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Eirik's POV
I looked at Apollo, the Helmsman, yelling over the crashing of the waves "eta?!" He replied just as loudly "2 mikes! They're taking heavy fire from mask boats!" I nodded and test fired my mini gun in the water ahead of us "I'm ready to rock!" Just as Dynamite yelled back "must you say that every time?!" I nodded with a goofy smile as they confirmed their guns were ready for combat. I heard Viking, our medic, "What's their status? Do we have wounded?" Apollo replied in the negative I saw relaxation flood his system as he started putting away his med gear. I looked forward as I heard the gunfire over the roar of the engine, "eyes up boys, time to earn your check!" I heard Viking and Dynamite's turrets shift into combat positions. I watched the tracers as we sped towards the raging battle between the masks and the recaptured ship held by friendly forces. I heard Apollo "make ready! Contact in 1 minute!" I started taking deep breaths to relax before we entered a world of pain since we would become the main target of every enemy involved.
I felt the rush of excitement as we prepared to fire our babies, I heard Apollo "30 Seconds!" I bounced with excitement until I heard the pop of a round flying past my head at supersonic speeds. I reacted by shifting my body to the left and opening up with my minigun painting the railing with sparks as the rounds deflected and shattered off the steel bars. I heard Dynamite's twin M2 .50 caliber machine gun bark to life as the rounds punched through the railing and started hitting the masks behind them, I laughed as I yelled "I only care about 2 things: monetary damage and loss of human life!" As my minigun's barrels began to glow red. I let my barrels calm down and begin to cool as Apollo spun the boat around and pointed me away from the ship while Viking and Dynamite continued to lay down hate on the decks of the cargo transport. The sounds of their machine guns drowned out the sound of Apollo yelling through the radio trying to organize the extraction of the friendly forces from the mask controlled cargo ship.
       I yelled to Apollo "spin us 90 degrees to port! I'm up and ready!" He nodded and started spinning us around to the left as I lifted my Minigun to combat readiness and heard Apollo yell "We're moving to insert our reinforcements hold tight!" I looked back and asked "who's going?!" He replied with confidence "You and Viking! I want Dynamite to keep their heads down!" I nodded and pulled my Cz805 out of its holster before putting the strap over my shoulders and having my rifle hang loosely under my right arm as I walked back toward Viking's station "you ready?" He nodded as Apollo called "I'm bringing us in!" I got ready as the boat accelerated closer to the huge cargo liner. i saw the rope the Team had used to board the ship and yelled to Viking "I'll go first, just be on my ass!" He double checked his M4 before Apollo called "10 seconds to merge!" I flexed my hands in my Kevlar gloves and waited until I heard "Go!" In response I grabbed the rope and hooked my arm around pulling myself up the six inch wide rope ladder. I climbed up quickly pulling myself up and over the steel railing before turning and helping Viking over, I turned and lifted my CZ805 before hearing Viking talking to Apollo on comms "moving to link"
       I didn't wait for the confirmation from Apollo instead shouldering my rifle and slowly walking my way up the starboard side of the ship peaking around cargo containers and down the long corridors covering as Viking crossed and then he did the same for me as we bounded across the gaps and made our way to the gunfight at midship. We arrived shortly crouching behind the cargo container with the friendlies now identified as Team Rainbow I spoke with them while Viking informed Apollo that we had arrived, "What's the situation?" The woman holding an AK responded "Were pinned down by their machine guns, we can't get around them and our sniper doesn't have a clear shot since they're just blind firing around corners" I looked at Viking, he replied with a nod to which I spoke "If you can spare one person We can get around them and I can fire some tear gas to make them move from cover" she looked at her team before speaking "Capitao, you're with them. Kali, did you catch all that?" I heard an feminine confident Indian accent "yes, I'll be ready"
      I looked at the man now named Capitao "Time to get moving" he lifted his M249 and stood from his crouch as I shifted my M32 so it sat in a better position across my back before I sidestepped around the cargo container and began slowly moving down the center of the ship towards the point the masks had selected to harden their position. I heard Apollo in our comms "The M2's are starting to overheat, we're changing barrels you guys are down fire support for 30 seconds" I heard Viking "roger" as we reached the set of containers before the masks I looked at Capitao and softly spoke "is your sniper ready?" He spoke in hushed tones into the radio he held only to pull it away when I heard the angered tone of "I'm always ready, flush them out" I looked back at the tone before pulling up my m32 and kicking the chamber open double checking my tear gas before speaking "flushing them out" as I closed the chamber and shouldered the launcher, I spoke "2 rounds, sending" as I pulled the trigger and waited for the chamber to rotate before firing again.
