he's in his dressing room. I got him drunk so he would stop moping about you" He says sheepishly.

I roll my eyes as I walk past him and  head for the dressing rooms. Adam follows me mumbling his apologies. Austins door is slightly ajar. I stop and smooth out my dress while Adam pushes into the room. I smile as I look up expecting to see a drunk Austin. I do see a drunk Austin however he has a brunette straddling his lap, butt naked. I feel sick. I back up as I start to panic. Before I know it Adam is shouting me as I run down the corridor towards the exit. I burst through the fire exit doors running straight into Pat. 

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