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What Skull felt when he was riding, was different from any feeling he'd ever felt before— freedom and the open road agreed with him. It showed plainly on his face, the ear splitting grin on his lips that made his cheeks hurt as the wind whipped past his jacket making it lift off his back. On either side of him drove Killer and Red whom had taken him up on his idea to drive into town. It was around half past nine and the bustle of the evening traffic was winding down in Oakley, leaving the sound of their rumbling bikes on the tar enveloping the streets.

Riding his bike had been one of Skull's guilty pleasures ever since it seemed to agree with his anxiety. Calming his nerves and clearing his head  when he wasn't able to sleep or think clearly and as he drove down the street, he could feel himself relaxing; the club had been a bit hectic lately, with the news of the Martini's circling, Skull was sure he'd be seeing the Romanians soon. As for King and the mole, Skull was still sorting out a plan to kill two birds with one stone and as for the location of the merchandise, no one was none the wiser.

As they continued to ride, Skull's gaze immediately caught sight of familiar strawberry blonde hair speed walking down the sidewalk and his eyebrows furrowed as he slowed his bike, Killer seemed to pick up on what had caught his attention as he called out to the woman, "Evie!"

Skull's scowl deepened as her body quivered as she jumped out of her skin upon hearing her name. Frantically she looked in their direction, a relieved expression fluttered across her face when her gaze met Skull's. She gently wiped her eyes before walking towards the edge of the pavement Skull slowly drove over towards her before tilting his head slightly, "Hey," he said giving her a once over.

Skull quickly picked up on her shaking hands and restless gaze that was moving back and forth between both sides of the pavement. She looked terrified and that didn't sit well with Skull— what had scared her? More importantly, was it a who— if so where were they so he could beat their ass! If he found out someone had touched her they weren't going to get any mercy, not when Evie was involved.

"Finished working for the day?" Red asked, drawing Skull out of his revenge plot.

Evie nodded, her fingers clasped together in knots, "Mhm, just left,"

"Is everything okay?" He asked, stepped forward.

Evie looked up at him before lowering her gaze and nodding.

Skull's jaw clenched, "Evie," he said, his time serious, "What happened?"

This time Evie drew a slow staggering breath, "Nothing— I just thought someone was following me,"

"Did you see anyone?" Killer asked.

"No faces... just heard footsteps and since King had done it this morning I—"

"King?" Skull asked incredulously, "What happened this morning?"

"Nothing major, he was just being an asshole following me to work— freaked me out a bit,"

Skull's fist clenched, who the fuck does King think he is, coming near Evie after he'd specifically warned him off, "He didn't touch you did he?" Skull asked, taking a step closer to her.

When Evie shook her head, Skull grunted in approval, "Where's your car?" Red asked.

"Just around the block," she replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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