I heard the coughing of the masks as they inhaled the gas, I slung my m32 again as the M2 turrets on our boat opened up again, underneath the deep staccato bite of the M2 I heard the sharp pop of a high powered rifle. I smirked as I lifted my rifle and walked forward to the corner before feeling Viking squeeze my arm and popping around the corner seeing the masks getting torn apart by the sheer destructive power of a .50 caliber BMG as it tore through their chest cavity, I watched the scene for a second before I lifted my rifle and added another side they were getting hit from. The fire was overwhelming and the masks dropped, I watched as they pulled back under the immense gunfire, I heard the woman's voice through Capitao's radio "that was good, I could hit them with leisure" I looked back and asked "she sounds confident, is it normal?" He nodded "she's a confident woman, sometimes a bit too confident"
I shouldered my Cz805 and continued forward to the corner looking further down the ship towards the stern as Viking asked Apollo "where are they? We have no eyes" I heard dynamite in the channel "Follow my tracers" I looked around the corner and saw where the tracers were impacting I called it out "5 rows back, right side there's a minimum of 2 masks there." I heard capitao relay the information as his squad moved up to us. I looked over as they crouched and fired some rounds before I heard the sniper "I've got three moving through the main corridor in the middle, if someone hits the guys on the right I can get the other two" I spun and headed in while Capitao said "one of the new guys is there" while handing me his radio, I called "on your mark" as she replied "mark" I spoke "sync" as I popped around the corner and fired into the right most mask watching his fall before I shifted my aim to the left only to watch those two masks drop too.
I continued up the middle corridor checking everything for any masks hiding in wait until I reached the closest corner of the cargo container the masks were hiding behind, I counted down until I heard a footstep to my left I glanced over and saw a mask stepping out infront of me only to hear the loud crack of a sniper as I felt the round pass my head and saw the vapor trail disappear into the chest of the mask. I spun and followed the vapor trail all the way back to the dark shape of the sniper, I could feel the sight on me making me smirk and nod to it before I spun and leaned around the corner of the the container and fired my entire magazine into the masks hiding until they all dropped, the life leaving their corpses before they hit the ground. I crouched and talked to Viking as the Rainbow team walked into the area I'd just cleared as my rifle sat lazily on my knee, "how're we looking?" He replied after a second "I'm good, I got skimmed but I've got no major damage. I'm not seeing any more masks on the deck on the feed, I think it's time we get back to the boat. Rainbow can tighten up from here" I nodded as the woman with an AK asked "are you joining us for clearing the rest of the ship?" I pushed on my knee as I stood and replied "sadly were heading back to our boat, we'll pull security call us when you need a ride" she nodded before speaking "what's your name?" I smirked before extending my hand "Spider, this is Viking" as I threw my thumb over my right shoulder.
Viking cheerfully spoke "hello!" To which the woman replied "I'm nomad, thanks for the assist." I nodded as I motioning Viking back the way we came, "let's get back to our positions, call Apollo" he spoke into his headset while I extended the radio back to Capitao "thanks, tell your sniper I said they're an amazing shot" only to hear the voice of the sniper behind me "you can tell me yourself" I turned and saw an unusual looking sniper on a gorgeous woman causing me to look her over before asking "you're the one that almost killed me?" She rolled her eyes before replying "relax, I aimed carefully" I shook my head in amusement before speaking "nice shots, glad I could be of use" she noticed the grenade launcher on my back "so that's what got them moving" I nodded as I patted the muzzle of my launcher "this baby makes it impossible for someone to sit still if they want to see" she extended her hand "if only you worked at Rainbow, I think we could make a good duo. I'm Kali" I replied with a nod as Viking spoke "come on, Apollo is holding an orbit until we get there" I said my goodbyes and started back to the initial insertion.
      We arrived quickly since the masks had been pushed back under deck, we climbed down the rope ladder back into the boat and quickly moved back to our guns. The engines roared to life from their stable growl as the boat pitched and spun before we continued doing our patrols for another 10 minutes until I heard Apollo "Spider get ready to help the Operators into the boat, we're pulling out" I gave the OK gesture and waited as we maintained our position next to the ship. I looked up and grabbed the waist of the operator before spinning with them and putting them on the bottom of the boat, I did that for the other 4 until I turned to Apollo and called "that's everyone!" He replied with "Test your guns, if we run into trouble I want to make sure our guns are up" I smirked as Kali and Capitao stood next to the helm before I leveled my minigun and fired a 2 second burst putting 116 rounds into the water while the two twin turret M2 .50 calibers barked to life for 2 seconds. I turned to Apollo after I put my rifle into its holder next to my station and spoke "let's get home" he spun the boat around and accelerated to our top speed of 40 knots or 46 mph, the ride was mostly pleasant for the Team Rainbow operators but for us crew members, we had the fun job of staying alert and keeping the operators safe while they relaxed.
       When we reached the rendezvous, we had to wait 12 minutes until I heard the chopping of a helicopter before I saw one of our Chinooks, I looked up and saw the helicopter on its approach. I waited for a while, must've been minutes before I saw the clamps getting lowered, I grabbed them and hooked the front two onto their designated loops, the operators looked uncomfortable until I saw a familiar face "Valkyrie? Holy shit, you've spent the past half an hour in my boat and didn't say hi? You've become rude" she looked at me before replying "Spider, fuck, I heard the callsign but didn't see you so I thought it was someone else. How've you been?" I chuckled as the ladder was dropped to us and Dynamite spoke "come on, up, up" the operators stood and noticed the ladder to which Viking spoke "climb it, everyone should be out of the boat before we lift it" the 5 operators made their way up the ladder slowly while I held the bottom tightly for everyone before it was my turn to climb, when I reached the inside of the chinook I said hi to the now familiar crew that I've flown with hundreds of times before sitting tiredly on the seat to either side of the helicopter only to feel something brush up against my arm causing me to open my eyes again and look over seeing Valkyrie before we caught up on our way back to base.

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